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Is there a way, using Jquery to grow and then shrink an image (with animation so it looks smooth) on hovering without affecting the layout too much (I'm assuming the padding would have to shrink and then grow as well).


With a bit of messing around, I finally came up with the solution, thanks to everyone who helped out.


7 个解决方案


If you have your image positioned absolutely to the document in CSS, the rest of the page layout should not change when you animate your image.


You should be able to use jQuery's animate() function. The code would look something like this:


    function(){$(this).animate({width: "400px", height:"400px"}, 1000);},        
    function(){$(this).animate({width: "200px", height:"200px"}, 1000);}

This example would grow the image with id=yourImage to 400px wide and tall when moused over, and bring it back to 200px wide and tall when the hover ends. That said, your issue lies more in HTML/CSS than it does jQuery.

这个例子会将id = yourImage的图像增大到400px宽和高,当鼠标悬停时,并在悬停结束时将其恢复到200px宽和高。也就是说,你的问题更多地出现在HTML / CSS中,而不是jQuery。


The grow and shrink operations are easy with .animate:


    width: newWidth,
    height: newHeight
  }, 3000 );

The problem is how to do this without changing the layout of your page. One way to do this is with a copy that is positioned absolutely over the content. Another might be to absolutely position the image inside a relative fixed size div - though IE might have problems with that.

问题是如何在不改变页面布局的情况下执行此操作。一种方法是使用完全位于内容上的副本。另一种可能是将图像绝对定位在相对固定大小的div内 - 尽管IE可能存在问题。

Here is an existing library that seems to do what you're asking http://justinfarmer.com/?p=14



You could wrap the image in a div (or whatever html element you think is appropriate, li etc) with it's overflow set to hidden. Then use jQuery .animate to grow that div, in whatever way you like.

您可以将图像包装在div中(或者您认为合适的任何html元素,li等),并将其溢出设置为隐藏。然后使用jQuery .animate以你喜欢的方式增长div。

So for example the html could be


my image

Then your css would look like


.grower {width:250px;height:250px;overflow:hidden;position:relative;}

So your image is essentially cropped by the div, which you can then grow on any event to reveal the full size of the image using jQuery


  //moving the div left a bit is completely optional
  //but should have the effect of growing the image from the middle.
  $(this).stop().animate({"width": "300px","left":"-25px"}, 200,'easeInQuint');
  $(this).stop().animate({"width": "250px","left":"0px"}, 200,'easeInQuint');

NB: You may want to add in additional css into your js, like an increased z-index to your div so that it can grow over the layout etc



Wanted to post a simple solution I'm using based on this post and information from Fox's answer to a related question.


Using an like this:


-- JS

$( ".container" ).toggle({ effect: "scale", persent: 80 });

--More info

- 更多信息http://api.jqueryui.com/scale-effect/

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