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I need to change my coding style of putting opening braces in same line to new line. I need to find and replace the (space){ with (newline){. I heard using regular expression find and replace, its pretty simple.


Could anyone help me on this?


5 个解决方案



You could try the following:


  • In the Find box, type space \ { $
  • 在“查找”框中,输入空格\ {$
  • In the Replace box, type control+q return {
  • 在替换框中,类型控制+q返回{

control+q is needed to quote the return key. There’s no visual feedback for typing control+q return, so the only visible character in the replace box is the opening curly brace:


Screenshot Find & Replace

Although this answers your question, there’s (at least!) one problem: it won’t indent the opening curly brace, so something like


- (void)method {
    for (obj in collection) {
        NSLog(@"%@", obj);

is converted to


- (void)method
    for (obj in collection)
        NSLog(@"%@", obj);

The menu item Edit > Format > Re-Indent will place the opening curly braces in the correct indentation tab but there might be non-desired side effects to your code style.

菜单项编辑>格式> reindent将在正确的缩进选项卡中放置左花括号,但您的代码风格可能有不希望的副作用。

Edit: as commented in the other answer, you might want a regular expression that matches an arbitrary number of whitespaces surrounding the curly brace, e.g. \s*{\s*$

编辑:正如在另一个答案中评论的那样,您可能想要一个正则表达式,该表达式与围绕花括号的任意数目的空格匹配,例如:s*{s \s*$



search for this \s\{ and replace with \n\{


Your editor needs to support regular expressions in both search and replace fields. If you can't use the \n in the replace dialog because it takes the string literally, try a option-enter followed by {, that works in most editors I tried.


  • the \s is a space character (if there could be more spaces you can use \s+)
  • \s是一个空格字符(如果有更多的空格可以使用\s+)

note it has to be \s+ instead of \s* as someone fixed because indeed \s* also matches in case there is no space.


  • the \{ needs the backslash because {
    needs to be escaped as it has another meaning in a regex
  • \{需要反斜杠,因为{需要转义,因为它在regex中有另一个含义
  • the \n is for a newline
  • \n表示换行

The best way however would be to reformat your code where you choose to have your { on a new line. Most editors allow you to set these options.


Another way is to use a code beautifier, you can google these online and some allow to change settings like that.




You can use [\n\r] to describe newline It's a shame, I came across with that when I tap on magnifier icon next to search bar while finding something in a single file.


To see several other expressions:


  1. go to a file
  2. 去一个文件
  3. do cmd+f and open search
  4. 做cmd+f和开放搜索
  5. tap on the magnifier icon at the left-hand side of search field at the top
  6. 点击搜索框左边的放大镜图标
  7. you can see other expressions in the dropdown menu
  8. 您可以在下拉菜单中看到其他表达式



i searched a while to find out, that you have to enable the find options for regular expressions first on the small magnifier glass in the left side of the find-input field ;)




Just copy an example of needed replacement string (new line or else) from code to replacement box.


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