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I would like to add some scripting support to a Silverlight 4 application that I'm working on. I have the latest stable releases of both IronRuby and IronPython installed on my machine with Visual Studio 2010. I looked at some samples of using the ScriptEngine class with both IronRuby and IronPython. I even got it to work in a small Windows Forms app to make sure my code works. However, I can't seem to Add Reference for the required Assemblies/DLLs to my Silverlight 4 application.

我想为我正在处理的Silverlight 4应用程序添加一些脚本支持。我使用Visual Studio 2010在我的机器上安装了IronRuby和IronPython的最新稳定版本。我查看了使用ScriptEngine类同时使用IronRuby和IronPython的一些示例。我甚至让它在一个小的Windows窗体应用程序中工作,以确保我的代码工作。但是,我似乎无法将所需的程序集/ DLL的参考添加到我的Silverlight 4应用程序。

Here's my ScriptEngine code:


ScriptEngine engine = Ruby.CreateEngine();
engine.Runtime.Globals.SetVariable("MainPage", this);
string code = "MainPage.txtTitle.Text = \"Hello from IronRuby!\"";

And, here's my using statements that it requires:


using IronRuby;
using Microsoft.Scripting.Hosting;

When I try to Add Reference to the following Assemblies/DLLs from the IronRuby 1.0 release, Visual Studio 2010 doesn't let me add them and provides no exception message as to why. As a result I am unable to compile the solution.

当我尝试从IronRuby 1.0版本添加对以下程序集/ DLL的引用时,Visual Studio 2010不允许我添加它们并且不提供关于原因的异常消息。结果我无法编译解决方案。


I assume that the reason Visual Studio 2010 isn't letting me add the Assemblies/DLLs is because they are compiled for .NET and not Silverlight.

我假设Visual Studio 2010不允许我添加程序集/ DLL的原因是因为它们是针对.NET而不是Silverlight编译的。

Does anyone know where I can get Silverlight 4 versions of those assemblies or exactly what I'm doing incorrectly?

有谁知道我可以在哪里获得Silverlight 4版本的那些程序集或者我正在做错误的做法?

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!


3 个解决方案



The Silverlight versions for both IronRuby 1.0 and IronPython 1.0 are hidden in the IronRuby 1.0 for .NET 2.0 SP1 (Zip archive) downloadable from http://ironruby.codeplex.com/releases. In the zip look for silverlight\bin.

IronRuby 1.0和IronPython 1.0的Silverlight版本隐藏在可从http://ironruby.codeplex.com/releases下载的IronRuby 1.0 for .NET 2.0 SP1(Zip归档文件)中。在zip中寻找silverlight \ bin。

The IronRuby 1.1 Silverlight release is also available. IronPython 1.1 for Silverlight however is nowhere to be found. The DLR isn't getting the love from Microsoft it deserves, little documentation, binaries are very hard to find, the future for IronRuby and IronPython doesn't look bright...

IronRuby 1.1 Silverlight版本也可用。然而,Silverlight的IronPython 1.1无处可寻。 DLR并没有得到它应得的微软的爱,很少有文档,很难找到二进制文件,IronRuby和IronPython的未来看起来并不光明......



Just a note to Koen's answer:


The IronPython\Silverlight\bin .dlls from IronPython 2.6.x are .NET 3.5 binaries (work fine in Silverlight 4). The .NET 4 binaries for Silverlight 4 will be available with IronPython 2.7 (currently in alpha).

IronPython 2.6.x中的IronPython \ Silverlight \ bin .dll是.NET 3.5二进制文件(在Silverlight 4中正常工作)。 Silverlight 4的.NET 4二进制文件将与IronPython 2.7(目前处于alpha版)一起提供。



I was looking for some kind of scripting engine compatible with Silverlight, and after hours of research, I've found one. I had not tested yet but I just discovered a project called PaxScript.net that has support for Silverlight 3/4/5. According to the author, you can script using VB.NET, C# and Delphi.NET. It does generate byte-code. I don't know why this project is not known, maybe lack of "disclosure".

我正在寻找与Silverlight兼容的某种脚本引擎,经过数小时的研究,我找到了一个。我还没有测试过,但我刚刚发现了一个名为PaxScript.net的项目,它支持Silverlight 3/4/5。根据作者的说法,您可以使用VB.NET,C#和Delphi.NET编写脚本。它确实生成了字节码。我不知道为什么这个项目不为人知,也许缺乏“披露”。

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