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I'm trying to create a FIFO pipe between a python file and C file, but the issue is that when reading in the input from the C file, getline blocks until the writer end (in the python file) closes.


C file:

char fifo_emg[] = "emg";
mkfifo(fifo_emg, S_IRWXU);

int fd_emg = open(fifo_emg, O_RDONLY);
FILE* fp = fdopen(fd_emg, "r");

char *line = NULL;
size_t len = 0;
ssize_t _read;
printf("Both ends open. Reading commands...\n");
while ((_read = getline(&line, &len, fp)) != -1) {
    printf("Comamnd: %s", line);

Python file:

fifo = open("emg", "w");

while 1:
    line = raw_input("ENTER COMMAND: ")
    if line[0] == '!':
        fifo.write(line + '\n')


When i run both, I want the output from the C file to go "Command: foo" as soon as it is entered through the python input. However, data is only read in when fifo.close() is called, and it is just read in all at once. This is not really helpful since I want a constant stream of commands.


3 个解决方案



Your problem comes from the buffer. FIFO use block buffer by default. So the c program won't read anything until the write buffer of the fifo in python was full. And there's two way to change this behaviour:

你的问题来自缓冲区。 FIFO默认使用块缓冲区。因此,在python中的fifo的写缓冲区已满之前,c程序将不会读取任何内容。并且有两种方法可以改变这种行为:

  • specify the buffer mode:
  • 指定缓冲模式:

there's three buffer mode:


  1. block buffer(default)
  2. line buffer
  3. no buffer at all
  4. 完全没有缓冲

What meet your needs here is the line buffer, so use fifo = open("emg", "w", 1); instead of fifo = open("emg", "w"); will fix. number 1 here instead line buffer. python doc

满足您需求的是行缓冲区,因此请使用fifo = open(“emg”,“w”,1);而不是fifo = open(“emg”,“w”);会解决的。数字1在这里而不是行缓冲区。 python doc

  • another method is force flush the buffer, use fifo.flush after the write operation.
  • 另一种方法是强制刷新缓冲区,在写入操作后使用fifo.flush。



yes ..forcing a flush will resolve the issue.




As immibis says in the comments, fifo.flush() solved my issue!


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