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java的.现在已经release到milestone 2

Celtix Milestone 2 is released and available for download at http://forge.objectweb.org/project/showfiles.php?group_id=192.

The Celtix Milestone 2 Install Guide, for both the binary and source distributions, is available at Milestone2InstallGuide.

Milestone 2 consists of some of the key features that are a subset of the release 1.0 planned features. We have done some major enhancements on setting up infrastructure for delivering on future Milestones.

  • Enhanced Binding API for better pluggability.
  • Support for Protocol and Logical Handlers and Context.
  • SOAP 1.1 support for Doc/Rpc literal and Faults.
  • Complete support for JAX-WS Sync and One-Way API's.
  • No more required to download JAX-WS RI 2.0 early access 2.



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