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Mobile Device is a computing device that is small enough to easily hold by hand and move. Mobile devices generally provide some LCD or OLED screen to provide graphical output where the screen is generally a touch screen which is also used for input and management.

Mobile Device是一种计算设备,其大小足够小,可以轻松用手握住和移动。 移动设备通常提供一些LCD或OLED屏幕以提供图形输出,其中屏幕通常是触摸屏,也用于输入和管理。

移动设备历史 (Mobile Device History)

Even the first mobile devices are manufactured in the late 1980s and early 1990s they were not affordable for most people. They were very pricy and provides fewer features than regular desktop-based or traditional alternatives. As en example, a laptop with a $5000 price tag performance was very similar to the $1000 desktop computer. Also, these mobile devices do not provide complete features and performance in most of the cases against alternative not so mobile devices.

即使第一批移动设备都是在1980年代末和1990年代初制造的,对于大多数人来说,它们还是负担不起的。 它们非常昂贵,并且提供的功能少于常规的基于桌面的或传统的替代产品。 例如,具有5000美元标价性能的笔记本电脑与1000美元台式机非常相似。 此外,与其他非移动设备相比,这些移动设备在大多数情况下都无法提供完整的功能和性能。

The first popular and widely used mobile device type was the mobile phone. With the advancement of GSM mobile phones gained popularity with less or cheap prices. Even mobile phones were not so smart and featureful they were providing a very good experience for those times.

移动电话是第一种流行且使用广泛的移动设备。 随着GSM的发展,手机价格越来越便宜或越来越便宜。 甚至手机也不是那么聪明和功能强大,它们在那个时代却提供了很好的体验。

移动设备特征 (Mobile Device Characteristics)

There are some characteristics which make mobile devices different and more useful than another type of devices. Below we will list some useful and popular features and characteristics of the mobile devices.

有一些特性使移动设备与另一种类型的设备不同,并且更加有用。 下面我们将列出移动设备的一些有用且流行的功能和特性。

Less Physical Dimension and Weight : Mobile devices are designed to be mobile and portable which resulted in their physical sizes and weightlessness.

Less Physical Dimension and Weight :移动设备被设计为移动和便携这导致其物理尺寸和失重。

Higher Price : In order to get the same performance or function with an alternative non-mobile device, higher fees or prices should be paid.

Higher Price :为了在替代的非移动设备上获得相同的性能或功能,应支付更高的费用或价格。

Touch Screen: Most of the mobile devices are designed to get input and the most practical, easy way is using touch screens to get input like typing, selecting, clicking, etc.

Touch Screen :大多数移动设备都旨在获取输入,最实用,最简单的方法是使用触摸屏获取输入,例如键入,选择,单击等。

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了解更多如何清除/删除Android Google Chrome历史记录?

Connectivity: As a mobile and portable features, the mobile devices should connect different devices easily with more connectivity features, options.

Connectivity :作为移动和便携式功能,移动设备应通过更多的连接性功能和选项轻松连接不同的设备。

Battery Life: Mobile devices generally used without a cable connection for power. So the mobile device battery life is important even the battery life can be extended with some optimizations.

Battery Life :通常在没有电缆连接的情况下使用的移动设备供电。 因此,即使可以通过一些优化来延长电池寿命,移动设备的电池寿命也很重要。

Internet Access : Internet Access is one of the most important characteristics of mobile devices where almost every mobile device is designed to connect the internet and consume different services.

Internet Access :互联网访问是移动设备的最重要特征之一,几乎每个移动设备都旨在连接互联网并使用不同的服务。

移动设备用途 (Mobile Device Uses)

Mobile devices are used in different areas for different cases. By using their advantage over non-mobile devices they can be used for the following cases.

移动设备在不同地区用于不同情况。 通过利用它们相对于非移动设备的优势,可以将它们用于以下情况。

  • Smartphones, Laptops, Tablets can be used to take notes or create documents or making presentations digitally.

  • Smartphones, Laptops, Tablets can be used to scan barcodes, manage stocks.

  • Smartphones can be used for banking, e-commerce functions easily and in realtime.

  • Laptops can be used to create and use software and application anywhere.

  • Smartwatches are used to track the health information, steps, and sending this information to the smartphone.

  • Tablets can be used in the medical area in order to input, access health information easily.


行动装置类型 (Mobile Device Types)

With the advancement of the IT and technology different types of mobile devices are created or existing non-mobile devices are converted into mobile form. Below we will list some popular mobile device types and explain them later in detail.

随着IT和技术的进步,创建了不同类型的移动设备,或者将现有的非移动设备转换为移动形式。 下面,我们将列出一些流行的移动设备类型,并在后面详细说明。

  • Smartphone

  • Laptop

  • Smart Watch

  • Tablet

  • E-Reader

  • Digital Media Player

  • Handheld Game Console



Smartphone is one of the most popular mobile devices. Actually it is also called a mobile phone but smartphones provides more than a mobile phone. Late 2000s Apple, Google, and Microsoft created smartphones where these phones have complete mobile operating systems like iOS, Android, and Windows Mobile. Even Windows Mobile does not catch expected popularity other two operating systems iOS and Android became a phenomenon. Currently Android is the most popular smartphone operating system. Smartphone provides the following features and options.

Smartphone是最受欢迎的移动设备之一。 实际上,它也被称为手机,但智能手机提供的功能远不止手机。 2000年代后期,Apple,Google和Microsoft创建了智能手机,这些手机具有完整的移动操作系统,例如iOS,Android和Windows Mobile。 甚至Windows Mobile也没有赶上预期的流行,另外两个操作系统iOS和Android成为一种现象。 当前,Android是最受欢迎的智能手机操作系统。 智能手机提供以下功能和选项。

  • Internet connection

  • Application usage

  • Web browsing

  • Wi-Fi Connection

  • Streaming

  • Watching Videos

  • Emailing

  • Recording camera and taking pictures

LEARN MORE  What Is an Operating System (OS)?

笔记本电脑 (Laptop)

Laptop is another popular mobile device or mobile computer. A laptop provides almost the same experience and functionality of a regular computer or personal computer. A laptop contains a screen, mainboard, and keyboard where all of them integrated each other like an open book. The laptop provides the touchpad instead of the mouse but a mouse can be used by connecting via wireless, Bluetooth, or USB port. Generally, laptop screen size or dimension is less than a regular computer in order to preserve the mobility with less size and weight. As a mobile device laptop weight is important and generally between 1-3 kg but in recent years lighter laptops are created with the name “Ultrabook”. A laptop generally uses Wi-Fi for internet connection but also ethernet can be used with a cable to connect the internet. The laptop provides infrared, Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, USB, HDMI for different types of connectivity.

Laptop是另一种流行的移动设备或移动计算机。 便携式计算机几乎提供与普通计算机或个人计算机相同的体验和功能。 笔记本电脑包含屏幕,主板和键盘,它们像打开的书本一样彼此集成。 笔记本电脑提供触摸板代替鼠标,但是可以通过无线,蓝牙或USB端口连接来使用鼠标。 通常,笔记本电脑的屏幕尺寸或尺寸小于常规计算机,以便以较小的尺寸和重量保持移动性。 作为移动设备,笔记本电脑的重量很重要,通常在1-3千克之间,但近年来,重量更轻的笔记本电脑被冠以“ Ultrabook”的名称。 笔记本电脑通常使用Wi-Fi进行互联网连接,但也可以将以太网与电缆一起使用以连接互联网。 笔记本电脑提供红外,蓝牙,Wi-Fi,USB,HDMI,可实现不同类型的连接。

Laptop Is A Mobile Device

片剂(Tablet )

Tablet is similar to the smartphone and provides the same features in most cases. But in general, tablets do not provide GSM connectivity even there are some exceptions. Tablet is mainly designed to be used in home or enterprise with Wi-Fi connectivity with larger screen sizes around 6-10 inches. Also, tablets are used for kid’s education and gaming popularly as a cheap and more affordable solution. For Android and iOS tablets they provide the same experience with a smartphone with a larger screen and more powerful hardware.

Tablet类似于智能手机,并且在大多数情况下提供相同的功能。 但总体而言,即使有一些例外,平板电脑也不提供GSM连接。 平板电脑主要设计用于具有Wi-Fi连接且屏幕尺寸约为6-10英寸的家庭或企业中。 此外,平板电脑广泛用于儿童教育和游戏,是一种廉价且更实惠的解决方案。 对于Android和iOS平板电脑,它们在具有更大屏幕和更强大硬件的智能手机上可提供相同的体验。



E-readers are became popular recently which are designed to read e-book or electronic books. E-reader sizes are similar to the tablets where the only feature they provide is reading books in different formats. In rare cases, they can be used to access the internet. E-readers are designed to provide a comfortable reading experience with eye protection and exceptional battery life to provide reading time about 80-90 hours with a single charge. Amazon Kindle, Barnes&Noble Nook, and Kobo are popular e-readers with a wide range of e-book format support.

E-readers最近变得流行,其目的是阅读电子书或电子书。 电子阅读器的尺寸类似于平板电脑,平板电脑提供的唯一功能是阅读不同格式的书籍。 在极少数情况下,它们可用于访问Internet。 电子阅读器旨在提供舒适的阅读体验,并具有护眼功能和出色的电池寿命,单次充电可提供约80-90小时的阅读时间。 亚马逊Kindle,Barnes&Noble Nook和Kobo是受欢迎的电子阅读器,具有广泛的电子书格式支持。

Kobo E-Reader

数字媒体播放器(Digital Media Player)

Digital Media Players are designed to provide digital entertainment and media playing environment. Digital media players have small form factors with specific features to play, stream media to the external monitor, or install some media-related applications. Google Chromecast, Roku TV, etc are popular digital media players. Digital media players should have an internet connection which is general Wi-Fi but in some cases ethernet cable connection.

Digital Media Players旨在提供数字娱乐和媒体播放环境。 数字媒体播放器外形小巧,具有播放,将媒体流传输到外部显示器或安装某些与媒体相关的应用程序的特定功能。 Google Chromecast,Roku TV等是流行的数字媒体播放器。 数字媒体播放器应具有一般为Wi-Fi的互联网连接,但在某些情况下为以太网电缆连接。

Google Chromecast – Digital Media Player
Google Chromecast –数字媒体播放器

智能手表(Smart Watch)

Smart Watch became very popular in last years. Smartwatch is a watch with some sensors, features, connectivity, and touch screen where its shape is a digital watch. What makes the smartwatch smart is its sensors, screen, and connectivity to the internet or smartphone via Bluetooth or Wi-Fi. Smartwatches can show weather information, calendar, calls, media control, and sensors about heart, walking, blood pressure, etc.

近年来, Smart Watch大受欢迎。 Smartwatch是具有某些传感器,功能,连接性和触摸屏的手表,其形状是数字手表。 使智能手表变得智能的是其传感器,屏幕以及通过蓝牙或Wi-Fi到互联网或智能手机的连接。 智能手表可以显示天气信息,日历,通话,媒体控制以及有关心脏,步行,血压等的传感器。

Smart Watch

翻译自: https://www.poftut.com/what-is-a-mobile-device/


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