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We have a client server application in use on our suse linux server.
Sometimes it happens, that on the client side the tcp socket somehow goes away and on the server side the other end of the socket remains existent.

我们在suse linux服务器上使用了一个客户端服务器应用程序。有时它会发生,在客户端,tcp套接字会以某种方式消失,而在服务器端,套接字的另一端仍然存在。

At the end of the day, when we stop the backend on the linux server, the backend tries to close all remaining tcp connections, also those "zombie" sockets.


(I watch this with strace).


When the backend tries to close a tcp connection, where there is nothing anymore on the client side, it sends a [FIN, ACK] packet to the target. And of course, nothing comes back.


The backend repeats to send this packet. The first time it waits only a few hundredths of a second to repeat it, then, it waits longer and longer. At the end it waits seconds to repeat it. But, after 15 seconds, there is a timeout, and it goes on to end another tcp connection.


Now, I do not know where this 15 second timeout is coming from. I would like to change it.


Thank you very much in advance.


1 个解决方案



I think you may have two problems.


  • You should detect the client disconnecting and close the server's end of the socket so you free that resources ASAP. You may set a timeout yourself for connections with no activity in the application layer. Read this.
  • 您应该检测到客户端断开连接并关闭服务器端口的套接字,以便尽快释放该资源。您可以自己为应用程序层中没有活动的连接设置超时。读这个。
  • If you cannot handle that "zombie" sockets in the app layer you may change the timeout in the SO. Read this.
  • 如果您无法在应用层中处理“僵尸”套接字,则可以更改SO中的超时。读这个。

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