作者:kikokikolove | 来源:互联网 | 2023-05-18 02:51
I disassembled a small program that asks the user for their name then outputs "Hello + [user's_name]"
我反汇编了一个小程序,询问用户他们的名字,然后输出“你好+ [用户名]”
This is the disassembled output:
Main function:

Say hello function:

I noticed that for the main()
function, the ESP register is decremented by Ox10 and for the say_hello()
function, the ESP register is decremented by Ox20. Why is this the case?
FYI: My processor is an 1.4 GHz Intel Core i5 and I'm running OSX
仅供参考:我的处理器是1.4 GHz Intel Core i5,我正在运行OSX
Original C code:
void say_hello (void);
int main (){
printf("Enter your name\n");
return 0;
void say_hello (void) {
char name[5];
gets(name); //this is a unsafe function to use. Results in stack overflow
printf("Hello %s\n", name);
3 个解决方案
The stack is "implemented" by means of the stack pointer, which points into the stack segment. Every time something is pushed on the stack (by means of pushl, call, or a similar stack opcode), it is written to the address the stack pointer points to, and the stack pointer decremented (stack is growing downwards, i.e. smaller addresses). When you pop something off the stack (popl, ret), the stack pointer is incremented and the value read off the stack.
通过堆栈指针“实现”堆栈,堆栈指针指向堆栈段。每次在堆栈上推送某些东西(通过pushl,call或类似的堆栈操作码)时,它会被写入堆栈指针指向的地址,并且堆栈指针递减(堆栈向下增长,即较小的地址) 。当您从堆栈中弹出一些东西(popl,ret)时,堆栈指针会递增,并从堆栈中读取值。
For different function calls, we reserve space for local variables in the stack, so we decrement it and get the space. This is usually done using prologue and epilogue.
A function prologue typically does the following actions if the architecture has a base pointer (also known as frame pointer) and a stack pointer (the following actions may not be applicable to those architectures that are missing a base pointer or stack pointer) :
- Pushes the old base pointer onto the stack, such that it can be restored later (by getting the new base pointer value which is set in the next step and is always pointed to this location).
- Assigns the value of stack pointer (which is pointed to the saved base pointer and the top of the old stack frame) into base pointer such that a new stack frame will be created on top of the old stack frame (i.e. the top of the old stack frame will become the base of the new stack frame).
- Moves the stack pointer further by decreasing or increasing its value, depending on whether the stack grows down or up. On x86, the stack pointer is decreased to make room for variables (i.e. the function's local variables).
Function epilogue reverses the actions of the function prologue and returns control to the calling function. It typically does the following actions (this procedure may differ from one architecture to another):
- Replaces the stack pointer with the current base (or frame) pointer, so the stack pointer is restored to its value before the prologue
- Pops the base pointer off the stack, so it is restored to its value before the prologue
- Returns to the calling function, by popping the previous frame's program counter off the stack and jumping to it