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Superior Shade at University of West Georgia. Image Courtesy of Superior Recreational Products 户外遮阳设


Superior Shade at University of West Georgia. Image Courtesy of Superior Recreational Products


Shade Structures for Outdoor Spaces: 6 Tips to Incorporate Into Your Next Project


考虑到这一点,我们在为室外空间选择遮阳结构时应该注意什么?下面,我们将更为您提供一些由Superior Recreational Products公司提出的一些优质建议抗风装置设置

In any successful architectural project, it is essential to provide users with a comfortable outdoor space. At any time of the year, modular shade structures can create spaces that protect from wind, dust, sun, rain, snow, and noise in a light, flexible and aesthetically pleasing way.

With this in mind, what should we look for when choosing shade structures for outdoor spaces? Below, we've provided you with Superior Recreational Products's top recommendations.

1. 遮阳结构必须有效地抵御气候影响


1.The shade structure must effectively resist climatic conditions

A good structure should allow users to enjoy the outdoors in all weather conditions: resisting gusts of wind and precipitation, operate as a barrier against dust, dampen noise, and include UV protection, among others. For instance, some structures types can withstand wind gusts of up to 150 miles per hour.


Superior Shade at Seabrook Island. Image Courtesy of Superior Recreational Products


Superior Shade at Seabrook Island. Image Courtesy of Superior Recreational Products


Waterproof fabrics,UV stabilized high-density polyethylene fabrics, perimeter steel frames, stainless steel elements and accessories work very well to achieve these effects. The chosen color can also influence the level of protection against harmful UV rays.


Steel Frame Waterproof Shade. Image Courtesy of Superior Recreational Products


Courtesy of Superior Recreational Products

2. 遮阳结构必须根据支撑点、形状和遮阳区域的大小最大限度地利用空间


2. It must maximize the use of space according to the support points, shape, and the size of the shade structure

There are various options that allow us to shade the exterior without hindering or restricting the living space. Umbrellas of a square, rectangle, hexagonal, or octagonal shape - all with a single point of support - can effectively cover large areas by joining different units and distancing their pillars.


Commercial Umbrellas. Image Courtesy of Superior Recreational Products


Single Post Umbrella. Image Courtesy of Superior Recreational Products


Cantilever-type structures, on the other hand, rise through two support points and fly over the space so as to not interrupt the activities that take place underneath. They work very well in walkways, bus stop seating, bleachers and parking lots.


Milwaukee County Zoo. Image Courtesy of Superior Recreational Products


Cantilever Shade Structures. Image Courtesy of Superior Recreational Products

3. 选择灵活的遮阳结构


3.Choose flexible shade structures

If your outdoor space is designed to be used for various functions, we recommend that you choose mobile shade that is easy to open and close. Umbrella type shade structures can be quickly opened and retracted, and some include the option to pivot 360 degrees, orienting the shade when and where required.


Vista Waterproof Umbrella. Image Courtesy of Superior Recreational Products

4. 如果你的遮阳结构包含纺织面料抗风装置设置,请特别留意质量问题


4. If your shade includes fabric, pay special attention to its quality

The fabric of a shade structure is key - apart from determining the general aesthetic of the space, its surface directly receives the impact of the area's climatic conditions. Rachel-knitted fabrics are resistant to fading, abrading, rotting, shrinkage and unraveling. In addition, the fabric breathes, allowing hot air to rise and escape, thus creating a cooler environment.


Superior Shade at University of West Georgia. Image Courtesy of Superior Recreational Products


Fabric Colors. Image Courtesy of Superior Recreational Products

5. 遮阳结构的高度可以完全改变空间的整体氛围


5. The height of your shade structure can completely change the atmosphere of the space

The height of the roof or eaves is essential when determining the character of the outdoor space. A lower height can generate a more intimate and sheltered space, while a higher one gives a more open and formal atmosphere. While there is a large variety of shade structure heights, the most common is between seven and twelve feet.


Shade Structures at USSSA Space Coast Complex in Melbourne, Fla. Image Courtesy of Superior Recreational Products

6. 通过帆状结构抗风装置设置,设计具有动态而别具一格的空间


6.Design dynamic and exceptional spaces with sail-like structures

With triangular, hyperbolic, hexagonal, and square shapes, sail-like shades can be grouped to form dynamic and fun spaces, mixing different colors and varying in heights and arrangements.


Superior Shade at University of West Georgia. Image Courtesy of Superior Recreational Products


Shade Sails. Image Courtesy of Superior Recreational Products



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