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So I have been programming for all of 4 hours, I am using a this tutorial http://www.vogella.com/articles/Eclipse/article.html#eclipseoverview. when after copying the code I got an error cannot be resolved to a type. I then did what all my friends told me to do, look at the code. I spent an hour making sure mine looked like his.


the program is supposed to print hello world on to the screen. here is my attempt at it:

该程序应该在屏幕上打印hello world。下面是我的尝试:

package de.vogella.eclipse.ide.first;
public class myFirstClass {
    public static void main(string[] args) {
        System.out.println("hello eclipse");

In eclipse the word string is highlighted and it says that it cant be resolved to a type. I have also tried another java tutorial, Java total beginners, and this same problem appears. Any help would be appreciated, I'm totally new to programming, I try to learn more by using tutorials but this keeps stopping me (i know catch 22. Any advice that could help me get past this would be great, advice or maybe a question that already covered this any help would be great!!

在eclipse中,单词字符串被突出显示,并表示不能将其解析为类型。我还尝试了另一个java教程,java完全初学者,这个问题也出现了。任何帮助都是值得感激的,我对编程完全陌生,我尝试通过使用教程来学习更多,但这一直阻止我(我知道catch 22。任何能帮我度过这段时间的建议都是很好的建议,或者是一个已经涵盖了这一切的问题,将会是非常棒的!!

4 个解决方案



public class myFirstClass {
    public static void main(string[] args) {
        System.out.println("hello eclipse");

should be


public class myFirstClass {
    public static void main(String[] args) { 
        System.out.println("hello eclipse");



Use String not string.


public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("hello eclipse"); }

Java classes are case sensitive. String is the class you need.




"cannot be resolved to a type" means that the compiler has decided that, according to the syntax of the language, what it found at this place in the code has to be type, which means either a class, an interface, or a primitive tpye, but cannot find the definition of any type with that name.


In this case, "string" cannot be resolved because there is no such type - Java is case sensitive, and the class is named String. There is an extremely strong convention for class names to start with an uppercase letter. The only lowercase types you'll normally encounter are the primitive types like int and boolean.


When you get this error the typical reasons are:


  • you mistyped the name of the type
  • 你把字体的名字弄错了。
  • or the package in the import statement is wrong
  • 或者导入语句中的包是错误的。
  • or you have a problem with the classpath.
  • 或者你对类路径有问题。



As per the Java language Specification the signature of main() method takes a parameter of String array. As Java is case sensitive and there is no such type/class called "string" thus it is giving you the said error. We have "String" as a class in java which should be present over there as "String[] args".

根据Java语言规范,main()方法的签名采用字符串数组的参数。由于Java是区分大小写的,所以没有所谓的“string”类型/类,因此它给出了所述错误。我们将“String”作为java中的一个类,它应该作为“String[] args”出现在那里。

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