作者:济南谷幽兰 | 来源:互联网 | 2024-10-10 13:31
I have a website form that I exported as XML that I'd like to do a large number of changes that involve duplicating some (not all) content. If I open the XML with MS Excel, it opens in Table view which is perfect for me to dump data into the columns from a CSV and duplicate the other cells in the row.
我有一个网站表单,我导出为XML,我想做大量的更改,涉及复制一些(不是全部)内容。如果我用MS Excel打开XML,它会在Table视图中打开,这对我来说非常适合将数据从CSV转储到列中并复制行中的其他单元格。
The problem is that I wish to save it in the original XML format (so I can import back into my website as a form), but I get the error message "Cannot save or export XML data. The XML Maps in this workbook are not exportable".
How can I overcome this problem?
The exported XML original and updated XLSX file are uploaded into the following share: http://sdrv.ms/16kiBgH
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