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I want to build a restful (CoAP) web service which can execute c code to handle events.

我想构建一个restful (CoAP) web服务,它可以执行c代码来处理事件。

Therefore I'm searching a lib which provides me with a rest api in C and cgi similar to restcgi which is sadly in c++ or CGI-Simple which is in perl.

因此,我正在搜索一个lib,它为我提供了一个在C和cgi中与restcgi相似的rest api,这在perl中是很遗憾的,因为c++或CGI-Simple。

The server is running on a embedded device so it has very limited resources and the services will be accessed only by machines.


Thank you very much.


2 个解决方案



You may be interested in Raphters framework and its architecture. It's pretty small, so you can examine the code, the framework itself can be used as a FastCGI backend for some web server, e.g. for nginx.




I have recently came across one quite interesting CoAP library which uses libevent. You will aslo want to check Klone embeddable HTTP server by the same guys at KoanLogic. I have previously looked at libcoap, but it didn't find it very usable at the time. You may also wish to try using either libuv, libev or (libevent)[http://libevent.org]. But I guess it's probably gonna be much easier to adopt some of the code from WT repository and get your CoAP/HTTP server done.

我最近遇到了一个非常有趣的CoAP库,它使用libevent。您将会想要在KoanLogic中对Klone嵌入式HTTP服务器进行检查。我之前看过libcoap,但它当时并没有发现它的可用性。您也可以尝试使用libuv, libev或者(libevent)[http://libevent.org]。但是我想,从WT存储库中采用一些代码并完成CoAP/HTTP服务器可能会更容易一些。

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