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I realize there is much discussion about singletons and why that are bad. That is not what this question is about. I understand the drawbacks to singletons.


I have a scenario where using a singleton is easy and appears to make sense. However, I want an alternative that will accomplish what I need without a lot of overhead.


Our application is designed as a client that typically runs on laptops in the field and communicates with a back end server. We have a status bar at the bottom of the main application. It contains a few text areas that show various statues and information as well as several icons. The icons change their image to indicate their state. Such as a GPS icon that indicates if it is connected or not as well as error state.


Our main class is called MobileMain. It owns the status bar area and is responsible for creating it. We then have a StatusBarManager class. The StatusBarManager is currently a static class, but could also be a singleton. Here is the start of the class.


public static class StatusBarManager
    static ScreenStatusBar StatusBar;

    /// Creates the status bar that it manages and returns it.
    public static ScreenStatusBar CreateStatusBar()
        StatusBar = new ScreenStatusBar();
        return StatusBar;

The MobileMain asks the StatusBarManager for a StatusBar. It then uses the StatusBar. No other classes see the StatusBar, just the StatusBarManager.


Updates to the status bar can come from pretty much anywhere in the application. There are around 20 classes that can update the text areas on the status bar and additional classes that update the icon states.


There will only every be one StatusBar and one StatusBarManager.


Any suggestions for a better implemention?


Some thoughts that I had:


Make the StatusBarManager an instance class. In my MobileMain class hold onto a static public instance of the StatusBarManager class. Then to do status bar updates you would call MobileMain.StatusBarManager.SetInformationText or some other method of the manager. The StatusBarManager would not be a singleton, but the MobileMain would only be creating a static instance of it. The issue here is that MobileMain now has a StatusBar and a StatusBarManager, which just manages the StatusBar it owns. Still also have a globally avaialble static instance to the StatusBarManager, just a different owner.


Another idea was to use something like an EventEggregator class. I've never used one, but have read about them. I guess the concept is that it would be a globally available class. In each class that wants to update the status bar it would publish a StatusBarUpdate event. The StatusBarManager would be the only classes subscribing to the StatusBarUpdate event, and receive all of the notifications. I've read though that can end up with leaks with this approach if you are not carefull with unsubscribing from events when cleaning up objects. Is this approach worth looking into?


5 个解决方案



Having a StatusBar class or a StatusBarManager class or not is not a big deal. But having many classes in your app know about StatusBars and StatusBarManagers is a bad idea, it will cause strong coupling, and some day probably pain.




Imagine that the components that currently report status to a status bar have to be reused in another app that - uses a text console to report status? - reports status to multiple places? or - doesn't report status at all!


Best alternative: -Event listening. Expose a Status Changed event on your class (you can use a callback), or perhaps on an existing shared resource that your classes have in common. Other parties, like your status bar, can subscribe to the event. And should unsubscribe whenever the subscription is no longer needed/valid, to prevent leaks, as you mention!


-Since you've tagged WPF, for WPF, having a dependency property 'StatusText', might seem like another tempting option, with this approach when you have multiple status properties, you need a way of figuring out which one is telling you the most interesting status that needs to be displayed on your status bar now! Which could be a binding, multibinding (blech, complexity), or dependency property changed event handler.


However - I would advise you to keep DependencyObjects and DependencyProperties limited to your UI layer as much as possible. The reason is that they rely implicitly on a Dispatcher on the UI thread, and so can't be adapted easily for non-UI chores.


Since there are many different parts of your app you may also possibly find it's reasonable to have a combination of both of these, using some one place and some another.




I prefere Static classes that hold your objects. So the amount of objects you can access is restircted by the interface your static class offers. Static is not bad as long as your application still scales.


Another good alternative to singletons is the Monostate pattern, where you have a class that implements private static fields to represent "singleton" behavior.


Monostate vs. Singleton


UPDATE: It often helps me to keep a REST like api in mind, even for internal program structures. Having one class that is updated from everywhere and sends notices to everybody is hard to control in respect to raise conditions and infinity loops (Update -> Event -> Update -> ...)

更新:它经常帮助我记住api,即使是内部程序结构。对于提高条件和无限循环(Update -> Event -> Update ->…)来说,拥有一个从各处更新并向每个人发送通知的类是很难控制的。

Build an (static or not) Status bar interface that you can access where you need it. Through a Static class where you get access to your Status bar interface or by dependency injection if you use such techniques (not recommended for smaller projects). Every call to your status bar interface has to be independent from any events that might be raised by the Status bar to avoid further issues with raise conditions. Think of the status bar interface like a website that can be called from other parts of the program to push and pull information.




You could simply use the Observer pattern and add the StatusBar as a listener to your 20 objects. This will eliminate the singletons and better follow SRP and DIP, but you will have to consider whether it is worth the effort. A singleton may be better if the indirection adds too much complexity and dependency injection is not possible.


public class StatusBar implements StatusListener {

public interface StatusListener {
   public statusChanged(String newStatus)



Classes will depend implicitly on any use singleton and explicitly to any parameters in the constructor. I would suggest adding an interface to the singleton, so just the methods needed would be exposed to the classes using the IStatusBar. This is more code, but will ease unit testing.




It's hard to give advice without knowing more of your application's architecture, but perhaps you should consider dependency injection. For example, pass a StatusBar instance to the constructor of each class that directly uses it.


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