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I have two buttons on my View Controller. Let's call them A & B.

我的View Controller上有两个按钮。我们称他们为A&B。

After A is tapped, I would like Button A's font to be bolded, and B's font to be unbolded.

在点击A之后,我希望Button A的字体用粗体显示,而B的字体要用unbolded。

Vice Versa for tapping Button B.


Is this possible?


1 个解决方案


Yes! You just need to have a reference to both buttons and when you click on a button be sure it has a target attached to it.


You can get a reference to your buttons either through an IBOutlet from a xib/ storyboard or add the buttons as properties to your viewcontroller and initialize/add them to your view early in your viewcontroller's lifecycle

您可以通过xib / storyboard中的IBOutlet获取对按钮的引用,或者将按钮作为属性添加到viewcontroller,并在viewcontroller的生命周期的早期初始化/添加到视图中

You can have a 'target' attached to a button either by dragging an action from your xib/storyboard to your Viewcontroller or by adding it to the button once it has been initialized ie:

您可以通过将动作从xib / storyboard拖动到Viewcontroller,或者在初始化按钮后将其添加到按钮,即可将“目标”附加到按钮上,即:

//adding a target to first button
[self.button1 addTarget:self action:@selector(didTapOnButton1:) forcontrolEvents:UIControlEventTouchUpInside];

Sample methods your buttons can call once they are touched up:


  self.button2.titleLabel.fOnt= [UIFont systemFontOfSize:14 weight:4];
  self.button1.titleLabel.fOnt= [UIFont systemFontOfSize:14 weight:10];
 self.button1.titleLabel.fOnt= [UIFont systemFontOfSize:14 weight:4];
 self.button2.titleLabel.fOnt= [UIFont systemFontOfSize:14 weight:10];

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