作者:桃Z夭夭 | 来源:互联网 | 2023-10-13 09:39
怎么添加背景照片 index页面文件夹下上传背景图片 wxml中
< image src = ' ./bg1.jpg' > image>
image{ position: absolute; width: 100 %; /* height: 50 %; */ display:flex; height: 100 %; justify-content: center; align-items:center; }
如何读取DATA中的数据 在index.js下 Page里有data数据,想要在其他的函数中取读取到变量的值: (data中有个数组变量text_list)
var that = this ; var length = that. data. text_list. length;
如何给DATA赋值 从数据库中请求到内容后,想要赋值给data中的变量:
var that = this ; that. setData ( { text_list : old_data. concat ( new_data) } )
文本如何居中、自动换行 wxml中 注意如果text换行了,那么也会显示出一行换行
< view class = " usermotto" > < text class = " user-motto" user-select = " true" > “{{motto}}” text> view>
.user-motto { text-overflow : ellipsis; flex-wrap : wrap; line-height : 25px; font-weight : 800; } .usermotto { word-break : break-all; display : flex; flex-direction : column; justify-content : center; align-items : center; flex-wrap : wrap; z-index : 1; }
如何生成随机数 var random = Math. floor ( Math. random ( ) * 10 ) ;
如何前端显示数组的内容 < block wx: for= " {{arr}}" > < view > {{index}}:{{item.text}} view> block>
button的点击事件 button中绑定函数,如:
如何使用小程序云 得是正式注册的号,测试号好像不行 代码中:
wx. cloud. init ( { env : 'env_id' } ) const db = wx. cloud. database ( { } ) ;
如何突破小程序云最多查询20条的限制 分多次查询,拼接到结果中
var that = this var MAX_LIMIT = 20 db. collection ( 'db_name' ) . count ( ) . then ( async res => { let total = res. total; const batchTimes = Math. ceil ( total / MAX_LIMIT ) console. log ( "batchTimes:" , batchTimes) for ( let i = 0 ; i < batchTimes; i++ ) { await daily5. skip ( i * MAX_LIMIT ) . limit ( MAX_LIMIT ) . get ( ) . then ( async res => { let new_data = res. data let old_data = that. data. text_list that. setData ( { text_list : old_data. concat ( new_data) } ) } ) } } )