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I know of Android Library projects, which allow you to create a shared-source project that can be pulled into Android Applications as needed. However, that requires that source be available.


I'm looking for a way to build and distribute a closed-source library that can be used in other Android projects like a traditional JAR. This will require usage of the Android compiler, so it's not a vanilla-Java JAR file. FWIW, I do not need to embed resources/layouts in the JAR.

我正在寻找一种方法来构建和发布一个封闭源代码库,可以用于其他Android项目,比如传统的JAR。这需要使用Android编译器,所以它不是vanilla-Java JAR文件。FWIW,我不需要在JAR中嵌入资源/布局。

I've seen http://andparcel.com/ but it feels like a workaround, and I would rather use something 'officially supported' by Google. Also, I need to make sure that the JAR I build is compatible with old/new version of the Android SDK (i.e. I need a way to set the target platform version, etc).

我看过http://andparcel.com/,但感觉像是一个解决方案,我宁愿使用谷歌提供的“官方支持”。另外,我需要确保我构建的JAR与Android SDK的旧/新版本兼容(例如,我需要一种设置目标平台版本的方法,等等)。

Do the latest Android toolsets allow for the creation/consumption of JAR binaries? Can you point to some documentation on how I can do it?


11 个解决方案



If you create a Android Library project without having any resources, the ADT (first noticed in r16) will create a .jar with the same name as the project in the 'bin' folder.




Android doesn't provide a special kind of Android-JAR. But what you can do is adding a build.xml to your project and build the JAR with ant.

Android并没有提供一种特殊的Android- jar。但是您可以做的是添加一个构建。xml到您的项目,并使用ant构建JAR。

My build.xml looks like this:


This is my Android lib


Build the JAR by running ant jar in your projects main folder.

通过在项目主文件夹中运行ant JAR来构建JAR。



You can create a "regular" Java project and import from there Android.jar. Then, you will have access to every component in the SDK. Then, you can export your project as jar... and load it from your Android app. This works great and it seems a preety straightforward way to do it.




just go to properties of the project of which you want to make jar.Click on Android tab. and tick in the Is library. now you can see .jar file in the bin folder.use it where you want to use.




The only solution 'officially supported' by Google is the Library project, and it requires the source code to be distributed. You can create a JAR in the normal way, but you cannot include or reference resources within it.


Unfortunately I think it is also not possible to include a packaged JAR within a Library project, as a means to get around the source code requirement.




In the latest build of Android Studio 1.2, the creation of JAR library has been made as simple as point and click.

在最新的Android Studio 1.2版本中,JAR库的创建非常简单,只需点一下。

Steps to follow :


  • Goto File -> New -> New Module enter image description here
  • Goto文件->新->新模块
  • Select "Java Library" at the end of the options list enter image description here
  • 在选项列表的末尾选择“Java库”
  • Enter the name of the jar lib and name of class in it and hit finish button enter image description here
  • 输入jar库的名称和类的名称,然后单击finish按钮
  • Thats it !
  • 这就是它!

The next step is adding your Jar Library as dependency in your app. Simple as that just


  • Goto File -> Project Structure -> Select 'app' -> Select 'Dependency'
  • Goto文件->项目结构->选择‘app’->选择‘Dependency’
  • Select the '+' at the bottom -> Select 'Module Dependency' enter image description here
  • 在底部选择“+”——>选择“模块依赖”
  • Select your jar lib module you just created above enter image description here enter image description here
  • 选择您刚刚创建的jar lib模块
  • Select Ok and thats it!
  • 选择Ok,这就是它!

....Or you could just add the below line to your App gradle file


dependencies {
      compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar']) // Default Gradle Task, should be already present
      compile 'com.android.support:appcompat-v7:21.0.3' // Default Gradle Task, should be already present

      compile project(':nameOfYourJarLibraryModule') // This is your jar library module

Google is promoting the Android Archive(AAR), even though JAR supported is brought back to android studio.To find out the difference between AAR and JAR refer this link

谷歌正在推广Android Archive(AAR),尽管JAR支持被带回了Android studio。要找出AAR和JAR之间的区别,请参考这个链接。



Try this: This works


1) make your library project a normal project by deselecting IsLibrary flag.

1)取消IsLibrary标志,使您的library project成为一个正常的项目。

2) Execute your project as Android Application. (It will not show any error)


3) you'll find a .jar file in bin folder along with .apk.


4) Give you .jar who want to use your library.


5) Tell them to just import external jar into build path.


this will works fine with all the resources. best of luck.




The ADT creates a bin folder which contains all of the class files for all matching source file and directories in your project, you could using the jar command,create a jar archive containing these class files and directories and presumable your library, but of course the class files platform level would only be targeted for current level of the project build- you would need a different jar file for each platform level; However the great thing about this is that the R.class file is include in the project directory tree and therefor you have access to its resources. I don't know if this is the official way to do things in android, but it worked for me.




In our project, we are creating apk (using apkbuilder) which is installed in /system/framework and added this apk in default classpath. For compilation of applications using the jar, we are creating a jar file (using jar c).

在我们的项目中,我们正在创建安装在/system/framework中的apk(使用apkbuilder),并在默认的类路径中添加这个apk。对于使用jar的应用程序的编译,我们正在创建一个jar文件(使用jar c)。

Note: We don't have any resources in the library.




.jar is just a .zip file which contains .class file (you can try change extension of any .jar file to .zip then see the result). Easily, you can create any .jar library for any purpose by zipping .class file.

jar只是一个.zip文件,其中包含.class文件(您可以尝试将任何.jar文件的扩展名更改为.zip,然后查看结果)。很容易,您可以通过zipping .class文件创建任何。jar库。



Open file project.properties enter value android.library=true

打开文件的项目。android.library = true属性输入值

save file, from eclipse menu for project, select 'build automatically' then select 'clean' brand new jar is created under bin


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