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WebRTC学习进阶之路 十四、源码分析之WebRTC中的线程详解ThreadManagerThread





rtc:: Thread及其相关类,ThreadManager、MessageQueue,Runnable等等一起提供了如下的基础功能:
线程的常规基本功能:rtc:: Thread提供创建线程对象,设置线程名称,启动线程去执行用户代码;
消息循环,消息投递:rtc:: Thread通过继承MessageQueue类,提供了内部消息循环,并提供了线程间异步,同步投递消息的功能;
跨线程执行方法:提供了跨线程执行方法,并返回执行结果的功能。该功能非常强大,因为WebRTC在某些功能模块的使用上,有要求其必需在指定的线程中才能调用的基本要求,比如音频模块:ADM 的创建必须要在 WebRTC 的 worker thread 中进行;







class RTC_EXPORT ThreadManager {public:static const int kForever = -1;// Singleton, constructor and destructor are private.static ThreadManager* Instance();Thread* CurrentThread();void SetCurrentThread(Thread* thread);Thread* WrapCurrentThread();void UnwrapCurrentThread();bool IsMainThread();private:ThreadManager();~ThreadManager();#if defined(WEBRTC_POSIX)pthread_key_t key_;
#endif#if defined(WEBRTC_WIN)const DWORD key_;
#endif// The thread to potentially autowrap.const PlatformThreadRef main_thread_ref_;RTC_DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(ThreadManager);


1,static ThreadManager* Instance()

ThreadManager* ThreadManager::Instance() {static ThreadManager* const thread_manager = new ThreadManager();return thread_manager;



#if defined(WEBRTC_POSIX)
ThreadManager::ThreadManager() : main_thread_ref_(CurrentThreadRef()) {
#if defined(WEBRTC_MAC)InitCocoaMultiThreading();
#endifpthread_key_create(&key_, nullptr);
Thread* ThreadManager::CurrentThread() {return static_cast(pthread_getspecific(key_));
void ThreadManager::SetCurrentThread(Thread* thread) {
#if RTC_DLOG_IS_ONif (CurrentThread() && thread) {RTC_DLOG(LS_ERROR) <<"SetCurrentThread: Overwriting an existing value?";}
#endif // RTC_DLOG_IS_ONpthread_setspecific(key_, thread);
#endif#if defined(WEBRTC_WIN)
ThreadManager::ThreadManager(): key_(TlsAlloc()), main_thread_ref_(CurrentThreadRef()) {}Thread* ThreadManager::CurrentThread() {return static_cast(TlsGetValue(key_));
void ThreadManager::SetCurrentThread(Thread* thread) {RTC_DCHECK(!CurrentThread() || !thread);TlsSetValue(key_, thread);



key_的初始化&#xff1a;在Windows平台上&#xff0c;key_被声明为DWORD类型&#xff0c;赋值为TlsAlloc()函数的返回值&#xff0c;TlsAlloc()函数是Windows的系统API&#xff0c;Tls表示的是线程局部存储Thread Local Storage的缩写&#xff0c;其为每个可能的线程分配了一个线程局部变量的槽位&#xff0c;该槽位用来存储WebRTC的Thread线程对象指针。如果不了解相关概念&#xff0c;可以看微软的官方文档。在类Unix系统上&#xff0c;key_被声明pthread_key_t类型&#xff0c;使用方法pthread_key_create(&key_, nullptr);赋值。实质是类Unix系统上的线程局部存储实现&#xff0c;隶属于线程库pthread&#xff0c;因此方法与变量均以pthread开头。总之&#xff0c;在ThreadManager的构造之初&#xff0c;WebRTC就为各个线程所对应的Thread对象制造了一个线程局部变量的槽位&#xff0c;成为多线程管理的关键。

main_thread_ref_的初始化&#xff1a;该成员为PlatformThreadRef类型的对象&#xff0c;赋值为CurrentThreadRef()方法的返回值&#xff0c;如源码所示&#xff1a;在Windows系统下&#xff0c;取值为WinAPI GetCurrentThreadId()返回的当前线程描述符&#xff0c;DWORD类型&#xff1b;在FUCHSIA系统下(该系统是Google新开发的操作系统&#xff0c;像Android还是基于Linux内核属于类Unix范畴&#xff0c;遵循POSIX规范&#xff0c;但FUCHSIA是基于新内核zircon开发的)&#xff0c;返回zx_thread_self()&#xff0c;zx_handle_t类型&#xff1b;在类Unix系统下&#xff0c;通过pthread库的pthread_self()返回&#xff0c;pthread_t类型。总之&#xff0c;如前文所述&#xff0c;这部分代码肯定是在主线程中所运行&#xff0c;因此&#xff0c;main_thread_ref_存储了主线程TID在不同平台下的不同表示。


// Returns a thread object with its thread_ ivar set// to whatever the OS uses to represent the thread.// If there already *is* a Thread object corresponding to this thread,// this method will return that. Otherwise it creates a new Thread// object whose wrapped() method will return true, and whose// handle will, on Win32, be opened with only synchronization privileges -// if you need more privilegs, rather than changing this method, please// write additional code to adjust the privileges, or call a different// factory method of your own devising, because this one gets used in// unexpected contexts (like inside browser plugins) and it would be a// shame to break it. It is also conceivable on Win32 that we won&#39;t even// be able to get synchronization privileges, in which case the result// will have a null handle.Thread* WrapCurrentThread();void UnwrapCurrentThread();

Thread* ThreadManager::WrapCurrentThread() {Thread* result &#61; CurrentThread();if (nullptr &#61;&#61; result) {result &#61; new Thread(SocketServer::CreateDefault());result->WrapCurrentWithThreadManager(this, true);}return result;
}void ThreadManager::UnwrapCurrentThread() {Thread* t &#61; CurrentThread();if (t && !(t->IsOwned())) {t->UnwrapCurrent();delete t;}



bool ThreadManager::IsMainThread() {return IsThreadRefEqual(CurrentThreadRef(), main_thread_ref_);





class RTC_LOCKABLE RTC_EXPORT Thread : public MessageQueue,public webrtc::TaskQueueBase {public:explicit Thread(SocketServer* ss);explicit Thread(std::unique_ptr ss);// Constructors meant for subclasses; they should call DoInit themselves and// pass false for |do_init|, so that DoInit is called only on the fully// instantiated class, which avoids a vptr data race.Thread(SocketServer* ss, bool do_init);Thread(std::unique_ptr ss, bool do_init);// NOTE: ALL SUBCLASSES OF Thread MUST CALL Stop() IN THEIR DESTRUCTORS (or// guarantee Stop() is explicitly called before the subclass is destroyed).// This is required to avoid a data race between the destructor modifying the// vtable, and the Thread::PreRun calling the virtual method Run().~Thread() override;static std::unique_ptr CreateWithSocketServer();static std::unique_ptr Create();static Thread* Current();// Used to catch performance regressions. Use this to disallow blocking calls// (Invoke) for a given scope. If a synchronous call is made while this is in// effect, an assert will be triggered.// Note that this is a single threaded class.class ScopedDisallowBlockingCalls {public:ScopedDisallowBlockingCalls();ScopedDisallowBlockingCalls(const ScopedDisallowBlockingCalls&) &#61; delete;ScopedDisallowBlockingCalls& operator&#61;(const ScopedDisallowBlockingCalls&) &#61;delete;~ScopedDisallowBlockingCalls();private:Thread* const thread_;const bool previous_state_;};bool IsCurrent() const;// Sleeps the calling thread for the specified number of milliseconds, during// which time no processing is performed. Returns false if sleeping was// interrupted by a signal (POSIX only).static bool SleepMs(int millis);// Sets the thread&#39;s name, for debugging. Must be called before Start().// If |obj| is non-null, its value is appended to |name|.const std::string& name() const { return name_; }bool SetName(const std::string& name, const void* obj);// Starts the execution of the thread.bool Start();// Tells the thread to stop and waits until it is joined.// Never call Stop on the current thread. Instead use the inherited Quit// function which will exit the base MessageQueue without terminating the// underlying OS thread.virtual void Stop();// By default, Thread::Run() calls ProcessMessages(kForever). To do other// work, override Run(). To receive and dispatch messages, call// ProcessMessages occasionally.virtual void Run();virtual void Send(const Location& posted_from,MessageHandler* phandler,uint32_t id &#61; 0,MessageData* pdata &#61; nullptr);// Convenience method to invoke a functor on another thread. Caller must// provide the |ReturnT| template argument, which cannot (easily) be deduced.// Uses Send() internally, which blocks the current thread until execution// is complete.// Ex: bool result &#61; thread.Invoke(RTC_FROM_HERE,// &MyFunctionReturningBool);// NOTE: This function can only be called when synchronous calls are allowed.// See ScopedDisallowBlockingCalls for details.// NOTE: Blocking invokes are DISCOURAGED, consider if what you&#39;re doing can// be achieved with PostTask() and callbacks instead.template ReturnT Invoke(const Location& posted_from, FunctorT&& functor) {FunctorMessageHandler handler(std::forward(functor));InvokeInternal(posted_from, &handler);return handler.MoveResult();}// Posts a task to invoke the functor on |this| thread asynchronously, i.e.// without blocking the thread that invoked PostTask(). Ownership of |functor|// is passed and (usually, see below) destroyed on |this| thread after it is// invoked.// Requirements of FunctorT:// - FunctorT is movable.// - FunctorT implements "T operator()()" or "T operator()() const" for some T// (if T is not void, the return value is discarded on |this| thread).// - FunctorT has a public destructor that can be invoked from |this| thread// after operation() has been invoked.// - The functor must not cause the thread to quit before PostTask() is done.//// Destruction of the functor/task mimics what TaskQueue::PostTask does: If// the task is run, it will be destroyed on |this| thread. However, if there// are pending tasks by the time the Thread is destroyed, or a task is posted// to a thread that is quitting, the task is destroyed immediately, on the// calling thread. Destroying the Thread only blocks for any currently running// task to complete. Note that TQ abstraction is even vaguer on how// destruction happens in these cases, allowing destruction to happen// asynchronously at a later time and on some arbitrary thread. So to ease// migration, don&#39;t depend on Thread::PostTask destroying un-run tasks// immediately.//// Example - Calling a class method:// class Foo {// public:// void DoTheThing();// };// Foo foo;// thread->PostTask(RTC_FROM_HERE, Bind(&Foo::DoTheThing, &foo));//// Example - Calling a lambda function:// thread->PostTask(RTC_FROM_HERE,// [&x, &y] { x.TrackComputations(y.Compute()); });template void PostTask(const Location& posted_from, FunctorT&& functor) {// Allocate at first call, never deallocate.static auto* const handler &#61;new rtc_thread_internal::MessageHandlerWithTask;Post(posted_from, handler, 0,new rtc_thread_internal::MessageWithFunctor(std::forward(functor)));}// From TaskQueueBasevoid PostTask(std::unique_ptr task) override;void PostDelayedTask(std::unique_ptr task,uint32_t milliseconds) override;void Delete() override;// From MessageQueuebool IsProcessingMessagesForTesting() override;void Clear(MessageHandler* phandler,uint32_t id &#61; MQID_ANY,MessageList* removed &#61; nullptr) override;void ReceiveSends() override;// ProcessMessages will process I/O and dispatch messages until:// 1) cms milliseconds have elapsed (returns true)// 2) Stop() is called (returns false)bool ProcessMessages(int cms);// Returns true if this is a thread that we created using the standard// constructor, false if it was created by a call to// ThreadManager::WrapCurrentThread(). The main thread of an application// is generally not owned, since the OS representation of the thread// obviously exists before we can get to it.// You cannot call Start on non-owned threads.bool IsOwned();// Expose private method IsRunning() for tests.//// DANGER: this is a terrible public API. Most callers that might want to// call this likely do not have enough control/knowledge of the Thread in// question to guarantee that the returned value remains true for the duration// of whatever code is conditionally executing because of the return value!bool RunningForTest() { return IsRunning(); }// These functions are public to avoid injecting test hooks. Don&#39;t call them// outside of tests.// This method should be called when thread is created using non standard// method, like derived implementation of rtc::Thread and it can not be// started by calling Start(). This will set started flag to true and// owned to false. This must be called from the current thread.bool WrapCurrent();void UnwrapCurrent();// Sets the per-thread allow-blocking-calls flag to false; this is// irrevocable. Must be called on this thread.void DisallowBlockingCalls() { SetAllowBlockingCalls(false); }#ifdef WEBRTC_ANDROID// Sets the per-thread allow-blocking-calls flag to true, sidestepping the// invariants upheld by DisallowBlockingCalls() and// ScopedDisallowBlockingCalls. Must be called on this thread.void DEPRECATED_AllowBlockingCalls() { SetAllowBlockingCalls(true); }
#endifprotected:// Same as WrapCurrent except that it never fails as it does not try to// acquire the synchronization access of the thread. The caller should never// call Stop() or Join() on this thread.void SafeWrapCurrent();// Blocks the calling thread until this thread has terminated.void Join();static void AssertBlockingIsAllowedOnCurrentThread();friend class ScopedDisallowBlockingCalls;private:class QueuedTaskHandler final : public MessageHandler {public:void OnMessage(Message* msg) override;};// Sets the per-thread allow-blocking-calls flag and returns the previous// value. Must be called on this thread.bool SetAllowBlockingCalls(bool allow);#if defined(WEBRTC_WIN)static DWORD WINAPI PreRun(LPVOID context);
#elsestatic void* PreRun(void* pv);
#endif// ThreadManager calls this instead WrapCurrent() because// ThreadManager::Instance() cannot be used while ThreadManager is// being created.// The method tries to get synchronization rights of the thread on Windows if// |need_synchronize_access| is true.bool WrapCurrentWithThreadManager(ThreadManager* thread_manager,bool need_synchronize_access);// Return true if the thread is currently running.bool IsRunning();// Processes received "Send" requests. If |source| is not null, only requests// from |source| are processed, otherwise, all requests are processed.void ReceiveSendsFromThread(const Thread* source);// If |source| is not null, pops the first "Send" message from |source| in// |sendlist_|, otherwise, pops the first "Send" message of |sendlist_|.// The caller must lock |crit_| before calling.// Returns true if there is such a message.bool PopSendMessageFromThread(const Thread* source, _SendMessage* msg);void InvokeInternal(const Location& posted_from, MessageHandler* handler);std::list<_SendMessage> sendlist_;std::string name_;// TODO(tommi): Add thread checks for proper use of control methods.// Ideally we should be able to just use PlatformThread.#if defined(WEBRTC_POSIX)pthread_t thread_ &#61; 0;
#endif#if defined(WEBRTC_WIN)HANDLE thread_ &#61; nullptr;DWORD thread_id_ &#61; 0;
#endif// Indicates whether or not ownership of the worker thread lies with// this instance or not. (i.e. owned_ &#61;&#61; !wrapped).// Must only be modified when the worker thread is not running.bool owned_ &#61; true;// Only touched from the worker thread itself.bool blocking_calls_allowed_ &#61; true;// Runs webrtc::QueuedTask posted to the Thread.QueuedTaskHandler queued_task_handler_;friend class ThreadManager;RTC_DISALLOW_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(Thread);


explicit Thread(SocketServer* ss);explicit Thread(std::unique_ptr ss);// Constructors meant for subclasses; they should call DoInit themselves and// pass false for |do_init|, so that DoInit is called only on the fully// instantiated class, which avoids a vptr data race.Thread(SocketServer* ss, bool do_init);Thread(std::unique_ptr ss, bool do_init);

Thread::Thread(SocketServer* ss) : Thread(ss, /*do_init&#61;*/true) {}Thread::Thread(std::unique_ptr ss): Thread(std::move(ss), /*do_init&#61;*/true) {}Thread::Thread(SocketServer* ss, bool do_init): MessageQueue(ss, /*do_init&#61;*/false) {SetName("Thread", this); // default nameif (do_init) {DoInit();}
}Thread::Thread(std::unique_ptr ss, bool do_init): MessageQueue(std::move(ss), false) {SetName("Thread", this); // default nameif (do_init) {DoInit();}

void MessageQueue::DoInit() {if (fInitialized_) {return;}fInitialized_ &#61; true;MessageQueueManager::Add(this);

我们可以看到有四个构造&#xff0c;前边两个声明为explicit&#xff0c;C&#43;&#43;提供了关键字explicit&#xff0c;可以阻止不应该允许的经过转换构造函数进行的隐式转换的发生。声明为explicit的构造函数不能在隐式转换中使用。而头文件中对没有explicit修饰的两个已经做了解释&#xff0c;用于子类的构造函数&#xff0c; 它们应该自己调用DoInit并为| do_init |传递false&#xff0c;以便仅在完全实例化的类上调用DoInit&#xff0c;这避免了vptr数据争用。


rtc::WinsockInitializer winsock_init;rtc::Win32SocketServer w32_ss;rtc::Win32Thread w32_thread(&w32_ss);rtc::ThreadManager::Instance()->SetCurrentThread(&w32_thread);


std::unique_ptr Thread::CreateWithSocketServer() {return std::unique_ptr(new Thread(SocketServer::CreateDefault()));
}std::unique_ptr Thread::Create() {return std::unique_ptr(new Thread(std::unique_ptr(new NullSocketServer())));

class NullSocketServer : public SocketServer {public:NullSocketServer();~NullSocketServer() override;bool Wait(int cms, bool process_io) override;void WakeUp() override;Socket* CreateSocket(int family, int type) override;AsyncSocket* CreateAsyncSocket(int family, int type) override;private:Event event_;

  • Thread::Create()&#xff1a;给Thread构造传入的是NullSocketServer对象&#xff0c;该对象不持有真正的Socket&#xff0c;使得创建的Thread无法处理网络IO&#xff0c;但可以运行消息循环&#xff0c;可以处理线程间消息投递。WebRTC中工作线程worker_thread_默认使用该方法创建&#xff1b;
  • Thread::CreateWithSocketServer()&#xff1a;给Thread构造传入PhysicalSocketServer对象&#xff0c;该对象持有平台相关的Socket对象&#xff0c;使得Thread能处理网络IO&#xff0c;当然&#xff0c;也可以处理线程间消息投递。WebRTC中网络线程network_thread_默认使用该方法创建。


bool Thread::Start() {RTC_DCHECK(!IsRunning());if (IsRunning())return false;Restart(); // reset IsQuitting() if the thread is being restarted// Make sure that ThreadManager is created on the main thread before// we start a new thread.ThreadManager::Instance();owned_ &#61; true;#if defined(WEBRTC_WIN)thread_ &#61; CreateThread(nullptr, 0, PreRun, this, 0, &thread_id_);if (!thread_) {return false;}
#elif defined(WEBRTC_POSIX)pthread_attr_t attr;pthread_attr_init(&attr);int error_code &#61; pthread_create(&thread_, &attr, PreRun, this);if (0 !&#61; error_code) {RTC_LOG(LS_ERROR) <<"Unable to create pthread, error " <#endifreturn true;


// static
#if defined(WEBRTC_WIN)
DWORD WINAPI Thread::PreRun(LPVOID pv) {
void* Thread::PreRun(void* pv) {
#endifThread* thread &#61; static_cast(pv);// 将新创建的Thread对象纳入管理&#xff0c;与当前线程进行绑定。ThreadManager::Instance()->SetCurrentThread(thread);// 为线程设置名称&#xff0c;该方法会调用平台相关的API给线程内核结构体赋值上该线程的名称。rtc::SetCurrentThreadName(thread->name_.c_str());CurrentTaskQueueSetter set_current_task_queue(thread);
// 如果是MAC系统&#xff0c;通过pool对象的创建和析构来使用oc的自动释放池技术&#xff0c;进行内存回收。
#if defined(WEBRTC_MAC)ScopedAutoReleasePool pool;
#ifdef WEBRTC_WINreturn 0;
#elsereturn nullptr;
} // namespace rtc


5&#xff0c;Run() 之ProcessMessages()建立消息循环

void Thread::Run() {ProcessMessages(kForever);
bool Thread::ProcessMessages(int cmsLoop) {// Using ProcessMessages with a custom clock for testing and a time greater// than 0 doesn&#39;t work, since it&#39;s not guaranteed to advance the custom// clock&#39;s time, and may get stuck in an infinite loop.RTC_DCHECK(GetClockForTesting() &#61;&#61; nullptr || cmsLoop &#61;&#61; 0 ||cmsLoop &#61;&#61; kForever);// 计算终止处理消息的时间int64_t msEnd &#61; (kForever &#61;&#61; cmsLoop) ? 0 : TimeAfter(cmsLoop);// 下次可以进行消息获取的时间长度int cmsNext &#61; cmsLoop;while (true) {
#if defined(WEBRTC_MAC)ScopedAutoReleasePool pool;
#endifMessage msg;if (!Get(&msg, cmsNext))return !IsQuitting();Dispatch(&msg);// 若不是无限期&#xff0c;计算下次可以进行消息获取的时间if (cmsLoop !&#61; kForever) {cmsNext &#61; static_cast(TimeUntil(msEnd));// 若使用时间已经到了&#xff0c;那么退出循环if (cmsNext <0)return true;}}

ProcessMessages当传入参数为kForever(static const int kForever &#61; -1;)时消息循环无限期进行循环处理&#xff0c;否则有限期定时处理&#xff0c;while中一直会调用MessageQueue::Get()去获取消息(MessageQueue、MessageQueueManager等会在后续核心分析)&#xff0c;通过Dispatch(&msg);来处理消息。


// Convenience method to invoke a functor on another thread. Caller must// provide the |ReturnT| template argument, which cannot (easily) be deduced.// Uses Send() internally, which blocks the current thread until execution// is complete.// Ex: bool result &#61; thread.Invoke(RTC_FROM_HERE,// &MyFunctionReturningBool);// NOTE: This function can only be called when synchronous calls are allowed.// See ScopedDisallowBlockingCalls for details.// NOTE: Blocking invokes are DISCOURAGED, consider if what you&#39;re doing can// be achieved with PostTask() and callbacks instead.template ReturnT Invoke(const Location& posted_from, FunctorT&& functor) {FunctorMessageHandler handler(std::forward(functor));InvokeInternal(posted_from, &handler);return handler.MoveResult();}
void Thread::InvokeInternal(const Location& posted_from,MessageHandler* handler) {TRACE_EVENT2("webrtc", "Thread::Invoke", "src_file_and_line",posted_from.file_and_line(), "src_func",posted_from.function_name());Send(posted_from, handler);


  • 仅当允许同步调用时才能调用此函数。
  • 建议不要使用阻塞调用&#xff0c;请考虑是否可以使用PostTask&#xff08;&#xff09;和回调来实现您正在执行的操作。



void Thread::Send(const Location& posted_from,MessageHandler* phandler,uint32_t id,MessageData* pdata) {if (IsQuitting())return;// Sent messages are sent to the MessageHandler directly, in the context// of "thread", like Win32 SendMessage. If in the right context,// call the handler directly.Message msg;msg.posted_from &#61; posted_from;msg.phandler &#61; phandler;msg.message_id &#61; id;msg.pdata &#61; pdata;if (IsCurrent()) {phandler->OnMessage(&msg);return;}AssertBlockingIsAllowedOnCurrentThread();AutoThread thread;Thread* current_thread &#61; Thread::Current();RTC_DCHECK(current_thread !&#61; nullptr); // AutoThread ensures thisbool ready &#61; false;{CritScope cs(&crit_);_SendMessage smsg;smsg.thread &#61; current_thread;smsg.msg &#61; msg;smsg.ready &#61; &ready;sendlist_.push_back(smsg);}// Wait for a replyWakeUpSocketServer();bool waited &#61; false;crit_.Enter();while (!ready) {crit_.Leave();// We need to limit "ReceiveSends" to |this| thread to avoid an arbitrary// thread invoking calls on the current thread.current_thread->ReceiveSendsFromThread(this);current_thread->socketserver()->Wait(kForever, false);waited &#61; true;crit_.Enter();}crit_.Leave();// Our Wait loop above may have consumed some WakeUp events for this// MessageQueue, that weren&#39;t relevant to this Send. Losing these WakeUps can// cause problems for some SocketServers.//// Concrete example:// Win32SocketServer on thread A calls Send on thread B. While processing the// message, thread B Posts a message to A. We consume the wakeup for that// Post while waiting for the Send to complete, which means that when we exit// this loop, we need to issue another WakeUp, or else the Posted message// won&#39;t be processed in a timely manner.if (waited) {current_thread->socketserver()->WakeUp();}

  • IsQuitting()判断目标线程的消息循环是否还在处理消息&#xff0c;若消息循环停止工作&#xff0c;那么会拒绝处理消息&#xff0c;Send会直接返回创建需要处理的消息
  • 判断IsCurrent()若目标线程就是自己&#xff0c;那么直接处理消息phandler->OnMessage(&msg)&#xff0c;然后返回
  • AssertBlockingIsAllowedOnCurrentThread();断言当前线程是否具有阻塞权限&#xff0c;无阻塞权限向别的线程Send消息就是个非法操作
  • RTC_DCHECK(current_thread !&#61; nullptr);确保当前线程有一个Thread对象与之绑定 
  • ready 表征该消息是否已经处理完
  • 创建一个SendMessage对象&#xff0c;放置到目标线程对象的sendlist_ &#xff0c;sendlist_.push_back(smsg);
  • WakeUpSocketServer();将目标线程从IO处理中唤醒
  • 同步等待消息被处理 
  • current_thread->ReceiveSendsFromThread(this);处理对方发送的消息
  • current_thread->socketserver()->Wait(kForever, false);处理完对方的Send消息后&#xff0c;阻塞等待对方处理完我Send的消息
  • 如果出现过waited&#xff0c;那么再唤醒一次当前线程去处理Post消息







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    本文介绍了基于layUI的图片上传前预览功能的两种实现方式:一种是使用blob+FileReader,另一种是使用layUI自带的参数。通过选择文件后点击文件名,在页面中间弹窗内预览图片。其中,layUI自带的参数实现了图片预览功能。该功能依赖于layUI的上传模块,并使用了blob和FileReader来读取本地文件并获取图像的base64编码。点击文件名时会执行See()函数。摘要长度为169字。 ... [详细]
  • IhaveconfiguredanactionforaremotenotificationwhenitarrivestomyiOsapp.Iwanttwodiff ... [详细]
  • Webpack5内置处理图片资源的配置方法
    本文介绍了在Webpack5中处理图片资源的配置方法。在Webpack4中,我们需要使用file-loader和url-loader来处理图片资源,但是在Webpack5中,这两个Loader的功能已经被内置到Webpack中,我们只需要简单配置即可实现图片资源的处理。本文还介绍了一些常用的配置方法,如匹配不同类型的图片文件、设置输出路径等。通过本文的学习,读者可以快速掌握Webpack5处理图片资源的方法。 ... [详细]
  • 本文主要解析了Open judge C16H问题中涉及到的Magical Balls的快速幂和逆元算法,并给出了问题的解析和解决方法。详细介绍了问题的背景和规则,并给出了相应的算法解析和实现步骤。通过本文的解析,读者可以更好地理解和解决Open judge C16H问题中的Magical Balls部分。 ... [详细]
  • Mac OS 升级到11.2.2 Eclipse打不开了,报错Failed to create the Java Virtual Machine
    本文介绍了在Mac OS升级到11.2.2版本后,使用Eclipse打开时出现报错Failed to create the Java Virtual Machine的问题,并提供了解决方法。 ... [详细]
  • 本文详细介绍了Linux中进程控制块PCBtask_struct结构体的结构和作用,包括进程状态、进程号、待处理信号、进程地址空间、调度标志、锁深度、基本时间片、调度策略以及内存管理信息等方面的内容。阅读本文可以更加深入地了解Linux进程管理的原理和机制。 ... [详细]
  • Java验证码——kaptcha的使用配置及样式
    本文介绍了如何使用kaptcha库来实现Java验证码的配置和样式设置,包括pom.xml的依赖配置和web.xml中servlet的配置。 ... [详细]
  • VueCLI多页分目录打包的步骤记录
    本文介绍了使用VueCLI进行多页分目录打包的步骤,包括页面目录结构、安装依赖、获取Vue CLI需要的多页对象等内容。同时还提供了自定义不同模块页面标题的方法。 ... [详细]
  • 2016 linux发行版排行_灵越7590 安装 linux (manjarognome)
    RT之前做了一次灵越7590黑苹果炒作业的文章,希望能够分享给更多不想折腾的人。kawauso:教你如何给灵越7590黑苹果抄作业​zhuanlan.z ... [详细]
  • Linux下安装免费杀毒软件ClamAV及使用方法
    本文介绍了在Linux系统下安装免费杀毒软件ClamAV的方法,并提供了使用该软件更新病毒库和进行病毒扫描的指令参数。同时还提供了官方安装文档和下载地址。 ... [详细]
  • 本文讨论了将HashRouter改为Router后,页面全部变为空白页且没有报错的问题。作者提到了在实际部署中需要在服务端进行配置以避免刷新404的问题,并分享了route/index.js中hash模式的配置。文章还提到了在vueJs项目中遇到过类似的问题。 ... [详细]
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