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I just got a new computer with Windows 8 and installed Visual Studio 2013 on it and now I have an issue with debugger shortcuts - I run application in a debug mode and it breaks at the first break point but when I try going further line by line, F10 does not work from the keyboard - only VS Debug menu. Anything I am missing?

我刚刚得到一台装有Windows 8的新计算机,并在其上安装了Visual Studio 2013,现在我遇到了调试器快捷方式的问题 - 我在调试模式下运行应用程序,它在第一个断点处中断,但是当我尝试进一步逐行时,F10不能从键盘 - 只有VS调试菜单。我错过了什么?

P.S. The issue was the function key. It needs to be turned on in order to use F keys


5 个解决方案



On Lenovo laptops, there is a shortcut to disable the Fn key automatically running the default Windows shortcuts.
Hit the Fn key and the Esc key at the same time to toggle the "Hot Key" default.


Hope this works for other Laptop brands since this is an easy shortcut for newer Lenovo laptops.




Please follow the instruction here, though it talks about visual studio 2010 it should help you to analyze the problem. it may be solved with the steps described there and if not, please let me know...

请按照这里的说明进行操作,虽然它谈到了Visual Studio 2010,它应该可以帮助您分析问题。它可以通过那里描述的步骤解决,如果没有,请告诉我...

Why does F10 (step over) in Visual Studio 2010 not work?

为什么Visual Studio 2010中的F10(跳过)不起作用?

Update Adding the answer from the source in case the link will be removed:


In the Options.Keyboard page, please select "Debug.StepOver" from the command listbox, and then put focus to the "Press shortcut keys" textbox and press F10, click Assign button to re-assign shortcut, does it work?


You can also try to run Visual Studio under safe mode, which will prevents all third-party VSPackages from loading when Visual Studio starts; if the issue disappear under safe mode, you may consider checking your installed add-ons or VSPackages.

您还可以尝试在安全模式下运行Visual Studio,这将阻止在Visual Studio启动时加载所有第三方VSPackage;如果问题在安全模式下消失,您可以考虑检查已安装的附加组件或VSPackage。

Second, to log all activity of Visual Studio to a log file for further troubleshooting, please use the /Log switch, and post the log file content here, so we can do more investigation on it.

其次,要将Visual Studio的所有活动记录到日志文件中以进行进一步的故障排除,请使用/ Log开关,并在此处发布日志文件内容,以便我们对其进行更多调查。

If this feature works well before, and suddenly behave abnormally, it usually indicate that some files or configurations of Visual Studio installation is corrupted or missed, you can:

如果此功能之前运行良好,并且突然表现异常,则通常表示某些文件或Visual Studio安装配置已损坏或丢失,您可以:

Restores Visual Studio default settings by using "Devenv.exe /ResetSettings" command. Please backup your settings before restore to default settings.

使用“Devenv.exe / ResetSettings”命令恢复Visual Studio默认设置。请在恢复到默认设置之前备份您的设置。

Repair/reinstall Visual Studio;

修复/重新安装Visual Studio;

To repair Visual Studio In the Add or Remove Programs dialog box, select Visual Studio then click Change/Remove.

修复Visual Studio在“添加或删除程序”对话框中,选择“Visual Studio”,然后单击“更改/删除”。



I resolved my issue and wanted to post an answer in case anyone is looking for it. Enabling function key does not require any complicated solution, it can be enabled by changing settings in:


Control Panel -> Hardware and Sound (Category) -> Windows Mobility Center -> Adjust Commonly Used Mobility Settings

控制面板 - >硬件和声音(类别) - > Windows移动中心 - >调整常用的移动设置

Look Under Function Key Behavior and change the dropdown value to "Function Key" to enable Fn key.


To disable it, select "Multimedia Key" 


See: http://elena-sqldba.blogspot.com/2015/05/how-to-enable-function-key-on-windows.html




I had the same problem. My solution was a bit different and can apply to any key. My F10 key was not working. After unplugging the keyboard and plugging it back in did not fix the problem, I twisted the keyboard like an ice cube tray and the F10 key started working again.




Also check 3rd party software. In my case I had Camtasia Recorder open and minimized, which apparently intercepts the F10 input (thanks, TechSmith)

还要检查第三方软件。在我的情况下,我将Camtasia Recorder打开并最小化,这显然拦截了F10输入(谢谢,TechSmith)

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