The display of the folders and files in solution explorer is controlled by .vcxproj.filters file in VS2010. If you have folders with the same name but under different scopes, for example, “Native\Include” and “Include”, the second “Include” and the files under “Include” will not show up in solution explorer after conversion. To work around the issue, you can recreate the folder in the solution explorer and add the respective files into this folder.
文件类型:Visual Studio Intermediate Debug File
Intermediate file created by a Visual Studio program, such as Visual C++, during the debugging process; saves the compilers state and is used for minimal program rebuilds and incremental compilations…idb
The .tlog files are necessary in order to ensure a proper incremental build; they contain data which tells the build system which files were accessed while the build process was taking place – that way we can very reliably tell whether any of those files changed, and if so, then what needs to be rebuilt. These files should only be going into the Intermediate Output Directory – we should not be copying them to the final output directory (unless you set Intermediate Output Directory the same as Final Output Directory, which is not really supported).
As for ipch files, they are indeed needed even after build is complete. We use this file to optimize intellisense performance by loading these precompiled files during intellisense requests. There’s no reason to rebuild these files unless precompiled options change.
exp文件就是导出文件(export file)。在前面的讨论中,我们讨论了使用linker去创建dll(中间还有它的导出库)现在,我们假设我们生成两个dll(or just executables)。但是他们都需要调用一些对方中函数,问题出现了。当我们生成a.dll的时候我们需要b.lib;但是b.lib在对应的b.dll生成之前没有生成,而b.dll的生成又需要a.lib。正因如此,微软的解决办法是使用exp文件,或者叫导出文件。在生成两个dll之前,你使用lib.exe(library mangager tool库管理工具)来创建一个.lib和.exp,即,DLL A 的a.lib 和a.exp,现在linker使用a.lib和DLL B 自己的东西去生成b.dll和b.lib。当你回来链接DLL A的时候你就有了b.lib。这里linker需要知道a.dll中需要导出处啥。这些信息都被缓存到了a.exp文件中。linker不需要def文件或者/EXPORT选项,它仅仅是加载a.exp中的信息。a.exp就像a.dll的两个生成过程(lib.exe and linker)的联系者一样。相似的,linker不会再次生成a.lib。总的来说,这种循环调用的情况不会和在我们的程序中出现,因此,希望你不会再你的程序中用到exp文件。