作者:手机用户2602881147 | 来源:互联网 | 2023-05-16 05:23
I've got a problem with changing the date tooltip when hovering over a point in my Google chart. You can find it here: http://jsfiddle.net/5smu5ng7/15/
As you can see, the tooltips read "Feb 1, 2017". I want them to just read "February 2017", but I can't seem to get it right.
According to the Google Charts website the following segment, which i have included, should do the trick, but it doesn't:
根据Google Charts网站的说法,我所包含的以下细分应该可以解决问题,但它不会:
hAxis: {
format: 'MMMM/yyyy'
How do I get it to work?
1 个解决方案