Straight是直的,而arrow是箭,straight arrow从字面上看是笔直的箭,straight arrow,宁折不弯,当然它作为习惯用语有它的比喻意义。
Straight arrow早年曾经专指白人信赖的刚直的印第安勇士,现在straight arrow被用来泛指任何值得信赖,道德高尚的人。
I've decided to vote for Mary instead of that old guy who has been in Washington so long. Mary tells the truth and she keeps her promises - she's a straight arrow all right. 我已经决定投票推选Mary,不再选已经在华盛顿呆了这么久的那个老家伙了。Mary忠诚老实,而且说到做到。她真是个正直坦率的人。
这里的straight arrow指正直坦率的人。
有时候straight arrow也可以说那种一板一眼,过于死板的人。这种人虽然正派可靠,但是也不怎么讨人喜欢。比方说Bob就是这样一个小伙子。
Bob is a real straight arrow: he doesn't smoke, drink or chase girls. I guess I should admire him. But I have to tell you one thing: he sure isn't much fun at a party. Bob真是个古板的人。他烟酒不沾,又不追女朋友。我想我该赞赏他的为人,但是我得告诉你一件事: 要是让他参加个聚会可真叫人腻味。
这里的straight arrow指过于古板而不合群的人。