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I am ActionScript 3/Flex programmer, it is the first language I learned.

我是ActionScript 3 / Flex程序员,它是我学过的第一门语言。

I want to learn either Java or C++.
Would one of these be easier to learn based on my current knowledge?

我想学习Java或C ++。根据我目前的知识,其中一个更容易学习吗?

8 个解决方案


It really depends what you want to do. C++ is more powerful and fast. But Java has a smaller learning curve.

这真的取决于你想做什么。 C ++更强大,更快。但Java的学习曲线较小。

I'd say learn C++, only because it will require you to gain a better understanding of how computers work under the hood. It will also help position you to learn Java, C#, or any other language down the road.

我会说学习C ++,只是因为它需要你更好地理解计算机是如何工作的。它还将帮助您学习Java,C#或其他任何语言。


Java seems more likely to be directly relatable to your work in AS3; C++ is better for giving you a grounding in a different technology (pointer-style OO rather than object-style. C++ may feel eerily similar yet different).

Java似乎更可能与您在AS3中的工作直接相关; C ++更适合为您提供不同技术的基础(指针式OO而不是对象式.C ++可能会感觉非常相似但又不同)。

If you are doing C-ish C++, the pointer language learning process can be very informative as to how OS-level calls are written...

如果您正在使用C-ish C ++,那么指针语言学习过程可以提供有关如何编写OS级调用的信息......

The places where you will reach for one tool or the other are very different, and the use you have for the tool may be more important in deciding than their relative merits as languages - employability IS a use for a tool, after all.

一个工具或另一个工具所达到的地方是非常不同的,并且你对工具的使用在决定时可能比它们作为语言的相对优点更重要 - 毕竟,就业能力是工具的用途。


Well, AS3 more closely resembles Javascript - they both follow the ECMAScript specification.

那么,AS3更像Javascript - 它们都遵循ECMAScript规范。

But to answer your question, I would say learning Java will be more beneficial and easier for you. Java supports Interfaces, and single inheritance, like Flex, whereas C++ supports multiple inheritance and lacks a formal notion of Interfaces. Java and Flex both manage memory for you, whereas C++ forces you to manage your own memory. Both Java and Flex have large helper libraries out of the box, and both have native String types, whereas C++ forces you to find a library to use and doesn't support native String types.

但是要回答你的问题,我会说学习Java对你来说会更有益,也更容易。 Java支持接口和单继承,如Flex,而C ++支持多继承,缺乏接口的正式概念。 Java和Flex都为您管理内存,而C ++则强制您管理自己的内存。 Java和Flex都具有开箱即用的大型辅助库,并且都具有本机String类型,而C ++强制您查找要使用的库,并且不支持本机String类型。

This may be my own bias, but it also seems more likely that you'll find a job that is looking for a Flex/Java developer, rather than a Flex/C++ developer. Java and Flex seem to work well together, with Flex as a front end and Java as a middle and back end.

这可能是我自己的偏见,但你似乎更有可能找到一份寻找Flex / Java开发人员的工作,而不是Flex / C ++开发人员。 Java和Flex似乎可以很好地协同工作,Flex作为前端,Java作为中间和后端。


I would say Java is more similar to AS3 than C++. You will find lots of familiar metaphors and mechanisms. C++ on the other hand, will require more effort to learn. It is closer to the machine and demands an undertanding of lower level mechanisms. For instance, there is no garbage collection so you have to manage your memory resources yourself.

我会说Java与C ++更类似于AS3。你会发现很多熟悉的比喻和机制。另一方面,C ++需要更多的学习努力。它离机器越来越近,需要更低层次的机制。例如,没有垃圾收集,因此您必须自己管理内存资源。

Which is better to know depends on what you plan to do with the language. C++ is good at performance critical applications (games, all kinds of real time simulations etc.). Java makes it easier and safer to build things, but at the cost of performance.

哪个更好知道取决于你打算用语言做什么。 C ++擅长于性能关键应用程序(游戏,各种实时模拟等)。 Java使构建内容变得更容易,更安全,但却以性能为代价。

hope this helps




C++ is, generally, harder to learn than Java. You will find this true pretty much no matter what your previous experience. Therefore, if you want to learn the easier, learn Java.

通常,C ++比Java更难学。无论你以前的经历如何,你都会发现这是真的。因此,如果您想学习更轻松,请学习Java。

(This is partly a matter of design philosophy. C++ was designed to be mostly upward compatible from C, at least the C at the time C++ was being designed. It was also designed to be useful and permissive, with ease of learning being secondary. Java was designed partly as a reaction to C++, as a generally safer and easier language. C++ is more expressive than Java, but this comes at a price: it's harder to learn C++, and easier to screw up with it.)

(这部分是设计理念的问题.C ++被设计为大部分向上兼容C,至少是C ++设计时的C语言。它也被设计为有用且宽容,易于学习是次要的。 Java的设计部分是作为对C ++的反应,作为一种通常更安全和更容易的语言.C ++比Java更具表现力,但这需要付出代价:学习C ++更难,更容易搞砸C ++。)

That being said, you never said why you wanted to learn another language. You might well be better off learning C++, even though it is more difficult.

话虽如此,你从未说过为什么要学习另一种语言。你可能会更好地学习C ++,即使它更难。


Whatever you'll finally decide to learn, do yourself a favor and read either Thinking in Java or Thinking in C++.

无论你最终决定学习什么,请帮自己一个忙,然后阅读Thinking in Java或Thinking in C ++。

Both books are available - for free! - at Bruce Eckels website. They are very, very good.

这两本书都是免费的! - 在Bruce Eckels网站上。他们非常非常好。

C++ is more complex than Java so I'd suggest to take a look at Java, first.
However, this isn't meant as C++ bashing. Both are great language, it just depends on what you'd like to do in the end.

C ++比Java更复杂,所以我建议首先看看Java。但是,这并不意味着C ++抨击。两者都是很棒的语言,它取决于你最终想做什么。


I would go with Java. It will be easier to learn and, given your background, I'm guessing you do more web/internet work in which case you'll probably find more ways to apply the Java knowledge then you would C++.

我会选择Java。它会更容易学习,并且考虑到你的背景,我猜你做了更多的网络/互联网工作,在这种情况下,你可能会找到更多的方法来应用Java知识然后你会C ++。


I think you would find Java more similar.


Learning C++ will likely require you to learn concepts that you could avoid with other high level languages (such Java and AS3) e.g. manual memory management, pointers, non forward looking compiler, multiple inheritance, etc.

学习C ++可能需要您学习使用其他高级语言(例如Java和AS3)可以避免的概念,例如:手动内存管理,指针,非前向编译器,多重继承等。

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