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In the SimpleStocks sample code provided by Apple, dataSource is defined as follows:


property (nonatomic, weak) IBOutlet id  dataSource;

and then used variously as follows (only 2 examples, but there are more in the code)


NSInteger dataCount = [self.dataSource graphViewDailyTradeInfoCount:self]; 
NSArray *sortedMOnths= [self.dataSource graphViewSortedMonths:self];

I understand what graphViewDailyTradeInfoCount does, and also graphViewSortedMonths.I would have understood: NSInteger dataCount = [APLStockViewController graphViewDailyTradeInfoCount:self]; (Tried that, and I think I know why that can't work)

我理解graphViewDailyTradeInfoCount做了什么,还有graphViewSortedMonths.I会理解:NSInteger dataCount = [APLStockViewController graphViewDailyTradeInfoCount:self]; (试过,我想我知道为什么那不起作用)

Here's the rub: The way I read the 1st line of code, dataSource is being sent the message graphViewDailyTradeInfoCount (which returns some numeric value specifying how many transactions occurred). If we assume 25 transactions, essentially [dataSource 25]; And now my mind is boggling, because I am strongly expecting that somewhere, there would be code telling dataSource what to do with the 25 it is being sent. But there isn't!!!

这是一个问题:我读取第一行代码的方式,dataSource正在发送消息graphViewDailyTradeInfoCount(返回一些指定发生了多少事务的数值)。如果我们假设25个交易,基本上是[dataSource 25];而现在我的思绪令人难以置信,因为我强烈期待某个地方,会有代码告诉dataSource如何处理正在发送的25。但是没有!!!

Then the boggling increases by an order of magnitude: dataSource having been sent the 25, it now returns that and puts it into dataCount. How does it know to do that, there's no code anywhere that I can find for that either.


And now, tickle me ballistic, in the second line of code, dataSource knows to accept (and then return) an NSArray.


In my ever rarer sane moments, it looks to me like dataSource really doesn't do anything other than "pass through" stuff that it gets handed. Computers can't do magic, it feels like a feature, but where is it documented ?




2 个解决方案



Here's the rub: The way I read the 1st line of code, dataSource is being sent the message graphViewDailyTradeInfoCount (which returns some numeric value specifying how many transactions occurred).




If we assume 25 transactions, essentially [dataSource 25];

如果我们假设25个交易,基本上是[dataSource 25];

Incorrect (based on the [] and your description, you think we're sending 25 to the data source). After the call, dataCount = 25.

不正确(基于[]和您的描述,您认为我们正在向数据源发送25)。通话结束后,dataCount = 25。

The call is asking the data source to return data to us. It is passing ourself to the data source (:self) for information purposes but the intent of the request is to get information from the data source.


Now that we have the 25 (stored in dataCount) we can do something with it.


Similarly, in the second line of code, the data source is just returning the array. We aren't passing it an array.


For the previous mini question:


NSInteger dataCount = [APLStockViewController graphViewDailyTradeInfoCount:self];

NSInteger dataCount = [APLStockViewController graphViewDailyTradeInfoCount:self];

This can't work because APLStockViewController is a class. We need to talk to an instance of the class (which is where self.dataSource comes in).




I think you might be over complicating how delegates and datasources work. Datasource points to some instance of some object.


When some object said it was a APLSimpleStockViewDataSource, it was saying that it implemented some methods, including graphViewDailyTradeInfoCount: and graphViewSortedMonths:. That object has SomeInstanceOfAPLSimpleStockView.datasource = self (or whatever the name of the class that you're working in was) somewhere in it's creation, like init or viewdidload

当一些对象说它是一个APLSimpleStockViewDataSource时,它说它实现了一些方法,包括graphViewDailyTradeInfoCount:和graphViewSortedMonths:。该对象具有SomeInstanceOfAPLSimpleStockView.datasource = self(或者您正在处理的类的名称),它在创建的某个位置,如init或viewdidload

It's the same as if you had some MyObject* myobj that implemented those methods, and you called [myobj graphViewSortedMonths:self

就像你有一些MyObject * myobj实现了那些方法一样,你调用了[myobj graphViewSortedMonths:self

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