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  1. 业务无感知,无死锁平滑

  2. 线上800万数据以下 直接使用 alter 新增字段 300ms左右

  3. 2000万数据,强制使用主键索引,每次查询50万数据 并插入新表 ,耗时 20s ,cpu 占45%




  1. 创建新表 biz_table_new

  2. 查询当前表first_max_id

    1. 确定当前同步数据量 37509688
  3. 将数据同步至新表

    insert into biz_table_new(id,app_trade_no,trade_no,trade_sub_no,uid,account_type,relate_uid,relate_account_type,biz_type,biz_subtype,in_out,amount,balance_before,remark,extra,created_at,updated_at)
    select * from journal_2022 force index(PRIMARY)
    where id>0 and id <&#61;500000;select sleep(10);
    insert into biz_table_new(id,app_trade_no,trade_no,trade_sub_no,uid,account_type,relate_uid,relate_account_type,biz_type,biz_subtype,in_out,amount,balance_before,remark,extra,created_at,updated_at)
    select * from biz_table force index(PRIMARY)
    where id>500000 and id <&#61;1000000;select sleep(10);


    1. 分批次查询&#xff0c;根据步长设置区间
    2. 每次执行完毕休眠10s
  4. 验证数据一致性&#xff0c;截止到first_max_id的数据同步完成

    1. 根据max_id 验证历史数据是否一致

    select count(1) from biz_table where id<&#61;37509688;
    select count(1) from biz_table_new where id<&#61;37509688;

  5. 评估1分钟后的increment值

    1. 查询当前max_id 如&#xff1a;37609688
    2. 当前业务&#xff0c;增长量 &#xff0c;计算1分钟内的数据量&#xff0c;如&#xff1a;200000
    3. 得出预计的increment 值 如&#xff1a;37609688&#43;200000&#61;37809688
  6. 执行表迁移

    1. 设置新表的Increment 值
    2. 重命名 biz_table 为 biz_table_bak
    3. 重命名 new_table 为 biz_table

    alter table biz_table_new AUTO_INCREMENT &#61;37809688;
    rename table biz_table to biz_table_bak;
    rename table biz_table_new to biz_table;

  7. 同步新增数据量

    1. 计算biz_table_bak 的max_id 为 last_max_id 如 37808688
    2. 根据first_max_id () 、last_max_id 获取此区间数据&#xff0c;同步至新表

    insert into biz_table_new(id,app_trade_no,trade_no,trade_sub_no,uid,account_type,relate_uid,relate_account_type,biz_type,biz_subtype,in_out,amount,balance_before,remark,extra,created_at,updated_at)
    select * from biz_table force index(PRIMARY)
    where id>37509688 and id <&#61;37808688

  8. 数据同步完毕


  • 脚本

package utils
import "fmt"
const diffTmp &#61; &#96;
insert into %s(id,uid,account_type,balance,frozen,status,created_at,updated_at,app_alias)
select *,"lailiao" as app_alias from %s_bak force index(PRIMARY)
where id>%d and id <&#61;%d;select sleep(1);

func SyncDataV2(tmp string, oldTable, newTable string, step, minId, maxId int) string {
if tmp &#61;&#61; "" {
tmp &#61; defaultTmp
var sql string
if minId < 0 {
minId &#61; 0
var nextId int
for i :&#61; minId; i < maxId; i&#43;&#43; {
nextId &#61; minId &#43; step
if nextId > maxId {
nextId &#61; maxId
sql &#43;&#61; fmt.Sprintf(tmp, newTable, oldTable, minId, nextId)
minId &#61; nextId
if minId &#61;&#61; maxId {
return sql
func SyncDiffData(tmp string, oldTable, newTable string, step, minId, maxId int) string {
if tmp &#61;&#61; "" {
tmp &#61; diffTmp
var sql string
if minId < 0 {
minId &#61; 0
var nextId int
for i :&#61; minId; i < maxId; i&#43;&#43; {
nextId &#61; minId &#43; step
if nextId > maxId {
nextId &#61; maxId
sql &#43;&#61; fmt.Sprintf(tmp, newTable, oldTable, minId, nextId)
minId &#61; nextId
if minId &#61;&#61; maxId {
return sql
func VerifyData(oldTable, newTable string, max int) string {
sql :&#61; fmt.Sprintf("select count(1) from %s where id<&#61;%d;", oldTable, max)
sql &#43;&#61; fmt.Sprintf("select count(1) from %s where id<&#61;%d;", newTable, max)
return sql
func RenameTable(oldTable, newTable string, incrementId int) (sql string) {
sql &#43;&#61; fmt.Sprintf("alter table %s AUTO_INCREMENT &#61;%d;", newTable, incrementId)
sql &#43;&#61; fmt.Sprintf("rename table %s to %s;", oldTable, oldTable&#43;"_bak")
sql &#43;&#61; fmt.Sprintf("rename table %s to %s;", newTable, oldTable)
return sql

  • 测试用例

func TestAccount(t *testing.T) {
oldTable :&#61; "account"
newTable :&#61; "account_new"
step :&#61; 100000
min :&#61; 0
max :&#61; 952317 //数据表max_id
tmp :&#61; &#96;
insert into %s(id,uid,account_type,balance,frozen,status,created_at,updated_at,app_alias)
select *,"xxx" as app_alias from %s force index(PRIMARY)
where id>%d and id <&#61;%d;select sleep(10);

template :&#61; SyncDataV2(tmp, oldTable, newTable, step, min, max)
verify :&#61; VerifyData(oldTable, newTable, max)
increment :&#61; max &#43; 20000
sql :&#61; RenameTable(oldTable, newTable, increment)
tmp &#61; &#96;
insert into %s(id,uid,account_type,balance,frozen,status,created_at,updated_at,app_alias)
select *,"lailiao" as app_alias from %s_bak force index(PRIMARY)
where id>%d and id <&#61;%d;select sleep(1);

template &#61; SyncDiffData(tmp, oldTable, oldTable, step, max, increment)

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