ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[Get.............] ( @gxsj datetime ) RETURNS TABLE AS RETURN ( select t1.*, dbo.depacode.xymc, CASE t1.xldm WHEN &#39;01&#39; THEN &#39;博士&#39; WHEN &#39;11&#39; THEN &#39;硕士&#39; WHEN &#39;25&#39; THEN &#39;双学位&#39; WHEN &#39;31&#39; THEN &#39;本科&#39; WHEN &#39;41&#39; THEN &#39;专科&#39; WHEN &#39;61&#39; THEN &#39;高职&#39; ELSE &#39;&#39; END AS xlmc, CASE WHEN LEFT(t1.sydqdm, 2) IN (&#39;11&#39;, &#39;12&#39;, &#39;13&#39;, &#39;21&#39;, &#39;31&#39;, &#39;32&#39;, &#39;33&#39;, &#39;35&#39;, &#39;37&#39;, &#39;44&#39;, &#39;46&#39;, &#39;71&#39;, &#39;81&#39;, &#39;82&#39;) THEN &#39;东部&#39; WHEN LEFT(t1.sydqdm, 2) IN (&#39;14&#39;, &#39;22&#39;, &#39;23&#39;, &#39;34&#39;, &#39;36&#39;, &#39;41&#39;, &#39;42&#39;, &#39;43&#39;) THEN &#39;中部&#39; WHEN LEFT(t1.sydqdm, 2) IN (&#39;15&#39;, &#39;45&#39;, &#39;51&#39;, &#39;50&#39;, &#39;52&#39;, &#39;53&#39;, &#39;54&#39;, &#39;61&#39;, &#39;62&#39;, &#39;65&#39;, &#39;63&#39;, &#39;64&#39;) THEN &#39;西部&#39; ELSE &#39;&#39; END AS sydq, sydq.dwdqmc AS sysf, CASE WHEN LEFT(t1.dwdqdm, 2) IN (&#39;11&#39;, &#39;12&#39;, &#39;13&#39;, &#39;21&#39;, &#39;31&#39;, &#39;32&#39;, &#39;33&#39;, &#39;35&#39;, &#39;37&#39;, &#39;44&#39;, &#39;46&#39;, &#39;71&#39;, &#39;81&#39;, &#39;82&#39;) THEN &#39;东部&#39; WHEN LEFT(t1.dwdqdm, 2) IN (&#39;14&#39;, &#39;22&#39;, &#39;23&#39;, &#39;34&#39;, &#39;36&#39;, &#39;41&#39;, &#39;42&#39;, &#39;43&#39;) THEN &#39;中部&#39; WHEN LEFT(t1.dwdqdm, 2) IN (&#39;15&#39;, &#39;45&#39;, &#39;51&#39;, &#39;50&#39;, &#39;52&#39;, &#39;53&#39;, &#39;54&#39;, &#39;61&#39;, &#39;62&#39;, &#39;65&#39;, &#39;63&#39;, &#39;64&#39;) THEN &#39;西部&#39; ELSE &#39;&#39; END AS dwdq, dwdq.dwdqmc AS dwsf, dbo.Entcode.hyname, dbo.hydygx.hymldm, dbo.hydygx.hyml, CASE t1.xbdm WHEN 1 THEN &#39;男&#39; WHEN 2 THEN &#39;女&#39; ELSE &#39;男&#39; END AS xbmc, [mzdmb].[nation] AS mzmc, [EjByqxdmb].[Ejbyqxmc], dbo.byqxdygx.jybbyqx, t1.gn500 AS jybdwxzdm, CASE t1.knslbdm WHEN &#39;7&#39; THEN &#39;就业困难、家庭困难和残疾&#39; WHEN &#39;6&#39; THEN &#39;家庭困难和残疾&#39; WHEN &#39;5&#39; THEN &#39;就业困难和残疾&#39; WHEN &#39;4&#39; THEN &#39;残疾&#39; WHEN &#39;3&#39; THEN &#39;就业和家庭困难&#39; WHEN &#39;2&#39; THEN &#39;家庭困难&#39; WHEN &#39;1&#39; THEN &#39;就业困难&#39; ELSE &#39;非困难生&#39; END AS Knslb from [table] as t1 LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.depacode ON t1.xydm = dbo.depacode.xydm LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.dwdq AS sydq ON LEFT(t1.sydqdm, 2) + &#39;0000&#39; = sydq.dwdqdm LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.dwdq AS dwdq ON LEFT(t1.dwdqdm, 2) + &#39;0000&#39; = dwdq.dwdqdm LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Entcode ON t1.hylb = dbo.Entcode.hycode LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.hydygx ON t1.hylb = dbo.hydygx.hydldm LEFT OUTER JOIN [mzdmb] ON t1.mzdm = [mzdmb].[mzdm] LEFT OUTER JOIN [EjByqxdmb] ON t1.byqx2 = [EjByqxdmb].[Ejbyqxdm] LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.byqxdygx ON t1.byqx = dbo.byqxdygx.shbyqx AND t1.dwxzdm = dbo.byqxdygx.shdwxzdm where [gxsj] <= dateadd(day,1,@gxsj) and HisId in (SELECT TOP 1 HisId FROM [table] WHERE [gxsj] <= dateadd(day,1,@gxsj) and xsxh = t1.xsxh and bynf = t1.bynf and t1.byqx not in (&#39;08&#39;,&#39;05&#39;,&#39;11&#39;) ORDER BY [gxsj] DESC) )
这样我们使用 select * from [get...](&#39;2016-8-25&#39;)
[Serializable] [XmlInclude(typeof(BYNF_InquireField))] [XmlInclude(typeof(Count_InquireField))] [XmlInclude(typeof(XYMC_InquireField))] [XmlInclude(typeof(ZYMC_InquireField))] [XmlInclude(typeof(SZBJ_InquireField))] [XmlInclude(typeof(FDY_InquireField))] [XmlInclude(typeof(XL_InquireField))] [XmlInclude(typeof(SYDQ_InquireField))] [XmlInclude(typeof(SYSF_InquireField))] [XmlInclude(typeof(DWDQ_InquireField))] [XmlInclude(typeof(DWSF_InquireField))] [XmlInclude(typeof(HYML_InquireField))] [XmlInclude(typeof(HYDL_InquireField))] [XmlInclude(typeof(XBMC_InquireField))] [XmlInclude(typeof(MZMC_InquireField))] [XmlInclude(typeof(BYQX_InquireField))] [XmlInclude(typeof(KNSLB_InquireField))] [XmlInclude(typeof(ZYDKL_InquireField))] [XmlInclude(typeof(DWXZ_InquireField))] [XmlInclude(typeof(EJBYQXMC_InquireField))] [XmlInclude(typeof(GZ_InquireField))] [XmlInclude(typeof(WYJE_InquireField))] public abstract class InquireFieldBase { public InquireFieldBase() { FieldItems = this.GetInquireItemsByInquireType(); } [XmlAttribute] public int FieldDisplayOrder { get; set; } [XmlAttribute] public string FieldName { get; set; } [XmlAttribute] public string DbName { get; set; } [XmlAttribute] public bool IsAggregate { get; set; } [XmlAttribute] public InquireHelper.FieldType FieldType { get; set; } //用于highchart统计 [XmlAttribute] public bool IsNameField { get; set; } //用于统计输出数据 [XmlAttribute] public bool IsPercent { get; set; } [XmlIgnore] public ListFieldItems { get; set; } public List FieldValue { get; set; } public bool? OrderByAsc { get; set; } } [Serializable] public class BYNF_InquireField : InquireFieldBase { public BYNF_InquireField() { FieldDisplayOrder = 1; FieldName = "毕业年份"; DbName = "BYNF"; } } [Serializable] public class XYMC_InquireField : InquireFieldBase { public XYMC_InquireField() { FieldDisplayOrder = 5; FieldName = "学院名称"; DbName = "XYMC"; } } [Serializable] public class ZYMC_InquireField : InquireFieldBase { public ZYMC_InquireField() { FieldDisplayOrder = 6; FieldName = "专业名称"; DbName = "ZYMC"; } } [Serializable] public class SZBJ_InquireField : InquireFieldBase { public SZBJ_InquireField() { FieldDisplayOrder = 7; FieldName = "所在班级"; DbName = "SZBJ"; } } [Serializable] public class FDY_InquireField : InquireFieldBase { public FDY_InquireField() { FieldDisplayOrder = 8; FieldName = "辅导员"; DbName = "FDY"; } } [Serializable] public class XL_InquireField : InquireFieldBase { public XL_InquireField() { FieldDisplayOrder = 9; FieldName = "学历"; DbName = "XLMC"; } } [Serializable] public class SYDQ_InquireField : InquireFieldBase { public SYDQ_InquireField() { FieldDisplayOrder = 10; FieldName = "生源地区"; DbName = "SYDQ"; } } [Serializable] public class SYSF_InquireField : InquireFieldBase { public SYSF_InquireField() { FieldDisplayOrder = 11; FieldName = "生源省份"; DbName = "SYSF"; } } [Serializable] public class DWDQ_InquireField : InquireFieldBase { public DWDQ_InquireField() { FieldDisplayOrder = 12; FieldName = "单位地区"; DbName = "DWDQ"; } } [Serializable] public class DWSF_InquireField : InquireFieldBase { public DWSF_InquireField() { FieldDisplayOrder = 13; FieldName = "单位省份"; DbName = "DWSF"; } }
public static class InquireHelper { public static ListGetSubInquireList() { var inquires = new List (); var subTypeQuery = from t in Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetTypes() where IsSubClassOf(t, typeof(InquireFieldBase)) select t; foreach (var type in subTypeQuery) { InquireFieldBase obj = CreateObject(type.FullName) as InquireFieldBase; if (obj != null) { inquires.Add(obj); } } return inquires; } static bool IsSubClassOf(Type type, Type baseType) { var b = type.BaseType; while (b != null) { if (b.Equals(baseType)) { return true; } b = b.BaseType; } return false; } /// /// 创建对象(当前程序集) /// /// 类型名 ///创建的对象,失败返回 null public static object CreateObject(string typeName) { object obj = null; try { Type objType = Type.GetType(typeName, true); obj = Activator.CreateInstance(objType); } catch (Exception ex) { } return obj; } public static ListBindCondition(this List conditions, string conditionName, List values) { var cOndition= conditions.FirstOrDefault(c => c.GetType().Name == conditionName && c.FieldType == FieldType.ConditionField); if (cOndition== null) { cOndition= CreateObject("BLL." + conditionName) as InquireFieldBase; condition.FieldType = FieldType.ConditionField; conditions.Add(condition); } condition.FieldValue = values; return conditions; } //public static List BindCondition(this List conditions, string conditionName, string range1, string range2) //{ // var cOndition= conditions.FirstOrDefault(c => c.GetType().Name == conditionName && c.FieldType == FieldType.ConditionField); // if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(range2)&&!string.IsNullOrEmpty(range1)) // { // if (cOndition== null) // { // cOndition= CreateObject("BLL." + conditionName) as InquireFieldBase; // condition.FieldType = FieldType.ConditionField; // conditions.Add(condition); // } // condition.FieldValue = string.Concat(condition.DbName, // " between to_date(&#39;", range1, "&#39;, &#39;yyyy-mm-dd hh34:mi:ss&#39;) and to_date(&#39;", range2, // "&#39;, &#39;yyyy-mm-dd hh34:mi:ss&#39;)"); // } // return conditions; //} public static DataTable GetDataTable(StatisticsInquire inquire) { var inquireCOnd= new List (); inquire.InquireFields.Where(f => f.FieldType == InquireHelper.FieldType.GroupField).ToList() .ForEach(f => { if (!f.IsAggregate) { inquireCond.Add(string.Concat(f.DbName, " AS ", f.FieldName)); } }); inquire.InquireFields.Where(f => f.FieldType == FieldType.DisplayField).ToList().ToList() .ForEach(f => { if (f.IsAggregate) { inquireCond.Add(string.Concat(f.DbName, " AS ", f.FieldName)); } else { if (f.IsPercent) { inquireCond.Add(string.Concat("ltrim(Convert(numeric(9,2), SUM(CASE WHEN ", f.DbName, " IN (&#39;", string.Join("&#39;, &#39;", f.FieldValue), "&#39;) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)*100.0/Count(*))) + &#39;%&#39; AS &#39;", f.FieldName, ":", string.Join(",", f.FieldValue).SubStr(60), "(%)&#39;")); } else { inquireCond.Add(string.Concat("SUM(CASE WHEN ", f.DbName, " IN (&#39;", string.Join("&#39;, &#39;", f.FieldValue) , "&#39;) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS &#39;", f.FieldName, ":", string.Join(",", f.FieldValue).SubStr(60), "&#39;")); } } }); var whereCOnd= new List (); inquire.InquireFields.Where(f => f.FieldType == InquireHelper.FieldType.ConditionField).ToList() .ForEach(f => { whereCond.Add(string.Concat(f.DbName, " IN (&#39;", string.Join("&#39;,&#39;", f.FieldValue), "&#39;)")); }); var groupCOnd= new List (); inquire.InquireFields.Where(f => f.FieldType == InquireHelper.FieldType.GroupField).ToList() .ForEach(f => { groupCond.Add(f.DbName); }); var orderbyCOnd= new List (); inquire.InquireFields.Where(f => f.FieldType == InquireHelper.FieldType.OrderByField).ToList() .ForEach(f => { orderbyCond.Add(string.Concat(f.DbName, " ", f.OrderByAsc.GetValueOrDefault() ? "ASC" : "DESC")); }); var sqlStr = string.Concat("SELECT ", string.Join(", ", inquireCond), " FROM GetStudentStatusByGxsj(&#39;", inquire.StatisticsDate , "&#39;)", whereCond.Any() ? " WHERE " : string.Empty, string.Join(" AND ", whereCond), groupCond.Any() ? " GROUP BY " : string.Empty, (inquire.ShowSubSummary || inquire.ShowSummary) ? string.Concat("rollup(", string.Join(", ", groupCond), ")") : string.Join(", ", groupCond), orderbyCond.Any() ? " ORDER BY " : string.Empty, string.Join(", ", orderbyCond)); var dt = DBUtility.DbHelperSql.Query(sqlStr).Tables[0]; if (!inquire.ShowSubSummary) { if (inquire.ShowSummary) { var col = inquire.InquireFields.Where(f => f.FieldType == InquireHelper.FieldType.GroupField).Count(); for(int i = dt.Rows.Count - 2; i >=0 ; i -- ){ if (dt.Rows[i][col - 1].ToString() == "") { dt.Rows.RemoveAt(i); //dt.Rows.Remove[dt.Rows[i]); } } } } else { var col = inquire.InquireFields.Where(f => f.FieldType == InquireHelper.FieldType.GroupField).Count(); for (int i = 0; i maxLength) { return str.Substring(0, maxLength - 1); } else { return str; } } public static string ToSerializableXML (this T t) { XmlSerializer mySerializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(T)); StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); mySerializer.Serialize(sw, t); return sw.ToString(); } public static T ToEntity (this string xmlString) { var xs = new XmlSerializer(typeof(T)); var srReader = new StringReader(xmlString); var steplist = (T)xs.Deserialize(srReader); return steplist; } public enum FieldType { DisplayField, GroupField, ConditionField, OrderByField } private static ConcurrentDictionary > _inquireItems = new ConcurrentDictionary >(); public static List GetInquireItemsByInquireType(this InquireFieldBase inquireField) { List inquireItems; if (_inquireItems.TryGetValue(inquireField, out inquireItems)) { return inquireItems; } switch (inquireField.GetType().Name) { case "XYMC_InquireField": inquireItems = new BLL.depacode().GetModelList("").OrderBy(d => d.xydm).Select(d => d.xymc).ToList(); break; case "ZYMC_InquireField": inquireItems = new BLL.profcode().GetModelList("").OrderBy(d => d.xydm).ThenBy(d => d.zydm).Select(d => d.zymc).ToList(); break; case "SZBJ_InquireField": inquireItems = DbHelperSql.Query("select distinct szbj from jbdate order by szbj").Tables[0].AsEnumerable().Select(b => b["szbj"].ToString()).ToList(); break; case "FDY_InquireField": inquireItems = new BLL.DepaUser().GetModelList("").OrderBy(d => d.XYDM).ThenBy(y => y.YHXM).Select(d => d.YHXM).ToList(); break; case "XL_InquireField": inquireItems = new[] { "博士", "硕士", "双学位", "本科", "专科", "高职" }.ToList(); break; case "SYDQ_InquireField": inquireItems = new[] { "东部", "中部", "西部" }.ToList(); break; case "SYSF_InquireField": inquireItems = DbHelperSql.Query("select [Name] from [Sydqdm] where RIGHT([code], 4) = &#39;0000&#39; order by code").Tables[0].AsEnumerable().Select(b => b["Name"].ToString()).ToList(); break; case "DWDQ_InquireField": inquireItems = new[] { "东部", "中部", "西部" }.ToList(); break; case "DWSF_InquireField": inquireItems = DbHelperSql.Query("select [Name] from [Sydqdm] where RIGHT([code], 4) = &#39;0000&#39; order by code").Tables[0].AsEnumerable().Select(b => b["Name"].ToString()).ToList(); break; case "HYML_InquireField": inquireItems = DbHelperSql.Query("select distinct hyml from [hydygx]").Tables[0].AsEnumerable().Select(b => b["hyml"].ToString()).ToList(); break; case "HYDL_InquireField": inquireItems = DbHelperSql.Query("select hydl from [hydygx] order by hydldm").Tables[0].AsEnumerable().Select(b => b["hydl"].ToString()).ToList(); break; case "XBMC_InquireField": inquireItems = new[] { "男", "女" }.ToList(); break; case "MZMC_InquireField": inquireItems = DbHelperSql.Query("select nation from [mzdmb] where nation in (select nation from jbdate) order by mzdm").Tables[0].AsEnumerable().Select(b => b["nation"].ToString()).ToList(); break; case "BYQX_InquireField": inquireItems = new BLL.Byqxdmb().GetModelList("").OrderBy(d => d.Byqxdm).Select(d => d.Byqxmc).ToList(); break; case "KNSLB_InquireField": inquireItems = new[] { "就业困难、家庭困难和残疾", "家庭困难和残疾", "就业困难和残疾", "残疾", "就业和家庭困难", "家庭困难", "就业困难", "非困难生" }.ToList(); break; case "ZYDKL_InquireField": inquireItems = new[] { "专业对口", "专业相关", "不对口", "未填写" }.ToList(); break; case "DWXZ_InquireField": inquireItems = new BLL.Dwxz().GetModelList("").OrderBy(d => d.dwxzdm).Select(d => d.dwxzmc).ToList(); break; case "EJBYQXMC_InquireField": inquireItems = new BLL.EjByqxdmb().GetModelList("").OrderBy(d => d.Ejbyqxdm).Select(d => d.Ejbyqxmc).ToList(); break; } if (inquireItems != null) { _inquireItems[inquireField] = inquireItems; return inquireItems; } return new List (); } } [Serializable] public class StatisticsInquire { public List InquireFields { get; set; } [XmlAttribute] public bool ShowSummary { get; set; } [XmlAttribute] public bool ShowSubSummary { get; set; } [XmlAttribute] public string StatisticsDate { get; set; } [XmlAttribute] public HighChart.ChartType ChartType { get; set; } }