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I'm trying to get all the words in a sentence with regex but only the ones with [a-zA-Z]. So for "I am a boy" I want {"I", "am", "a", "boy"} but for "I a1m a b*y", I want {"I", "a"} because "a1m" and "b*y" includes characters other than [a-zA-Z].

我试图用正则表达式得到一个句子中的所有单词,但只有[a-zA-Z]的单词。因此,对于“我是男孩”,我想要{“我”,“我是”,“一个”,“男孩”}但是对于“我a1m ab * y”,我想要{“我”,“一个”}因为“ a1m“和”b * y“包括[a-zA-Z]以外的字符。

So for me to get words, I'm trying to check


  1. if it's at the beginning of the string, then I only check if there's space after word
  2. 如果它在字符串的开头,那么我只检查是否有空格

  3. else there's a space before and after the word
  4. 否则这个词之前和之后都有一个空格

  5. if it's the last word, then check if there's space before the word.
  6. 如果它是最后一个单词,那么检查单词前面是否有空格。

So I ended up with something like this in Java:


Pattern p = Pattern.compile("^[a-zA-Z]+ |^[a-zA-Z]+$| [a-zA-Z]+$| [a-zA-Z]+");
Matcher m = p.matcher("i am good");
while(m.find()) System.out.println(m.group());

However, I only get "i " and " good". Because when I'm getting "i ", there's one space after "i". So the string left is "am good" Since "am" is not at the beginning of the string, nor does it have a space before the word, it does not get returned.


Can you guys provide any feedback on this? Is there a way to just peek at the next character and not return the space?


3 个解决方案



Assuming your regex engine supports lookahead/lookbehind assertions, you can use something like the following:


(^|(?<= )[a-zA-Z]+($|(?= ))

Here's a quick description of what each component does:


(^|(?<= )): This says "if a word starts here, we're interested". Specifically,
  ^: Match the beginning of the line, or
  (?<= ): Match any point that is preceded by a space, without actually consuming the space itself. This is called a positive lookbehind assertion.

(^ |(?<=)):这说“如果一个词从这里开始,我们就会感兴趣”。具体来说,^:匹配行的开头,或(?<=):匹配任何以空格开头的点,而不实际占用空间本身。这被称为积极的后视断言。

[a-zA-Z]+: This should be obvious, but it matches any run of sequential ASCII alphabetic characters.

[a-zA-Z] +:这应该是显而易见的,但它匹配任何连续的ASCII字母字符。

($|(?= )): This says "if the word is finished here, we're done". Specifically,
  $: Match the end of the line, or
  (?= ): Match any point that is followed by a space, without actually consuming the space itself. This is called a positive lookahead assertion.

($ |(?=)):这说“如果这个词在这里完成,我们就完成了”。具体来说,$:匹配行的结尾,或(?=):匹配任何后跟空格的点,而不实际占用空间本身。这被称为积极的先行断言。

Note that this particular regex doesn't count a word as a word if it's followed by punctuation. This may actually not be what you want, but you described checking for spaces so that's what the regex does. If you want to support words that are followed by simple punctuation you might amend that last atom to be


($|(?=[ .,!?]))

which will match the word if it's followed by a space, period, comma, exclamation mark, or question mark. You can be more elaborate too if you want.




Could you use a simpler pattern like \b[A-Za-z]+\b instead? (The \b metacharacter separates word characters (e.g., letters) from nonword characters (e.g., spaces and punctuation.))

您可以使用更简单的模式,例如\ b [A-Za-z] + \ b吗? (\ b元字符将单词字符(例如,字母)与非单词字符(例如,空格和标点符号)分开。))

The code

Pattern p = Pattern.compile("\\b[A-Za-z]+\\b");
Matcher m = p.matcher("i am good");
while(m.find()) System.out.println(m.group());

Produces {"i", "am", "good"} .


Edit As mathematical.coffee commented, the above fails. The expression



may work better. For the string I a1m a b*y boy am is!! or, matching produces "I", "a", "boy", "am", "is", "or".

可能会更好。对于字符串我a1m a b * y boy am is !!或者,匹配产生“I”,“a”,“boy”,“am”,“is”,“or”。

If in the previous expression "is!!" should be ignored, the expression (?<=^|\s)[A-Za-z]+(?=$|\s) can be used instead. In the previous example, it does not return "is" but returns the other words (I, a, boy, am, or).

如果在前一个表达式中“是!!”应该忽略,可以使用表达式(?<= ^ | \ s)[A-Za-z] +(?= $ | \ s)代替。在前面的示例中,它不返回“is”但返回其他单词(I,a,boy,am或)。



This is just a note, if you didn't want to use something like Kevin Ballard has suggested. You can break the string into tokens and from there you can check each token to make sure it only contains only [a-zA-Z].

如果您不想使用Kevin Ballard建议的内容,这只是一个注释。您可以将字符串分解为标记,然后可以检查每个标记以确保它仅包含[a-zA-Z]。

To break it into tokens, do something like this:


String message="The text of the message to be scanned.";
StringTokenizer st=new StringTokenizer(message);
while (st.hasMoreTokens())

And then you would write a function to check if that token is composed of [a-zA-Z]. Since there will be no white space to deal with, I think you'll find it much easier to deal with these tokens rather than the full string.


Best of luck.


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