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What is the fastest (parallel?) way to find a substring in a very long string using bitwise operators?


e.g. find all positions of "GCAGCTGAAAACA" sequence in a human genome http://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/hg18/bigZips/hg18.2bit (770MB)

例如,找到人类基因组中“GCAGCTGAAAACA”序列的所有位置http://hgdownload.cse.ucsc.edu/goldenPath/hg18/bigZips/hg18.2bit (770MB)

*the alphabet consists of 4 symbols ('G','C',T,'A') represented using 2 bits: 'G':00, 'A':01, 'T':10, 'C':11


*you can assume the query string (the shorter one) is fixed in length, e.g. 127 characters


*by fastest I mean not including any pre-processing/indexing time


*the file is going to be loaded into memory after pre-processing, basically there will be billions of short strings to be searched for in a larger string, all in-memory.


*bitwise because I'm looking for the simplest, fastest way to search for a bit pattern in a large bit array and stay as close as possible to the silicon.


*KMP wouldn't work well as the alphabet is small


*C code, x86 machine code would all be interesting.


Input format description (.2bit): http://jcomeau.freeshell.org/www/genome/2bitformat.html

输入格式描述(.2bit): http://jcomeau.freeshell.org/www/genome/2bitformat.html。



Fastest way to scan for bit pattern in a stream of bits


Algorithm help! Fast algorithm in searching for a string with its partner






6 个解决方案



If you're just looking through a file, you're pretty much guaranteed to be io-bound. Use of a large buffer (~16K), and strstr() should be all you need. If the file is encoded in ascii,search just for "gcagctgaaaaca". If it actually is encoded in bits; just permute the possible accepted strings(there should be ~8; lop off the first byte), and use memmem() plus a tiny overlapping bit check.


I'll note here that glibc strstr and memmem already use Knuth-Morris-Pratt to search in linear time, so test that performance. It may surprise you.

我在这里要注意的是,glibc strstr和memmem已经使用Knuth-Morris-Pratt在线性时间内进行搜索,因此测试性能。它可能会让你大吃一惊。



If you first encode/compress the DNA string with a lossless coding method (e.g. Huffman, exponential Golumb, etc.) then you get a ranked probability table ("coding tree") for DNA tokens of various combinations of nucleotides (e.g., A, AA, CA, etc.).


What this means is that, once you compress your DNA:


  1. You'll probably be using fewer bits to store GCAGCTGAAAACA and other subsequences, than the "unencoded" approach of always using two bits per base.
  2. 与“未编码”的方法相比,您可能使用更少的位来存储GCAGCTGAAAACA和其他子序列,这种方法总是在每个碱基上使用两个位。
  3. You can walk through the coding tree or table to build an encoded search string, which will usually be shorter than the unencoded search string.
  4. 您可以遍历编码树或表来构建一个编码的搜索字符串,它通常比未编码的搜索字符串要短。
  5. You can apply the same family of exact search algorithms (e.g. Boyer-Moore) to locate this shorter, encoded search string.
  6. 您可以应用相同的精确搜索算法(例如Boyer-Moore)来定位这个更短的编码搜索字符串。

As for a parallelized approach, split the encoded target string up into N chunks and run the search algorithm on each chunk, using the shortened, encoded search string. By keeping track of the bit offsets of each chunk, you should be able to generate match positions.


Overall, this compression approach would be useful if you plan on doing millions of searches on sequence data that won't change. You'd be searching fewer bits — potentially many fewer, in aggregate.




Boyer-More is a technique used to search for substrings in plain strings. The basic idea is that if your substring is, say, 10 characters long, you can look at the character at position 9 in the string to search. If that character is not part of your search string, you could simply start the search after that character. (If that character is, indeed, in your string, the Boyer-More algorithm use a look-up table to skip the optimal number of characters forward.)


It might be possible to reuse this idea for your packed representation of the genome string. After all, there are only 256 different bytes, so you could safely pre-calculate the skip-table.




The benefit of encoding the alphabet into bit fields is compactness: one byte holds the equivalent of four characters. This is similar to some of the optimizations Google performs searching for words.


This suggests four parallel executions, each with the (transformed) search string offset by one character (two bits). A quick-and-dirty approach might be to just look for the first or second byte of the search string and then check extra bytes before and after matching the rest of the string, masking off the ends if necessary. The first search is handily done by the x86 instruction scasb. Subsequent byte matches can build upon the register values with cmpb.




You could create a state machine. In this topic, Fast algorithm to extract thousands of simple patterns out of large amounts of text , I used [f]lex to create the state machine for me. It would require some hackery to use the 4 letter ( := two bit) alphabet, but it can be done using the same tables as generated by [f]lex. (you could even create your own fgetc() like function which extracts two bits at a time from the input stream, and keeps the other six bits for consecutive calls. Pushback will be a bit harder, but not undoable).

您可以创建一个状态机。在本主题中,快速算法从大量文本中提取数千个简单模式,我使用[f]lex为我创建状态机。使用4个字母(:= 2位)的字母表需要一些技巧,但可以使用与[f]lex生成的表相同的表。(您甚至可以创建自己的类似fgetc()的函数,该函数每次从输入流中提取两个比特,并保存其他六个比特用于连续调用。反击会有点困难,但也不是不可能)。

BTW: I seriously doubt if there is any gain in compressing the data to two bits per nucleotide, but that is a different matter.




Okay, given your parameters, the problem isn't that hard, just not one you'd approach like a traditional string search problem. It more resembles a database table-join problem, where the tables are much larger than RAM.


  • select a good rolling hash function aka buzhash. If you have billions of strings, you're looking for a hash with 64-bit values.


  • create a hash table based on each 127-element search string. The table in memory only needs to store (hash,string-id), not the whole strings.


  • scan your very large target string, computing the rolling hash and looking up each value of the hash in your table. Whenever there's a match, write the (string-id, target-offset) pair to a stream, possibly a file.

    扫描非常大的目标字符串,计算滚动散列,并在表中查找散列的每个值。无论何时有匹配,将(string-id, target-offset)对写入流(可能是文件)。

  • reread your target string and the pair stream, loading search strings as needed to compare them against the target at each offset.


I am assuming that loading all pattern strings into memory at once is prohibitive. There are ways to segment the hash table into something that is larger than RAM but not a traditional random-access hash file; if you're interested, search for "hybrid hash" and "grace hash", which are more common in the database world.


I don't know if it's worth your while, but your pair stream gives you the perfect predictive input to manage a cache of pattern strings -- Belady's classic VM page replacement algorithm.


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