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I've heard many places that PHP's eval function is often not the answer. In light of PHP 5.3's LSB and closures we're running out of reasons to depend on eval or create_function.

我在很多地方听说PHP的eval函数通常不是答案。根据PHP 5.3的LSB和闭包,我们没有理由依赖eval或create_function。

Are there any conceivable cases where eval is the best (only?) answer in PHP 5.3?

有没有可能在PHP 5.3中,eval是最好的(唯一的)答案?

This question is not about whether eval is evil in general, as it obviously is not.


Summary of Answers:


  • Evaluating numerical expressions (or other "safe" subsets of PHP)
  • 计算数值表达式(或PHP的其他“安全”子集)
  • Unit testing
  • 单元测试
  • Interactive PHP "shell"
  • 交互式PHP“壳”
  • Deserialization of trusted var_export
  • 反序列化的信任var_export
  • Some template languages
  • 一些模板语言
  • Creating backdoors for administers and/or hackers
  • 为管理和/或黑客创建后门。
  • Compatibility with
  • Checking syntax (possibly not safe)
  • 检查语法(可能不安全)

15 个解决方案



Eric Lippert sums eval up over three blog posts. It's a very interesting read.

Eric Lippert总结了三篇博文。这是一本非常有趣的书。

As far as I'm aware, the following are some of the only reasons eval is used.


For example, when you are building up complex mathematical expressions based on user input, or when you are serializing object state to a string so that it can be stored or transmitted, and reconstituted later.




If you're writing malware and you want to make life hard for the sysadmin who's trying to clean up after you. That seems to be the most common usage case in my experience.




The main problem with eval is it being a gateway for malicious code. Thus you should never use it in a context where it can be exploited from the outside, e.g. user provided input.


One valid UseCase would be in Mocking Frameworks.


Example from PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase::getMock()


// ... some code before

    $mock = PHPUnit_Framework_MockObject_Generator::generate(

    if (!class_exists($mock['mockClassName'], FALSE)) {

// ... some code after

There is actually a lot of things happening in the generate method. In laymens terms: PHPUnit will take the arguments to generate and create a class template from it. It will then eval that class template to make it available for instantiation. The point of this is to have TestDoubles to mock dependencies in UnitTests of course.




You can use eval to create ad-hoc classes:


function myAutoLoad($sClassName){

   # classic part
   if (file_exists($sClassName.'.php'){

      require $sClassName.'.php';

    } else {

            class $sClassName{
                public function __call($sMethod,$aArgs){
                     return 'No such class: ' . $sClassName;



Although, of course, usage is quite limited (some API's or maybe DI containers, testing frameworks, ORMs which have to deal with databases with dynamic structure, code playgrounds)




If you are writing a site that interprets and executes PHP code, like an interactive shell would.



I'm a systems guy, that's all I got.




eval is a construct that can be used to check for syntax errors.


Say you have these two PHP scripts:






You can check for syntax errors using eval:


$code1 = 'return true; ?>'.file_get_contents('script1.php');
$code2 = 'return true; ?>'.file_get_contents('script2.php');

echo eval($code1) ? 'script1 has valid syntax' : 'script1 has syntax errors';
echo eval($code2) ? 'script2 has valid syntax' : 'script2 has syntax errors';

Unlike php_check_syntax (which is deprecated and removed anyway), the code will not be executed.




The other (preferred) alternative being php -l. You can use the solution above if you don't have access to system() or shell execution commands.

另一种选择是php -l。如果不能访问system()或shell执行命令,可以使用上面的解决方案。

This method can inject classes/functions in your code. Be sure to enforce a preg_replace call or a namespace before doing so, to prevent them from being executed in subsequent calls.


As for the OP topic: When (if ever) is eval NOT evil? eval is simply not evil. Programmers are evil for using eval for no reason. eval can shorten your code (mathematical expression evaluation, per example).




I've found that there are times when most features of a language are useful. After all, even GOTO has had its proponents. Eval is used in a number of frameworks and it is used well. For example, CodeIgniter uses eval to distinguish between class hierarchy of PHP 4 and PHP 5 implementations. Blog plugins which allow for execution of PHP code definitely need it (and that is a feature available in Expression Engine, Wordpress, and others). I've also used it for one website where a series of views are almost identical, but custom code was needed for each and creating some sort of insane rules engine was far more complicated and slower.

我发现有时候语言的大多数特性都是有用的。毕竟,即使是GOTO也有它的支持者。Eval在许多框架中使用,并且使用得很好。例如,CodeIgniter使用eval来区分PHP 4和PHP 5实现的类层次结构。允许执行PHP代码的博客插件肯定需要它(表达式引擎、Wordpress和其他软件都有这个功能)。我也曾在一个网站上使用它,那里的一系列视图几乎是相同的,但是每个都需要定制代码,创建某种疯狂的规则引擎要复杂得多,速度也慢得多。

While I know that this isn't PHP, I found that Python's eval makes implementation of a basic calculator much simpler.


Basically, here's the question:


  1. Does eval make it easier to read? One of our chief goals is communicating to other programmers what was going through our head when we wrote this. In the CodeIgniter example it is very clear what they were trying to accomplish.
  2. eval能让它更容易阅读吗?我们的主要目标之一是向其他程序员传达当我们写这篇文章时,我们的脑子里在想什么。在CodeIgniter示例中,非常清楚他们试图实现什么。
  3. Is there another way? Chances are, if you're using eval (or variable variables, or any other form of string look-up or reflection syntax), there is another way to do it. Have you exhausted your other options? Do you have a reasonably limitted input set? Can a switch statement be used?
  4. 有另一种方式吗?如果您正在使用eval(或变量变量,或任何其他形式的字符串查找或反射语法),那么很可能还有其他的方法。你已经用尽了其他的选择了吗?你有合理限制的输入集吗?可以使用switch语句吗?

Other considerations:


  1. Can it be made safe? Is there a way that a stray piece of code can work its way into the eval statement?
  2. 它能安全吗?是否有一种方法可以让一段零散的代码工作到eval语句中?
  3. Can it be made consistent? Can you, given an input, always and consistently produce the same output?
  4. 它能保持一致吗?你是否能够,给定一个输入,总是并且始终如一地产生相同的输出?



An appropriate occasion (given the lack of easy alternatives) would be when trusted data was serialized with var_export and it's necessary to unserialize it. Of course, it should never have been serialized in that fashion, but sometimes the error is already done.




I suppose, eval should be used where the code is actually needs to be compiled. I mean such cases like template file compilations (template language into PHP for the sake of performance), plugin hook compilation, compilations for performance reasons etc.




You could use eval to create a setup for adding code after the system installed. Normally if you would want to change the code on the server you would have to add/change existing PHP files. An alternative to this would be to store the code in a database and use eval to execute it. You'd have to be sure that the code added is safe though.


Think of it like a plugin, just one that can do about anything...


You could think of a site that would allow people to contribute code snippets that the users could then dynamically add into their web pages - without them actually persisting code on the webservers filesystem. What you would need is an approval process though...




Compatibility. It's quite frequent to provide PHP4 fallbacks. But likewise it's a possible desire to emulate PHP5.4 functionality in 5.3, as example SplString. While simply providing two include variants (include.php4 vs. include.php5) is frequent, it's sometimes more efficient or readable to resort to eval():

兼容性。提供PHP4回退是很常见的。但同样,在5.3中模拟PHP5.4功能也是可能的,例如SplString。简单地提供两个包含变体(包括)。php4 vs. include.php5)是常见的,有时使用eval()会更有效或更易读:

 $IMPL_AA = PHP_VERSION >= 5 ? "implements ArrayAccess" : "";

Where in this case the code would work on PHP4, but expose the nicer API/syntax only on PHP5. Note that the example is fictional.




I've used eval when I had a php-engined bot that communicated with me and I could tell it to do commands via EVAL: php commands here. Still evil, but if your code has no idea what to expect (in case you pull a chunk of PHP code from a database) eval is the only solution.

当我有一个与我通信的php-engine机器人时,我使用了eval: php命令。仍然很糟糕,但是如果您的代码不知道要做什么(如果您从数据库中提取一大块PHP代码),那么eval就是惟一的解决方案。



So, this should hold true for all languages with eval:


Basically, with few exceptions, if you are building the value passed to eval or getting it from a non-truested source you are doing something wrong. The same holds true if you are calling eval on a static string.


Beyond the performance problems with initializing the parser at runtime, and the security issues, You generally mess with the type system.


More seriously, it's just been shown that in the vast majority of cases, there are much more elegant approaches to the solution. However, instead of banning the construct outright, it's nice to think of it as one might goto. There are legitimate uses for both, but it is a good red flag that should get you thinking about if you are approaching the problem the correct way.


In my experience, I've only found legitimate uses that fall in the categories of plugins and privileged user (for instance, the administrator of a website, not the user of such) extensions. Basically things that act as code coming from trusted sources.




Not direct use but the /e modifier to preg_replace utilizes eval and can be quite handy. See example #4 on http://php.net/preg_replace.


Whether or not it's evil/bad is subjective and depends entirely on what you consider "good" in a specific context. When dealing with untrusted inputs it is usually considered bad. However, in other situations it can be useful. Imagine writing a one-time data conversion script under extreme deadline pressure. In this situation, if eval works and makes things easier, I would have trouble calling it evil.




This eval debate is actually one big misunderstanding in context of php. People are brainwasched about eval being evil, but usually they have no problem using include, although include is essentially the same thing. Include foo is the same as eval file_get_contents foo, so everytime you're including something you commit the mortal sin of eval.

在php上下文中,这种eval的争论实际上是一个很大的误解。人们被认为是邪恶的,但通常他们没有问题使用包括,尽管包括本质上是一样的东西。Include foo与eval file_get_contents foo相同,所以每次包含某些内容时,都会犯eval的致命错误。

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