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I want to get random keys and their respective values from a Map. The idea is that a random generator would pick a key and display that value. The tricky part is that both key and value will be strings, for example myMap.put("Geddy", "Lee").


8 个解决方案



HashMap x;

Random       random    = new Random();
List keys      = new ArrayList(x.keySet());
String       randomKey = keys.get( random.nextInt(keys.size()) );
String       value     = x.get(randomKey);



This question should be of help to you Is there a way to get the value of a HashMap randomly in Java? and this one also Picking a random element from a set because HashMap is backed by a HashSet. It would be either O(n) time and constant space or it would be O(n) extra space and constant time.




If you don't mind the wasted space, one approach would be to separately keep a List of all keys that are in the Map. For best performance, you'll want a List that has good random-access performance (like an ArrayList). Then, just get a random number between 0 (inclusive) and list.size() (exclusive), pull out the key at that index, and look that key up.


Random rand = something
int randIndex = rand.nextInt(list.size());
K key = list.get(randIndex);
V value = map.get(key);

This approach also means that adding a key-value pair is a good deal cheaper than removing one. To add the key-value pair, you would test to see if the key is already in the map (if your values can be null, you'll have to separately call map.containsKey; if not, you can just add the key-value pair and see if the "old value" it returns is null). If the key is already in the map, the list is unchanged, but if not, you add the key to the list (an O(1) operation for most lists). Removing a key-value pair, though, involves an O(N) operation to remove the key from the list.

这种方法也意味着添加键值对比删除键值便宜。要添加键值对,您将测试键是否已经在地图中(如果您的值可以为null,则必须单独调用map.containsKey;如果不是,您只需添加键 - 值对并查看它返回的“旧值”是否为空)。如果密钥已经在映射中,则列表将保持不变,但如果不是,则将密钥添加到列表中(对于大多数列表,为O(1)操作)。但是,删除键值对涉及O(N)操作以从列表中删除键。

If space is a big concern, but performance is less so, you could also get an Iterator over the map's entry set (Map.entrySet()), and skip randIndex entries before returning the one you want. But that would be an O(N) operation, which kinda defeats the whole point of a map.


Finally, you can just get the entry set's toArray() and randomly index into that. That's simpler, though less efficient.




if your keys are integer, or something comparable, you can use TreeMap to do that.


TreeMap treeMap = new TreeMap<>();
int key = RandomUtils.ranInt(treeMap.lastKey());
int value = treeMap.ceilingKey(key);



I would copy the Map into an array and select the entry you want at random. This avoid the need to also lookup the value from the key.


Map x = new HashMap();
Map.Entry[] entries = x.entrySet().toArray(new Map.Entry[0]);
Random rand = new Random();

// call repeatedly
Map.Entry keyValue = entries[rand.nextInt(entries.length)];

If you want to avoid duplication, you can randomize the order of the entries


Map x = new HashMap();
List> entries = new ArrayList> (x.entrySet());
for (Map.Entry entry : entries) {



Use reservoir sampling to select a list of random keys, then insert them into a map (along with their corresponding values in the source map.)


This way you do not need to copy the whole keySet into an array, only the selected keys.


public static Map sampleFromMap(Map source, int n, Random rnd) {
    List chosenKeys = new ArrayList();
    int count = 0;
    for (K k: source.keySet()) {
        if (count++  result = new HashMap();
    for (K k: chosenKeys) {
        result.put(k, source.get(k));
    return Collections.unmodifiableMap(result);



In some cases you might want to preserve an order you put the elements in the Set,
In such scenario you can use, This 

Set alldocsId = new HashSet<>();
            for (int i=0;i alldocIDlst = new ArrayList<>();
        Iterator it = alldocsId.iterator();
        while (it.hasNext())



Been a while since a played with java, but doesn't keySet() give you a list that you can select from using a numerical index? I think you could pick a random number and select that from the keySet of myMap, then select the corresponding value from myMap. Can't test this right now, but it seems to strike me as possible!


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