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  上海-思科-Software Engineer - Platform


  To participate in the design, software development, and verification of network protocols and solutions , targeted

  for the Cable Modem Terminal Systems (CMTS) Platform for Cable Engineering (CABU).

  Key Requirements

  3 or above years of industry experience with project team leadership experience and system/product level expertise.

  Strong C programming skills

  Have embedded real-time OS/system skills such as Linux or Unix development experience

  Device driver or BSP experience

  Solves complex problems at the system level.

  Self-motivated & good team player Excellent communication skills (in Mandarin and in English)

  Be comfortable with large-scale team-based SW development and frequent inter-group/company communication

  Be comfortable interacting with hardware, software, ASIC engineers, and customer support engineers .

  Working knowledge of version control system such as CVS or Clearcase

  Desired Requirements

  Hi-end networking switch/router SW development experience

  Strong debugging skills (GDB or register/memory level debugging a plus)

  Experience with SNMP development and MIB design

  Experience of system HA/redundancy design will be a plus.

上海-思科-Software Engineer - Platform

  Ability to multitask.

上海-思科-Software Engineer - Platform

  Educational Background

  MS degree in CS/CE/EE or equivalent

  CABU Introduction

  Cable Access networks are the platforms that enable the connected life, and CABU is home to Cisco's end-to-end network solutions. With the industry's most complete product portfolio of CMTS, Edge QAMs and Access solutions, we continue to be the market space leader in technology development, product breadth and market share. As demands for greater speed, density and bandwidth continue (HD, Voice, and Data), Broadband MSOs can meet those needs with our full line of CMTS, QAM and Access products. Whatever the architecture, we have the solutions to meet the customer needs.





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  • Spring特性实现接口多类的动态调用详解
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  • sklearn数据集库中的常用数据集类型介绍
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  • 关键词:Golang, Cookie, 跟踪位置, net/http/cookiejar, package main, golang.org/x/net/publicsuffix, io/ioutil, log, net/http, net/http/cookiejar ... [详细]
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