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Apple has introduced the possibility of deleting an app. Quoting the iTunes Connect guide:


If you have created an app in iTunes Connect that you no longer need to see or manage, you can delete it from your iTunes Connect view. Deleting your app will not allow you to re-use your SKU or App Name and you will not be able to restore your app once deleted.

如果你在iTunes Connect中创建了一个不再需要查看或管理的应用,你可以从iTunes Connect视图中删除它。删除您的应用程序将不允许您重复使用SKU或应用程序名称,并且一旦删除,您将无法恢复您的应用程序。

So far so good. Then it gets slightly confusing:


If you are selling your app to another developer for their own distribution and need to remove it from your iTunes Connect account, we recommend that you use App Delete so the App Name will be freed up for their use.

如果你将你的应用卖给其他开发人员,让他们自己发布,并且需要从你的iTunes Connect账户中删除它,我们建议你使用app Delete,这样应用名称就会被释放出来供他们使用。

Does this mean that I won't be able to reuse the name in my account, but other accounts will? Has anybody tried this?


8 个解决方案



Please see Removing an App From Sale (page 92) section on iTunes Connect Developer Guide 6.3

请参见iTunes Connect Developer Guide 6.3中删除应用程序(第92页)部分

  1. Click "Rights and Pricing"
  2. 点击“权利和定价”
  3. Go to the sale territories section. There is a link near the end
  4. 到销售区域去。在结尾有一个链接
  5. Click on the "Deselect all" button to uncheck all App Store territories.
  6. 点击“取消选择所有”按钮,取消对所有应用程序商店区域的检查。
  7. Click on the "Save Changes" button.
  8. 单击“保存更改”按钮。

After removing all assigned territory checkboxes from your app in the Rights and Pricing section,, the status changes to Developer Removed from Sale and your app will not be seen on the App Store within 24 hours.

从你的应用程序中删除所有指定的区域复选框后,你的应用程序将不会在24小时内出现在app Store上。



It's possible to salvage the situation. I also made a mistake and forgot to type com.XX part when entering the Bundle ID. My app was not live yet, but once you submit BundleID, it's not possible to change it.


What you can change though, is the "App Name". Thus:


  1. Change the app name into something bogus
  2. 把应用的名字改成虚假的名字
  3. Add new app, now using correct Bundle ID and type the original name
  4. 添加新的应用程序,现在使用正确的Bundle ID并键入原始名称
  5. Re-upload everything
  6. 重新上传所有



You could reuse the App Name of the app you have deleted if you change the Default Language of the application information.


Full details here: http://hesh.am/2012/01/recovering-a-deleted-app-name-in-itunes-connect/




I just ran into this today trying to submit my app. I used an incorrect bundle ID and nievely assumed that deleting the app from iTunes Connect would release the app name and SKU for me to reuse when I recreated the app. Not so. Now I get these two errors:

我今天在提交我的应用时遇到了这个问题。我使用了一个错误的bundle ID, nievely假设从iTunes Connect中删除应用会释放应用名和SKU供我重新创建应用时重用。现在我得到这两个错误:

  • The SKU number you entered has already been used.
  • 您输入的SKU编号已经被使用。
  • The App Name you entered has already been used.
  • 您输入的应用程序名称已经被使用。

You are correct when you say their documentation is confusing. What the heck is "App Delete," and how is it any different from the "Delete Application" button in iTunes Connect?

当你说他们的文档令人困惑时,你是对的。到底什么是“App删除”,它和iTunes Connect的“删除应用”按钮有什么不同?

I only hope I'm not screwed with regards to my app name being unavailable forever. I've contacted Support so here's hoping...




Simple steps for Deleting/Removing app from iTunes Connect:

从iTunes Connect删除/删除app的简单步骤:

iTunesConnect>App>Rights and Pricing>specific stores> Deselect All> Save


Change app status: Developer Removed From Sale


After 24hours app will be removed.




when you delete an application from iTunes Connect you can't upload with the same App Name and SKU in the same developer Apple id. This resource is for migrate an App for another company or individual developer. Ex. when an App was sold.

当你从iTunes Connect中删除一个应用程序时,你不能用相同的应用程序名和SKU在同一个开发者id中进行上传。当一个应用程序被出售时。



Follow Below Steps


  1. Login into your iTunes Connect with your developer id: https://itunesconnect.apple.com

    登录到你的iTunes连接与你的开发者id: https://itunesconnect.apple.com

  2. Click on App Icon


  3. Click on Rights And Pricing


  4. At the bottom This app will be on sale in all App Stores worldwide. Or, you can select specific stores “here”. Click on here button to open all specific app stores.


  5. Click on the “Deselect All” button to uncheck all App Store territories.


  6. Click on “Save Changes” button.


  7. Now when you save all these and go to back to your App icon home screen. There will be one more button appear “Delete Application” after “Set Up iAd Network”.


  8. Click on Delete button and read instructions.


  9. Your app will disappear from the app store within 24 hours.




Refer to: see Removing an App From Sale (page 92) section on iTunes Connect Developer Guide 6.3

参考:从iTunes Connect开发者指南6.3中删除一个应用程序(第92页)。

Follow Instructions Below:


Click "Rights and Pricing"


Go to the sale territories section. There is a link near the end.


Click on the "Deselect all" button to uncheck all App Store territories.


Click on the "Save Changes" button.


Now when you save all of these and then go to back to your App icon home screen there will be one more button that will appear called “Delete Application” located after “Set Up iAd Network”


Click on that "Delete Application button" and read instructions


After removing all assigned territory checkboxes from your app in the Rights and Pricing section, and clicking "Delete Application", the status changes to Developer Removed from Sale and your app will not be seen on the App Store within 24 hours. The name you were using for your app will also become freed for other developers' use.


Hope this helps!!!

希望这有助于! ! !

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