机场等飞机,继续学习Scala~~ 本文原文出处: http://blog.csdn.net/bluishglc/article/details/51290759 严禁任何形式的转载,否则将委托CSDN官方维护权益!
Option是一个很有意思的类,首先,这个类并不一个真正的集合类,因为它并没有有继承Traversable或Iterable。但是,它确实具有Iterable的所有操作,这意味着你完全可以把Option当成一个集合去使用,其中原因你应该可以猜的到,这显然是隐式转换在起作用。具体来说是Option的伴生对象中定义了一个隐式转化函数option2Iterable, 你还记得隐式解析的作用域吗?伴生对象也是编译器针对类型进行隐式转换解析时查找的作用域,也就是说:当你试图把Option当成一个Iterable使用时,编译器是在Option的伴生对象的option2Iterable方法上找到了这个隐式转化声明:
implicit def option2Iterable[A](xo: Option[A]): Iterable[A]
从而确认了从Option向Iterable的隐式转化是定义好的。(至于另外的4个隐式转换:by any2stringadd, by any2stringfmt, by any2ArrowAssoc, by any2Ensuring是发生在PreDef中的,这4个是面向全局的任何类型的隐式转换。
First, it is far more obvious to readers of code that a variable whose type
is Option[String] is an optional String than a variable of type String,
which may sometimes be null. But most importantly, that programming
error described earlier of using a variable that may be null without first
checking it for null becomes in Scala a type error. If a variable is of type
Option[String] and you try to use it as a String, your Scala program will
not compile.
- Option具有更直白的语义:它代表的值可能是一个具体的值,但也可能是空!
- 在Java里判空是一个运行时的动作,因此经常会出现忘记判空导致的空指针异常。但是在scala里,由于Option的引入,在你试图使用Option里的值时,你必选做相应的类型转换,否则就会出现编译错误,这是引入Option另一个重要目的,在编译期进行判空处理!
Using Option in method and constructor parameters
Using Option to initialize class fields (instead of using null)
Converting null results from other code (such as Java code) into an Option
Returning an Option from a method
Getting the value from an Option
Using Option with collections
Using Option with frameworks
Using Try/Success/Failure when you need the error message (Scala 2.10 and
Using Either/Left/Right when you need the error message (pre-Scala 2.10)
##Returning an Option from a method
def toInt(s: String): Option[Int] = {try {Some(Integer.parseInt(s.trim))} catch {case e: Exception => None}
scala> val x = toInt("1")
x: Option[Int] = Some(1)
scala> val x = toInt("foo")
x: Option[Int] = None
##Getting the value from an Option
###Use getOrElse
scala> val x = toInt("1").getOrElse(0)
x: Int = 1
###Use foreach
toInt("1").foreach{ i =>println(s"Got an int: $i")
###Use a match expression
toInt("1") match {case Some(i) => println(i)case None => println("That didn't work.")