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Instead of rotating the camera with camera.rotation or with the lookAt() function I'd like to pass a look vector directly to the camera... Is it possible to set a camera look vector directly and is it possible to read the look vector from the camera?


4 个解决方案



The camera does not have a "look vector", so you cannot set it.

相机没有“look vector”,所以你不能设置它。

You can, however, construct a point to look at by adding your look vector to the camera's position, and then call


camera.lookAt( point );

Here is how to determine the direction in which the camera is looking -- assuming the camera either has no parent (other than the scene).


The camera is looking down it's internal negative z-axis, so create a vector pointing down the negative z-axis:


var vector = new THREE.Vector3( 0, 0, - 1 );

Now, apply the same rotation to the vector that is applied to the camera:


vector.applyQuaternion( camera.quaternion );

The resulting vector will be pointing in the direction that the camera is looking.


Alternatively, you can use the following method, which works even if the camera is a child of another object:


camera.getWorldDirection( dirVector );

three.js r.73

三。js r.73



The above answer wrapped as a util, this is what I do with my Three Utils:


THREE.Utils = {
    cameraLookDir: function(camera) {
        var vector = new THREE.Vector3(0, 0, -1);
        vector.applyEuler(camera.rotation, camera.eulerOrder);
        return vector;

Call it with THREE.Utils.cameraLookDir(camera);




These other answers are very insightful, but not completely correct. The code returns a vector that points in the same direction that the camera is pointing at. That's a great start!


But unless the camera is at the origin (0, 0, 0) (or lies exactly on the line segment that connects the origin to the rotated vector point without passing beyond that point so that the point is behind the camera) the camera won't be looking at that point. Clearly -- just common sense -- the position of the camera also influences what points are being looked at. Just think about it!!

但是,除非相机在原点(0,0,0)(或者正好位于将原点与旋转矢量点相连的线段上,而不经过那个点,这样这个点就在相机后面),否则相机不会看到那个点。很明显,仅仅是常识,相机的位置也会影响到所观察到的点。想想吧! !

The camera method lookAt() looks at a point in 3D space regardless of where the camera is. So to get a point that the camera is looking at you need to adjust for the camera position by calling:


vec.add( camera.position );


It is also worth mentioning that the camera is looking not at a single point but is looking down a line of an infinite number of points, each at a different distance from the camera. The code from the other answers returns a vector that is exactly one unit in length because the application of a quaternion to the normalized z-axis vector (0, 0, -1) returns another normalized vector (in a different direction). To calculate the look at point at an arbitrary distance x from the camera use:


THREE.Vector3( 0, 0, -x ).applyQuaternion( camera.quaternion ).add( camera.position );


This takes a point along the z-axis at a distance x from the origin, rotates it to the direction of the camera and then creates a "world point" by adding the camera's position. We want a "world point" (and not just a "relative to the camera point") since camera.lookAt() also takes a "world point" as a parameter.

它沿着z轴取一个点,距离原点x,将它旋转到相机的方向,然后通过增加相机的位置来创建一个“世界点”。我们需要一个“world point”(而不仅仅是“相对于camera point”),因为camerat . lookat()也将“world point”作为参数。



What I did was to use method lookAt(Vector) just before render the scene like in below code , just try it using it on a new html file :)

我所做的就是在呈现场景之前使用method lookAt(Vector),如下面的代码所示,在一个新的html文件中使用:)



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