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So imagine this is a quick mockup of my database:


enter image description here

The items from the database are presented to the user per list, each list being displayed on a new fragment, which are displayed on a viewpager. So let's say in this hypotetical case, there would be two fragments on the viewpager, first fragment would display first_list and second fragment would display second_list. Here's the code for that query:


 public static Cursor getListItems (final Context context, String listName) {
    if (mDatabase == null || !mDatabase.isOpen())
        open(context);  //This gets the writable db.

    String where = LIST_NAME + " = '" + listName + "'";
    return mDatabase.query(TABLE_LIST_ITEMS, PROJECTION_LIST_ITEMS, 
    where, null, null, null, SORT_ORDER);

Where SORT_ORDER is order_in_list, this works well, to begin with.


Now, the listviews are re-arrangeable using a public library, which attempts to allow the user to control the order of the items in each list. Here's where I am having issues, there is no add(int index, Object object) for the cursor, or some other easy way to manage the sorting. I first thought I could simply call mDatabase.update() to change the value for order_in_list but that works, but the results are not as intended. For example, user drags item two to position zero, remeber: zero-index values, we would now have two items with order_in_list as zero. And although I can call mDatabase.update() on item one to update his position to one, imagine how much work that'd be to handle several items on a well-formed database.


Does anyone have any good suggestions on how I could work this out? I thought I had been clever by adding the extra col for sorting purposes :(




Yes, I Know arrays handle this well. But the database doesn't only store 4 cols, it has many more fields. Populating arrays each time from the database would be a waste of time and effort. And I would, anyways, have to write back to the database when the app is closed.


EDIT So I changed the listview to only display one String of text, and further columns upon actual clicking on the item (and therefore displaying a new fragment with the specified list item data). This allowed me to simply keep an ArrayAdapter which easily handles the drag and drop. During onStop, I update the reference only if there was a change that required to be saved:


public void onStop() {
    if (updateDbOnExit) {
        //Update rows on database.
        for (int i = 0; i 

Where MoveListItemTo updates the value for order_in_list:


 public static void moveTaskItemTo (final Context context, String item, int to) {
    if (mDatabase == null || !mDatabase.isOpen())

    String where = COL_CONTENT + " = '" + item+ "'";

    ContentValues mCOntentValues= new ContentValues();
    mContentValues.put(ORDER_IN_LIST, to);  
    int rows = mDatabase.update(TABLE_LIST_ITEMS, mContentValues, where, null);

    Constants.LogMessage(rows + " row updated. Item moved to position: " + to);


That will work for now. However, I am still interested on knowing if there is an alternate way, especially when for example, the adapter is using data from more than one column on the database, and is therefore required to use a CusorAdapter and not a regular ArrayAdapter, which in turn requires the Database itself to update upon each Drag and Drop to reflect the change on the UI via cursorAdapter.swapCursor(). As stated, updating ALL of the items on a database upon each drag (which realistically doesn´t happen that often btw), is expensive, updating only Two rows, would be a saner choice.

那将是有效的。但是,我仍然有兴趣知道是否有另一种方法,特别是当例如适配器使用数据库中多个列的数据时,因此需要使用CusorAdapter而不是常规的ArrayAdapter, turn需要数据库本身在每次拖放时更新,以通过cursorAdapter.swapCursor()反映UI上的更改。如上所述,在每次拖动时更新数据库上的所有项目(实际上不会经常发生这种情况),这样做很昂贵,只更新两行,这将是一个更健全的选择。

2 个解决方案



I would suggest that you have an additional column, user_specified_order which would represent the user's reordering of the rows in the UI via drag-drop.


You must update each row when its user_specified_order value is invalidated by the drag-drop repositioning. When to persist that value is up to you -- either at the "end" of the user's manipulations, however that be defined (e.g. click on Save button) or after each drag/drop if there is no clearcut UI indicator of "end of manipulation".

通过拖放重新定位使user_specified_order值无效时,必须更新每一行。何时保持该值取决于您 - 要么在用户操作的“结束”,要么定义(例如,单击“保存”按钮),或者在每次拖放后如果没有明确的UI指示符“结束”操纵”。

EDIT: ContenProvider in Android: Android - Can you update a Cursor for SQLite results?

编辑:Android中的ContenProvider:Android - 您可以更新SQLite结果的Cursor吗?

Android SQLite transactions: Android Database Transaction

Android SQLite事务:Android数据库事务



I just meant I wanted a more effective way to update the fields in the db, rather than manually updating each and every single row


Make the user-specified-order column a decimal, not an integer. Then you need to update only the moved row(s).


Allow negative numbers.


0.00 cat
1.00 aardvark
2.00 wolf
3.00 dog

If "dog" is dragged above "wolf" then "dog" becomes 1.50 and no need to change other rows. If "aardvark" is dragged above "cat" (special case -- prepending to list rather than inserting between rows) then subtract 1 from the topmost value, and "aardvark" becomes -1.00.

如果“狗”被拖到“狼”之上,那么“狗”变为1.50并且不需要改变其他行。如果“aardvark”被拖到“cat”之上(特殊情况 - 前置于列表而不是插入行之间),则从最顶层的值中减去1,“aardvark”变为-1.00。

This will require you to know the values of the adjacent rows, but you won't have to update them. Only the moved row's value must change.


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