作者:手机用户2502907425_701 | 来源:互联网 | 2023-05-17 14:26
This is a strange one. A web application which runs fine on Windows Server 2000, experiences intermittent errors on Windows Server 2003 R2. By intermittent, I mean myself and 2 testers can find the error within 5 minutes of navigating around the web application.
这是一个奇怪的。在Windows Server 2000上运行正常的Web应用程序在Windows Server 2003 R2上遇到间歇性错误。通过间歇性,我的意思是我自己和2个测试人员可以在Web应用程序中导航5分钟内找到错误。
The error is always "Division by zero" - 800a000b
错误总是“除以零” - 800a000b
The most common line of code it fails on is in an include file. The line is:
Response.ExpiresAbsolute = Now() - 10
Once I change it to:
Response.Expires = 0
I cannot get the error on that page anymore. However, I then start to get the error on other pages. So far, I've had the following lines of code report the error:
nSearchPos = CLng((nLBound + nUBound) / 2)
I am currently creating an 'R1' instance of Windows Server 2003, to see if I can reproduce it on this server.
我目前正在创建Windows Server 2003的“R1”实例,以查看是否可以在此服务器上重现它。
1 个解决方案