作者:美晶婚纱-璐璐_723 | 来源:互联网 | 2023-07-17 16:15
If this is duplicated question, please point me to the proper link and I'll delete this question.
I know that in VS Team System I can use Code Analysis but I'm using VS Professional.
我知道在VS Team System中我可以使用代码分析,但我正在使用VS Professional。
Can you tell me how I can integrate FxCop and Visual Studio? I don't want to add FxCopCmd.exe to my Post-build events to run FxCop with every compilation. I want to be able to run FxCop when I choose by right clicking on the project in Solution Explorer.
你能告诉我如何整合FxCop和Visual Studio吗?我不想将FxCopCmd.exe添加到我的Post-build事件中以便在每次编译时运行FxCop。我想通过右键单击解决方案资源管理器中的项目来选择运行FxCop。
Thanks for your help.
3 个解决方案