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I would like to add chat functionality with online user in gmail in android. how to add chat feature in my own application in android?


I want to show an online user in google maps which is nearest to the area which I have selected and have the ability to chat with that online user


6 个解决方案



To add chat to an Android application there are a number of options. I'll present the options ordered by the amount of development expertise that's required - from least to most.

要向Android应用程序添加聊天,有许多选项。我将根据所需的开发专业知识量 - 从最少到最多 - 提供所选择的选项。

Using a real-time backend service


There are a number of companies offering real-time backend services. These services would provide you with an SDK which allows your app to access their servers. Using the SDK you would be able to stream data between devices.


Here is a list of the most popular services:



Google owned real-time database which uses WebSockets and MongoDB as it's core technology stack. The service allows you to save data in a no-SQL database and then register to receive real-time updates when that data changes. They also offer services for push notification and file storage. There is also a third party open source messaging framework available for iOS and Android.


Firebase have a library called GeoFire which allows you to make your apps location aware.


Pusher / PubNub

Pusher / PubNub

I've grouped these together because they are quite similar. They provide real-time streaming infrastructure and technology. You can establish channels between groups of devices and stream data between them. They don't provide any means to authenticate users so you would need an app server.



Quickblox is targeted specifically at the instant messaging market and they use an XMPP server on the backend. Since they use XMPP, this service has a lot of messaging features built in like privacy lists and typing indicators. They provide a reasonable but basic example messaging app.



Layer is half way between Quickblox and PubNub / Pusher. They offer a streaming platform which is targeted towards instant messaging. They have some messaging features like basic blocking but this isn't a full scale messaging implementation like Quickblox. They have a library of UI components that can be used to help build a complete app - Atlas.

Layer位于Quickblox和PubNub / Pusher之间。他们提供了一个针对即时消息的流媒体平台。它们具有一些消息传递功能,如基本阻止,但这不是像Quickblox这样的全面消息传递实现。他们有一个UI组件库,可用于帮助构建完整的应用程序--Atlas。

If you use a backend as a service you will always have to build the chat client yourself. If you go with one of the more general purpose options like Firebase, you will also have to build your own messaging protocol.


These services will save you time when it comes to the real-time server implementation, server configuration and scaling.



Another option is to host an XMPP server yourself. There are a number of open source XMPP servers available:


  • ejabberd
  • Prosody
  • OpenFire

XMPP servers will provide you with a large amount of messaging functionality out of the box. They generally don't include any location awareness but this could be solved by configuring the server to host the user database on a separate server - that would allow you to add extra tables to handle the geolocation. An alternative would be to use presence to update relevant devices when a user's location changed by a certain amount.

XMPP服务器将为您提供开箱即用的大量消息传递功能。它们通常不包括任何位置感知,但这可以通过将服务器配置为在单独的服务器上托管用户数据库来解决 - 这将允许您添加额外的表来处理地理位置。另一种方法是在用户的位置改变一定量时使用在线更新相关设备。

To build the client I would recommend using Smack. Since XMPP is an open standard, your client should be able to work with third party XMPP servers and clients.


If you don't want to build the client yourself there are a number of open source projects (mostly under copy left licenses) which could act as a starting point. Xabber would be one example but you can find more by searching. Alternatively, you could use this a commercial open source project.

如果您不想自己构建客户端,则可以使用许多开源项目(主要是复制左侧许可证),这些项目可以作为起点。 Xabber就是一个例子,但你可以通过搜索找到更多。或者,您可以使用此商业开源项目。

Building the server yourself


The final option is to build the messaging server yourself. This has the benefit that you could add the features you need and keep it reasonably simple. A good approach would be to use Symfony and the WebSocket Bundle for the real-time back end and Android WebSockets for the client. Using this approach you would have a lot of flexibility implementing the geo location functionality.

最后一个选择是自己构建消息传递服务器。这样做的好处是,您可以添加所需的功能并使其保持相当简单。一种好的方法是使用Symfony和WebSocket Bundle作为客户端的实时后端和Android WebSockets。使用这种方法,您可以灵活地实现地理位置功能。



I & my team, we are working on Backend as a Service platform called QuickBlox. We have great example how to integrate Map/Chat features to your application:

我和我的团队,我们正在开发名为QuickBlox的Backend作为服务平台。我们有一个很好的例子,如何将Map / Chat功能集成到您的应用程序:

Simple Android Map/Chat application: https://quickblox.com/developers/Android_XMPP_Chat_Sample




We have been working very closely with the developer community and have developed Applozic Chat SDK which takes just 10 mins for integration. Give it a try: Applozic Sample code with open source sdk is available in Github: https://github.com/AppLozic/Applozic-Android-SDK

我们一直与开发人员社区密切合作,开发了Applozic Chat SDK,只需10分钟即可完成集成。试一试:Applozic Github提供了带开源sdk的示例代码:https://github.com/AppLozic/Applozic-Android-SDK



I dont know about the about GMaps but for implementing chat you can try following link Xmpp




Adding a chat functionality, you can use Firebase or XMPP.


For choosing the right option you may prefer this https://www.quora.com/Which-protocol-is-better-to-develop-a-chat-web-app-using-Firebase-XMPP-or-HTTP



If you have strong knowledge of backend technologies, go ahead with your own. And the same time, there is also an instant solution available in the market that helps to integrate the additional functionality more easily.




We provide a real time chat SDK solution called ChatCamp. You would be able to add chat functionality to your Android app quickly with the help of ChatCamp SDK. Here is the link to Android quick start guide - https://docs.chatcamp.io/docs/android-chat-quickstart. Also, it is possible to order the user list based on the distance from a particular location or you may show online users on top of Google Maps.

我们提供名为ChatCamp的实时聊天SDK解决方案。您可以在ChatCamp SDK的帮助下快速为Android应用添加聊天功能。以下是Android快速入门指南的链接 - https://docs.chatcamp.io/docs/android-chat-quickstart。此外,可以根据与特定位置的距离订购用户列表,也可以在Google地图上显示在线用户。

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