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Some cygwin commands are .exe files, so you can run them with the standard Windows Scheduler, but others don't have an .exe extension so can't be run from DOS (it seems like).


For example I want updatedb to run nightly.


How do I make cron work?


7 个解决方案



You need to also install cygrunsrv so you can set cron up as a windows service, then run cron-config.


If you want the cron jobs to send email of any output you'll also need to install either exim or ssmtp (before running cron-config.)


See /usr/share/doc/Cygwin/cron-*.README for more details.


Regarding programs without a .exe extension, they are probably shell scripts of some type. If you look at the first line of the file you could see what program you need to use to run them (e.g., "#!/bin/sh"), so you could perhaps execute them from the windows scheduler by calling the shell program (e.g., "C:\cygwin\bin\sh.exe -l /my/cygwin/path/to/prog".)

对于没有.exe扩展的程序,它们可能是某种类型的shell脚本。如果您查看文件的第一行,您可以看到需要使用什么程序来运行它们(例如,“#!/bin/sh”),因此您可以通过调用shell程序(例如,“C: cygwin\bin\ bin\sh”)从windows调度器执行它们。exe - l /我的/ cygwin /道路/ /掠夺”。)



You have two options:


  1. Install cron as a windows service, using cygrunsrv:


    cygrunsrv -I cron -p /usr/sbin/cron -a -D

    cygrunsrv - cron -p /usr/sbin/cron -a -D

    net start cron


  2. The 'non .exe' files are probably bash scripts, so you can run them via the windows scheduler by invoking bash to run the script, e.g.:


    C:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe -l -c "./full-path/to/script.sh"

    C:\ cygwin \ bin \ bash。exe - l - c”。/完整路径/ / script.sh”



hat tip http://linux.subogero.com/894/cron-on-cygwin/


Start the cygwin-setup and add the “cron” package from the “Admin” category.


We’ll run cron as a service by user SYSTEM. Poor SYSTEM therefore needs a home directory and a shell. The “/etc/passwd” file will define them.

我们将使用用户系统作为服务运行cron。因此,糟糕的系统需要一个主目录和一个shell。“/etc/ passby”文件将定义它们。

$ mkdir /root
$ chown SYSTEM:root /root
$ mcedit /etc/passwd

The start the service:


$ cron-config
Do you want to remove or reinstall it (yes/no) yes
Do you want to install the cron daemon as a service? (yes/no) yes
Enter the value of CYGWIN for the daemon: [ ] ntsec
Do you want the cron daemon to run as yourself? (yes/no) no
Do you want to start the cron daemon as a service now? (yes/no) yes

Local users can now define their scheduled tasks like this (crontab will start your favourite editor):


$ crontab -e  # edit your user specific cron-table HOME=/home/foo
# testing
* * * * *   touch ~/cron @reboot     ~/foo.sh 45 11 * * * ~/lunch_message_to_mates.sh

Domain users: it does not work. Poor cron is unable to run scheduled tasks on behalf of domain users on the machine. But there is another way: cron also runs stuff found in the system level cron table in “/etc/crontab”. So insert your suff there, so that SYSTEM does it on its own behalf:


$ touch /etc/crontab
$ chown SYSTEM /etc/crontab
$ mcedit /etc/crontab
* * * * *   SYSTEM touch ~/cron
@reboot     SYSTEM rm -f /tmp/.ssh*

Finally a few words about crontab entries. They are either environment settings or scheduled commands. As seen above, on Cygwin it’s best to create a usable PATH. Home dir and shell are normally taken from “/etc/passwd”.

最后是关于crontab条目的几句话。它们要么是环境设置,要么是预定的命令。如上所示,在Cygwin上,最好创建一个可用的路径。Home dir和shell通常取自" /etc/passwd "。

As to the columns of scheduled commands see the manual page.


If certain crontab entries do not run, the best diagnostic tool is this:


$ cronevents



Just wanted to add that the options to cron seem to have changed. Need to pass -n rather than -D.


cygrunsrv -I cron -p /usr/sbin/cron -a -n

cygrunsrv - cron -p /usr/sbin/cron -a -n



Applied the instructions from this answer and it worked Just to point out a more copy paste like answer ( because cygwin installation procedure is kind of anti-copy-paste wise implemented )
Click WinLogo button , type cmd.exe , right click it , choose "Start As Administrator". In cmd prompt:

应用了这个答案的说明,它只需要指出更多的复制粘贴就可以了(因为cygwin安装过程是一种防复制粘贴的实现)点击WinLogo按钮,输入cmd。exe,右键单击,选择“Start As Administrator”。在cmd提示:

 cd  cygwin installer:
 set package_name=cygrunsrv cron
 setup-x86_64.exe -n -q -s http://cygwin.mirror.constant.com -P %package_name%

Ensure the installer does not throw any errors in the prompt ... If it has - you probably have some cygwin binaries running or you are not an Windows admin, or some freaky bug ...


Now in cmd promt:

现在在cmd promt:

 C:\cygwin64\bin\cygrunsrv.exe -I cron -p /usr/sbin/cron -a -D   

or whatever full file path you might have to the cygrunsrv.exe and start the cron as windows service in the cmd prompt


 net start cron

Now in bash terminal run crontab -e

现在在bash终端运行crontab -e

set up you cron entry an example bellow:


        #sync my gdrive each 10th minute
    */10 * * * * /home/Yordan/sync_gdrive.sh

    # * * * * * command to be executed
    # - - - - -
    # | | | | |
    # | | | | +- - - - day of week (0 - 6) (Sunday=0)
    # | | | +- - - - - month (1 - 12)
    # | | +- - - - - - day of month (1 - 31)
    # | +- - - - - - - hour (0 - 23)
    # +--------------- minute



I figured out how to get the Cygwin cron service running automatically when I logged on to Windows 7. Here's what worked for me:

当我登录到Windows 7时,我知道如何让Cygwin cron服务自动运行。这就是我的工作:

Using Notepad, create file C:\cygwin\bin\Cygwin_launch_crontab_service_input.txt with content no on the first line and yes on the second line (without the quotes). These are your two responses to prompts for cron-config.


Create file C:\cygwin\Cygwin_launch_crontab_service.bat with content:

创建文件C:\ cygwin \ Cygwin_launch_crontab_service。蝙蝠与内容:

@echo off
chdir C:\cygwin\bin
bash  cron-config 

Add a Shortcut to the following in the Windows Startup folder: Cygwin_launch_crontab_service.bat


See http://www.sevenforums.com/tutorials/1401-startup-programs-change.html if you need help on how to add to Startup. BTW, you can optionally add these in Startup if you would like:




XWin Server


The first one executes



and the second one executes


C:\cygwin\bin\run.exe /usr/bin/bash.exe -l -c /usr/bin/startxwin.exe



Getting updatedb to work in cron on Cygwin -- debugging steps
1) Make sure cron is installed.
 a) Type 'cron' tab tab and look for completion help.
   You should see crontab.exe, cron-config, etc.  If not install cron using setup.
2) Run cron-config.  Be sure to read all the ways to diagnose cron.
3) Run crontab -e
 a) Create a test entry of something simple, e.g.,
   "* * * * * echo $HOME >> /tmp/mycron.log" and save it.
4) cat /tmp/mycron.log.  Does it show cron environment variable HOME
   every minute?
5) Is HOME correct?  By default mine was /home/myusername; not what I wanted.
   So, I added the entry
   "HOME='/cygdrive/c/documents and settings/myusername'" to crontab.
6) Once assured the test entry works I moved on to 'updatedb' by
   adding an entry in crontab.
7) Since updatedb is a script, errors of sed and find showed up in
   my cron.log file.  In the error line, the absolute path of sed referenced
   an old version of sed.exe and not the one in /usr/bin.  I tried changing my
   cron PATH environment variable but because it was so long crontab
   considered the (otherwise valid) change to be an error.  I tried an
   explicit much-shorter PATH command, including what I thought were the essential
   WINDOWS paths but my cron.log file was empty.  Eventually I left PATH alone and
   replaced the old sed.exe in the other path with sed.exe from /usr/bin.
   After that updatedb ran to completion.  To reduce the number of
   permission error lines I eventually ended up with this:
   "# Run updatedb at 2:10am once per day skipping Sat and Sun'
   "10 2  *  *  1-5  /usr/bin/updatedb --localpaths='/cygdrive/c' --prunepaths='/cygdrive/c/WINDOWS'"

Notes: I ran cron-config several times throughout this process
       to restart the cygwin cron daemon.

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