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My colleague and I are working on the same project in PhpStorm shared in network, and it happens that we are editing the same Javascript file, however when I change the file, there is a delay for the update file on his computer and it's the same with me. Is there a way to make the PhpStorm update the file when it detects a change? Without this delay?


2 个解决方案



Go to File>Synchronize to refresh the files in the project or Use the shortcut Ctrl + Alt + Y in windows and Cmd + Alt + Y in Mac.

enter image description here

进入文件>同步刷新项目中的文件,或者使用快捷键Ctrl + Alt + Y在windows和Cmd + Alt + Y在Mac。



Responsible for the delay you encounter is not PhpStorm but the network. Even on local networks, it takes some time (seconds) for changes to propagate to other computers. The reason in not in hardware but in the way the network sharing is implemented in software.


The programs can subscribe to get notified by the OS about events on a specified file or directory. When an event happens, the programs on the local computer that subscribed are notified almost instantly. This is not possible when the files are on another computer; the changes on the remote drive are visible to local programs when the network sharing software on the two computers exchange information about what happened sync their last communication.


Because network communication takes time and resources, the sharing programs usually publish their information in batches. If a file changes it waits some time (let's say half of second), maybe some other change happens and it can publish both in a single batch. If nothing happens then it decides it's the time to inform the other computers in the network about the changes.


It's also possible that PhpStorm queries the file status from time to time. Again, because of network overload it cannot do it continuously; it would be a waste of processing time and resources.


I think using your current setup this is the best you can get.


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