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I have a matrix called total_warnings


     row day  Tx    Hx   Tn
36   36   5 32.5 37.78 16.3
41   41  10 33.3 41.46 20.5
42   42  11 31.7 41.57 21.2
43   43  12 31.3 39.03 22.2
45   45  14 29.1 37.34 19.0
55   55  24 33.7 41.77 16.4
56   56  25 29.3 38.07 15.9
58   58  27 35.0 41.07 15.3
59   59  28 34.3 40.37 18.5
61   61  30 33.5 40.34 14.9
65   65   4 31.0 37.24 11.4
72   72  11 32.6 40.00 16.2
73   73  12 33.8 40.25 16.8
74   74  13 34.7 41.04 18.6
76   76  15 31.4 39.47 18.4
77   77  16 27.7 37.30 18.4
78   78  17 27.9 38.36 22.3
79   79  18 32.9 42.07 20.1
82   82  21 32.0 38.62 19.3
93   93   1 28.6 37.55 18.1 
94   94   2 30.3 39.71 15.3
95   95   3 32.7 39.46 17.5
101 101   9 33.0 39.00 17.4
104 104  12 27.5 37.10 16.7
135 135  12 32.6 38.45 17.7

What I'm attempting to do is indentify the contents of the row ONE AFTER three or more consecutive rows. For example 41, 42, 43 are three consecutive rows, I would like to call the contents of row 45!


45  14 29.1 37.34 19.0

So for this example rows 45, 82, 101 would be returned. If the row after the three or more consecutive rows is part of another set of TWO or more consecutive rows I DO NOT need to know the contents. For example 72, 73, 74 is a set but I do not want row 76 because it is part of another set 76, 77, 78, 79!


Thanks for the help in advance! Nick


1 个解决方案



The rle function (run length encoding) can be combined with the diff function to identify the locations where the differences are 1 and have length greater than or equal to 2. The diff-operation actually shifts the names by 1 so there's no need to add 1 to the names()-result. That character result can then be used to index a matrix with rownames:

rle函数(运行长度编码)可以与diff函数结合使用,以识别差异为1且长度大于或等于2的位置。差异操作实际上将名称移动1,因此无需添加1到名字() - 结果。然后可以使用该字符结果来索引具有rownames的矩阵:

> rle( diff(mat[,'row']))
Run Length Encoding
  lengths: Named int [1:19] 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ...
 - attr(*, "names")= chr [1:19] "42" "45" "55" "56" ...
  values : Named num [1:19] 5 1 2 10 1 2 1 2 4 7 ...
 - attr(*, "names")= chr [1:19] "41" "43" "45" "55" ...
> rdiffs <- rle( diff(mat[,'row']))
> rdiffs$lengths >= 2
   42    45    55    56    58    59    61    65    72    73    76    77 
   82    93    94   101   104   135       

> attr(rdiffs$lengths,"names")[ rdiffs$lengths >= 2 ]
[1] "45"  "76"  "82"  "101"

> mat [ attr(rdiffs$lengths,"names")[ rdiffs$lengths >= 2 & rdiffs$values == 1] , ]
    row day   Tx    Hx   Tn
45   45  14 29.1 37.34 19.0
76   76  15 31.4 39.47 18.4
82   82  21 32.0 38.62 19.3
101 101   9 33.0 39.00 17.4

I'll also put in a reproducible example:


dn <- scan()
36   36   5 32.5 37.78 16.3
41   41  10 33.3 41.46 20.5
42   42  11 31.7 41.57 21.2
43   43  12 31.3 39.03 22.2
45   45  14 29.1 37.34 19.0
55   55  24 33.7 41.77 16.4
56   56  25 29.3 38.07 15.9
58   58  27 35.0 41.07 15.3
59   59  28 34.3 40.37 18.5
61   61  30 33.5 40.34 14.9
65   65   4 31.0 37.24 11.4
72   72  11 32.6 40.00 16.2
73   73  12 33.8 40.25 16.8
74   74  13 34.7 41.04 18.6
76   76  15 31.4 39.47 18.4
77   77  16 27.7 37.30 18.4
78   78  17 27.9 38.36 22.3
79   79  18 32.9 42.07 20.1
82   82  21 32.0 38.62 19.3
93   93   1 28.6 37.55 18.1 
94   94   2 30.3 39.71 15.3
95   95   3 32.7 39.46 17.5
101 101   9 33.0 39.00 17.4
104 104  12 27.5 37.10 16.7
135 135  12 32.6 38.45 17.7
mat <- matrix(dn, ncol=6, byrow=TRUE)
mat<- mat[, -1]
colnames(mat) <- c('row', 'day',  'Tx',    'Hx',   'Tn')
rownames(mat) <-mat[,'row']

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