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Steam window showing the store on a Windows 10 desktop

Steam shares your gameplay activity by default. If you’re playing Hello Kitty: Island Adventure or Bad Rats, you might want to keep your gameplay a secret. Here’s how to hide your Steam activity from your friends.

Steam默认共享您的游戏活动。 如果您在玩《 Hello Kitty:孤岛冒险》或《 坏老鼠》 ,则可能需要保密。 这是向朋友隐藏Steam活动的方法。

隐藏您的Steam个人资料中玩过的游戏 (Hide Played Games From Your Steam Profile)

Your Steam profile page normally lists all the games you’ve been playing and shows how many hours you’ve spent in all of them, focusing on what you’ve been playing in the last two weeks.


Steam profiles used to be public by default, but Valve made them private by default. Still, you may have made it public to work with a third-party service that reads information from your Steam profile, like IsThereAnyDeal, which scans your wishlist for games and lets you know if they’re for sale on other game stores.

Steam配置文件默认情况下是公开的,但是Valve默认将它们设为私有。 不过,您可能已经公开使用第三方服务,该服务从您的Steam档案中读取信息 ,例如IsThereAnyDeal ,该服务会扫描您的愿望清单中的游戏,并让您知道它们是否在其他游戏商店中出售。

To access your profile in Steam, hover over your username on the top bar and click “Profile.”


Opening your profile in Steam

Click the “Edit Profile” button at the right side of the page to edit your profile.


Editing your profile in Steam

Click “My Privacy Settings” at the right side of your page to find Steam’s profile privacy options.


Opening profile privacy settings in Steam

Adjust the privacy settings here to control what people can see. To hide gameplay, you have two options.

在此处调整隐私设置,以控制人们可以看到的内容。 要隐藏游戏玩法,您有两个选择。

To hide gameplay information, set “Game details” to “Private.” Not even your friends will be able to see the games you’re playing, the games you own, or the games you’ve wishlisted. They can still see your friends list, inventory, comments, and other information, depending on the options you have selected on this page.

要隐藏游戏信息,请将“游戏详细信息”设置为“私人”。 甚至您的朋友也无法看到您正在玩的游戏,您拥有的游戏或您希望列出的游戏。 他们仍然可以看到您的朋友列表,清单,评论和其他信息,具体取决于您在此页面上选择的选项。

You could also just hide everything by setting the “My Profile” option to Private. If you do, no one can see your entire profile page. You can also select “Friends Only,” and only your Steam friends will be able to see your profile.

您还可以通过将“我的个人资料”选项设置为私人隐藏所有内容。 如果这样做,则没人能看到您的整个个人资料页面。 您也可以选择“仅限朋友”,只有您的Steam朋友才能看到您的个人资料。

Setting game detail information to private in Steam

隐藏Steam聊天中的游戏活动 (Hide Gameplay Activity From Steam Chat)

If you’re only kind-of embarrassed about the game you’re currently playing—maybe you don’t care if it’s listed on your profile page but you don’t want all your friends getting a notification that you’ve started playing the game or see that you’re playing it on their friends list—you can go offline or become invisible on Steam chat.


To do so, click the “Friends and Chat” option in steam, click your username, and select “Offline” or “Invisible.” Your friends won’t be able to see what you’re playing right now, although this information will still appear on your profile page.

为此,请在Steam中单击“朋友和聊天”选项,单击您的用户名,然后选择“脱机”或“不可见”。 尽管此信息仍会出现在您的个人资料页面上,但您的朋友现在无法看到您正在播放的内容。

Note that setting your “Game details” to Private will prevent your friends from seeing the games you’re playing, even if you’re online in Steam chat.


Going offline or invisible in Steam chat

隐藏或删除Steam库中的游戏 (Hide or Remove Games From Your Steam Library)

If you’d like to hide a game from the Steam library on your PC, you can set it to “Hidden” or remove it from your Steam library.

如果您想在PC上的Steam库中隐藏游戏,可以将其设置为“隐藏”或将其从Steam库中删除 。

People with access to game details on your profile will still be able to see any achievements and playtime you have in that game. However, anyone with access to your PC won’t see the game in your normal Steam library.

有权访问您个人资料中游戏详细信息的人仍然可以看到您在该游戏中获得的任何成就和游戏时间。 但是,任何有权访问您PC的人都不会在您的常规Steam库中看到该游戏。

Hiding a game from your Steam library

With Steam now offering adult-only games and other not-safe-for-work (NSFW) material, the ability to hide games you’re playing only becomes more important. But it’s useful even if you’ve been playing other games, like Bad Rats, that you don’t want anyone else knowing about.

现在,借助Steam提供的仅限成人游戏和其他不安全工作(NSFW)资料,隐藏只玩游戏的能力变得更加重要。 但是,即使您一直在玩其他游戏(例如Bad Rats) ,也不想让其他人知道,这还是很有用的。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/434655/how-to-hide-the-games-youre-playing-on-steam/

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