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I've been using the new preview of android studio and really like it. But recently my project won't build. I get the following error:

我一直在使用android studio的新预览版,并且非常喜欢它。但最近我的项目无法构建。我得到了以下错误:

FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':TestProj:compileDebug'.
> Compilation failed; see the compiler error output for details.

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.

Could not execute build using Gradle distribution 'http://services.gradle.org/distributions/gradle-1.6-bin.zip'.

Question is how do I enable the stack trace so I can get to the root of the error. As it is I really have no idea what's causing this.


8 个解决方案



If you are using the Gradle Wrapper (the recommended option in Android Studio), you enable stacktrace by running gradlew compileDebug --stacktrace from the command line in the root folder of your project (where the gradlew file is).

如果您正在使用Gradle包装器(Android Studio推荐的选项),您可以通过运行gradlew compileDebug—stacktrace从项目根文件夹中的命令行(gradlew文件在其中)来启用stacktrace。

If you are not using the gradle wrapper, you use gradle compileDebug --stacktrace instead (presumably).

如果您不使用gradle包装,那么您将使用gradle compileDebug—stacktrace(大概)。

You don't really need to run with --stacktrace though, running gradlew compileDebug by itself, from the command line, should tell you where the error is.

您不需要使用——stacktrace来运行,通过命令行自己运行gradlew compileDebug,应该会告诉您错误在哪里。

I based this information on this comment:


Android Studio new project can not run, throwing error

Android Studio新项目无法运行,抛出错误



Similar to @joe_deniable 's answer the thing I found with my own projects was that gradle would output that kind of error when there was a misconfiguration of my system.


I discovered that by running gradlew installDebug or similar command from the terminal I got better output as to what the real problem was.

我发现通过在终端上运行gradlew installDebug或类似的命令,我得到了更好的输出,以了解真正的问题是什么。

e.g. initially it turns out my JAVA_HOME was not setup correctly. Then I discovered it encountered errors because I didn't have a package space setup correctly. Etc.




The only solution I've found is to first create the project in Android Studio, then close the project, then import the project. I searched all over and could not find the root cause and all other solutions people posted didn't work.

我发现的唯一解决方案是首先在Android Studio中创建项目,然后关闭项目,然后导入项目。我找遍了所有的地方,都找不到根本原因,所有其他人发布的解决方案都不管用。



OK seems like a caching issue of some sort. There was indeed an error in code with the R.id.some_id not being found but the editor was not picking it up displaying that there were no errors.




I installed Android Studio on an old WinXP with only for me option. After install I did the new project wizard and when opening the new project a got some Gradle error with some failed path to my instalation dir. c:/Document"#¤!"#¤ and settins/...

我在一个旧的WinXP上安装了Android Studio,只有for me选项。安装后,我做了新项目向导,当打开新项目a时,我的instalation dir路径有一些错误。c:/文档”#¤!“#¤和设定/…

The I uninstalled and did a new install with option for all users (C:/Programs/..) then I opend the previous created project with no errors.

我卸载并为所有用户安装了一个新的选项(C:/ program /..),然后我选择了之前创建的没有错误的项目。

So it might be a path problem. (Just spent 10 sec debugging, so I might be wrong but it solved my gradle error)




I found this post helpful:


"It can happen when res folder contains unexpected folder names. In my case after merge mistakes I had a folder src/main/res/res. And it caused problems."


from: "https://groups.google.com/forum/#!msg/adt-dev/0pEUKhEBMIA/ZxO5FNRjF8QJ"

来自:“https://groups.google.com/forum/ !味精/ adt-dev / 0 peukhebmia / ZxO5FNRjF8QJ”



I used a local distribution of gradle downloaded from gradle website and used it in android studio.

我使用了一个从gradle网站上下载的gradle的本地发行版,并在android studio中使用。

It fixed the gradle build error.




Edit the gradle wrapper settings in gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.properties and change gradle-1.6-bin.zip to gradle-2.4-bin.zip.

编辑层次包装设置在层次/包装/层次包装。属性和改变gradle - 1.6 - bin。gradle - 2.4 bin.zip zip。

./gradle/wrapper/gradle-wrapper.properties :

。/它/包装/ gradle-wrapper。属性:

#Wed Apr 10 15:27:10 PDT 2013

It should compile without any error now.


Note: update version numbers with the most recent ones


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