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Ford Motor Company has improved in fuel economy more than any other major automaker since 2004, according to a recent report by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The EPA rated Ford's combined car and truck fuel economy improvement at nearly 20 percent, almost double the next closest competitor.


As an example of this increase, Ford notes that the fuel efficiency of the 2010 Ford Fusion improved 21% over the 2009 model, jumping from 28 mpg to 34 mpg in highway driving. Powertrain improvements were a big difference maker in this improvement -- Fusion and other new models benefit from the introduction of Ford's new six-speed transmission, which offers a wider gear span than four-speed transmissions. 

The six-speed allowed Ford's engineers the flexibility to tune the powertrain for greater responsiveness in low gears and better fuel economy in the taller gears. The new double-overdrive gearbox is designed to contribute up to 4% fuel economy improvement.Ford says it is committed to having almost 100% of its transmissions be advanced six-speed gearboxes by 2013. 

Beyond the powertrain, Ford credits its recent gains in fuel economy in part to its introduction of the Ford Escape and Mercury Marinerhybrids and numerous incremental aerodynamic, mechanical, energy management and weight-saving improvements across its vehicle lineup. Going forward, it expects its Ford Fusion and Mercury Milan hybrids and its fuel-efficient EcoBoost engines to further improve its fleet-wide fuel economy. 

EcoBoost engines are available in the Ford Taurus, Ford Flex, Lincoln MKS and Lincoln MKT. Recently honored with a Popular Mechanics' Breakthrough Award,EcoBoost uses gasoline turbocharged direct-injection technology for up to20% better fuel economy, 15% fewer CO2 emissions and superior driving performance versus larger-displacement engines. 

On average, nearly one in five buyers of the Taurus, Flex, Lincoln MKS and MKT have opted for EcoBoost since the engine lineup's introduction in August.By 2013, Ford says it will offer EcoBoost engines in 90% of its product lineup with annual volume of vehicles with EcoBoost at 1.3 million globally. 

The progress made by Ford during the past few years reflects an engineering philosophy that every joule of energy gained through incremental improvement is precious. Ford engineers use a systems approach to manage vehicle energy and implement a variety of design and engineering solutions that can each improve fuel economy by 1% or more. Taken together, the improvements help deliver significant savings for consumers at the pump. 

Ford is also eliminating energy waste in every vehicle system, including power steering.Ford's new Electric Power Assist Steering (EPAS) can improve fuel economy up to 3%, while reducing CO2 emissions and enhancing steering performance. EPAS saves fuel primarily because the steering system is powered by an electric motor connected to the vehicle's battery, as opposed to engine-mounted hydraulic pump steering systems. By 2012 Ford plans to fit nearly 90% of the Ford, Lincoln and Mercury lineup with EPAS. 

According to Ford, depending on powertrain specifications, the 2010 Fusion, Fusion Hybrid, Escape Hybrid, Taurus SHO, Flex, F-Series and Transit Connect offer best-in-class or unsurpassed fuel economy. The company says the same can be said of the 2010 Lincoln MKS and MKT and Navigator, Mercury Milan Hybrid and Mariner Hybrid.

Ford expects to see its overall fuel economy continue to rise in 2010 with the introduction of the2011 Ford Fiesta and redesigned 2011 Ford Focus -- both high-mileage small cars. 

In addition to fuel economy, Ford also reports that it has lowered its tailpipe CO2 emissions more than any other automaker, with a fleet-wide average of 434 grams per mile -- 37 grams lower than its 2007 total and 25 grams lower than 2008. 

Launched in 2009, Ford plans to continue following what it calls "an aggressive plan" to bring pure battery-electric vehicles, next-generation lithium-ion battery powered hybrids and a plug-in hybrid to market quickly and more affordably during the next four years. Vehicles included in this plan are:

•Transit Connect battery-electric commercial van in 2010
•Focus Electric passenger car in 2011
•Next-generation hybrid vehicle in 2012
•Plug-in hybrid in 2012 

Ford claims these new vehicles pave the way for additional applications in the future, using Ford's high-volume global small car and midsize car platforms. 

As part of Ford's electrification plan, it will bring battery system design, development and manufacturing in houseas a core competency in support of the development of its next-generation hybrid vehicle in 2012. Ford will continue to work with supplier Johnson Controls-Saft on the design and development of battery cells and packs for Ford's PHEV that also launches in 2012.


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