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Seems a common enough problem this, but most solutions refer to concatenating multiple SQL commands, something which I believe can't be done with ADO/VBA (I'll be glad to be shown wrong in this regard however).

这似乎是一个常见的问题,但是大多数解决方案都是指连接多个SQL命令,我相信这是ADO / VBA无法做到的(但我很高兴在这方面显示错误)。

I currently insert my new record then run a select query using (I hope) enough fields to guarantee that only the newly inserted record can be returned. My databases are rarely accessed by more than one person at a time (negligible risk of another insert happening between queries) and due to the structure of the tables, identifying the new record is normally pretty easy.


I'm now trying to update a table that does not have much scope for uniqueness, other than in the artificial primary key. This means there is a risk that the new record may not be unique, and I'm loathe to add a field just to force uniqueness.


What's the best way to insert a record into an Access table then query the new primary key from Excel in this situation?


Thanks for the replies. I have tried to get @@IDENTITY working, but this always returns 0 using the code below.

谢谢你的回复。我试图让@@ IDENTITY工作,但这总是使用下面的代码返回0。

Private Sub getIdentityTest()
    Dim myRecordset As New ADODB.Recordset
    Dim SQL As String, SQL2 As String

    SQL = "INSERT INTO tblTasks (discipline,task,owner,unit,minutes) VALUES (""testDisc3-3"",""testTask"",""testOwner"",""testUnit"",1);"
    SQL2 = "SELECT @@identity AS NewID FROM tblTasks;"

    If databaseConnection Is Nothing Then
    End If

    With databaseConnection
        .Open dbConnectionString
        .Execute (SQL)
    End With

    myRecordset.Open SQL2, dbConnectionString, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly

    Debug.Print myRecordset.Fields("NewID")


    Set myRecordset = Nothing
End Sub

Anything stand out being responsible?


However, given the caveats helpfully supplied by Renaud (below) there seems nearly as much risk with using @@IDENTITY as with any other method, so I've resorted to using SELECT MAX for now. For future reference though I would be interested to see what is wrong with my attempt above.

但是,考虑到Renaud帮助提供的警告(下图),使用@@ IDENTITY与使用任何其他方法的风险几乎相同,所以我现在使用SELECT MAX。为了将来参考,虽然我有兴趣看看我上面的尝试有什么问题。

6 个解决方案



About your question:


I'm now trying to update a table that does not have much scope for uniqueness, other than in the artificial primary key. This means there is a risk that the new record may not be unique, and I'm loathe to add a field just to force uniqueness.


If you are using an AutoIncrement for your primary key, then you have uniqueness and you could use SELECT @@Identity; to get the value of the last autogenerated ID (see caveats below).

如果您使用AutoIncrement作为主键,那么您具有唯一性,您可以使用SELECT @@ Identity;获取最后一个自动生成ID的值(请参阅下面的警告)。

If you are not using autoincrement, and you are inserting the records from Access but you want to retrieve the last one from Excel:


  • make sure your primary key is sortable, so you can get the last one using a query like either of these:


    SELECT MAX(MyPrimaryField) FROM MyTable;
    SELECT TOP 1 MyPrimaryField FROM MyTable ORDER BY MyPrimaryField DESC;
  • or, if sorting your primary field wouldn't give you the last one, you would need to add a DateTime field (say InsertedDate) and save the current date and time every time you create a new record in that table so you could get the last one like this:


    SELECT TOP 1 MyPrimaryField FROM MyTable ORDER BY InsertedDate DESC;

In either of these cases, I think you would find adding an AutoIncrement primary key as being a lot easier to deal with:


  • It's not going to cost you much


  • It's going to guarantee you uniqueness of your records without having to think about it


  • It's going to make it easier for you to pick the most recent record, either using @@Identity or through sorting by the primary key or getting the Max().

    这将使您更容易选择最新的记录,使用@@ Identity或通过主键排序或获取Max()。

From Excel


To get the data into Excel, you have a couple of choices:


  • create a data link using a query, so you can use the result directly in a Cell or a range.


  • query from VBA:


    Sub GetLastPrimaryKey(PrimaryField as string, Table as string) as variant
        Dim con As String
        Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
        Dim sql As String
        con = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;" & _
              "Data Source= ; C:\myDatabase.accdb"
        sql = "SELECT MAX([" & PrimaryField & "]) FROM [" & MyTable & "];"
        Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
        rs.Open sql, con, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly
        GetLastPrimaryKey = rs.Fields(0).Value
        Set rs = Nothing
    End Sub

Note about @@Identity

关于@@ Identity的注意事项

You have to be careful of the caveats when using @@Identity in standard Access databases(*):

在标准Access数据库(*)中使用@@ Identity时,您必须小心注意事项:

  • It only works with AutoIncrement Identity fields.

    它仅适用于AutoIncrement Identity字段。

  • It's only available if you use ADO and run SELECT @@IDENTITY;

    它仅在您使用ADO并运行SELECT @@ IDENTITY时才可用;

  • It returns the latest used counter, but that's for all tables. You can't use it to return the counter for a specific table in MS Access (as far as I know, if you specify a table using FROM mytable, it just gets ignored).
    In short, the value returned may not be at all the one you expect.

    它返回最新使用的计数器,但这适用于所有表。你不能用它来返回MS Access中特定表的计数器(据我所知,如果你使用FROM mytable指定一个表,它就会被忽略)。简而言之,返回的值可能与您期望的值完全不同。

  • You must query it straight after an INSERT to minimize the risk of getting a wrong answer.
    That means that if you are inserting your data at one time and need to get the last ID at another time (or another place), it won't work.


  • Last but not least, the variable is set only when records are inserted through programming code.
    This means that is the record was added through the user interface, @@IDENTITY will not be set.

    最后但并非最不重要的是,仅当通过编程代码插入记录时才设置变量。这意味着通过用户界面添加了记录,将不会设置@@ IDENTITY。

(*): just to be clear, @@IDENTITY behaves differently, and in a more predictive way, if you use ANSI-92 SQL mode for your database.
The issue though is that ANSI 92 has a slightly different syntax than the ANSI 89 flavour supported by Access and is meant to increase compatibility with SQL Server when Access is used as a front end.

(*):为了清楚起见,@@ IDENTITY表现不同,并且以更具预测性的方式,如果您对数据库使用ANSI-92 SQL模式。但问题是ANSI 92与Access支持的ANSI 89风格略有不同,并且当Access用作前端时,旨在提高与SQL Server的兼容性。



If the artificial key is an autonumber, you can use @@identity.

如果人工密钥是自动编号,则可以使用@@ identity。

Note that with both these examples, the transaction is isolated from other events, so the identity returned is the one just inserted. You can test this by pausing the code at Debug.Print db.RecordsAffected or Debug.Print lngRecs and inserting a record manually into Table1, continue the code and note that the identity returned is not that of the record inserted manually, but of the previous record inserted by code.

请注意,对于这两个示例,事务与其他事件隔离,因此返回的标识是刚刚插入的标识。您可以通过暂停Debug.Print db.RecordsAffected或Debug.Print lngRecs中的代码并手动将记录插入Table1来测试这一点,继续代码并注意返回的标识不是手动插入的记录,而是之前的记录由代码插入。

DAO Example


'Reference: Microsoft DAO 3.6 Object Library '
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset

Set db = CurrentDb

db.Execute ("INSERT INTO table1 (field1, Crdate ) " _
            & "VALUES ( 46, #" & Format(Date, "yyyy/mm/dd") & "#)")
Debug.Print db.RecordsAffected
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("SELECT @@identity AS NewID FROM table1")
Debug.Print rs.Fields("NewID")

ADO Example


Dim cn As New ADODB.Connection
Dim rs As New ADODB.Recordset

Set cn = CurrentProject.Connection

cn.Execute ("INSERT INTO table1 (field1, Crdate ) " _
            & "VALUES ( 46, #" & Format(Date, "yyyy/mm/dd") & "#)"), lngRecs
Debug.Print lngRecs
rs.Open "SELECT @@identity AS NewID FROM table1", cn
Debug.Print rs.Fields("NewID")



Re: "I have tried to get @@IDENTITY working, but this always returns 0 using the code below."

回复:“我试图让@@ IDENTITY工作,但这总是使用下面的代码返回0。”

Your code sends SQL and SQL2 through different connection objects. I don't think @@identity will return anything other than zero unless you ask from the same connection where you executed your INSERT statement.

您的代码通过不同的连接对象发送SQL和SQL2。我不认为@@ identity将返回除零之外的任何内容,除非您从执行INSERT语句的同一连接询问。

Try changing this:


myRecordset.Open SQL2, dbConnectionString, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly



myRecordset.Open SQL2, databaseConnection, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly



Here's my solution that does not use @@index or MAX.

这是我的解决方案,不使用@@ index或MAX。

Const cOnnectionString= "Provider=SQLOLEDB; Data Source=SomeSource; Initial Catalog=SomeDB; User Id=YouIDHere; Password=YourPassword"
Const RecordsSQL = "SELECT * FROM ThatOneTable"

Private Sub InsertRecordAndGetID()
    Set cOnnection= New ADODB.connection
    connection.cOnnectionString= connectionString
    Set recordset = New ADODB.recordset
    recordset.Open SQL, connection, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic

    With recordset
        !Field1 = Value1
        !Field2 = Value2
    End With

    ID = recordset.Fields("id")

End Sub





Try following macro code.First add a command button to the sheet from the control box and paste following codes in the code window


Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
    MsgBox GetLastPrimaryKey
End Sub

Private Function GetLastPrimaryKey() As String
Dim con As String
Dim cn As ADODB.Connection
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Dim sql As String
con = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\myaccess.mdb;Persist Security Info=False"
sql = "SELECT MAX(id) FROM  tblMyTable"

Set cn = New ADODB.Connection
Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
cn.Open con
rs.Open sql, cn, 3, 3, 1
If rs.RecordCount <> 0 Then
   GetLastPrimaryKey = rs.Fields(0).Value
End If
Set rs = Nothing
Set cn = Nothing
End Function



8 years late to the party... The problem you are having is that you are using dbConnectionString to create a new connection. @@identity is specific to the connection you are using.

聚会迟到8年......您遇到的问题是您正在使用dbConnectionString创建新连接。 @@ identity特定于您正在使用的连接。

First, don't close the original connection





myRecordset.Open SQL2, dbConnectionString, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly

with the connection you previously used for the insert


myRecordset.Open SQL2, databaseConnection, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly

and you'd have been all set. In fact, you don't even need to specify the table:


SQL2 = "SELECT @@identity AS NewID"

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