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Here's the deal.


My WinApp is running, right? in let's say process 'A'.It creates a file and keeps the handle (keeps the file open for writing, this is a must).
Then it starts other msbuild process, let's call it 'B'. This process is started with the System.Diagnostic.Process class.
At some point, my WinApp (A) needs to delete the previously created file (remember it was created by A itself), and that's when I get an IOException with the message "The process cannot access the file 'X' because it is being used by another process". And it actually is!... If I terminate process 'B', only then 'A' can successfully delete the file.


So my questions are:
1) Is there a way I can tell the process I create not no handle the files I opened?
2) Is there another way to achieve my scenario?

所以我的问题是:1)有没有办法可以告诉我创建的过程不是没有处理我打开的文件? 2)有没有其他方法来实现我的方案?

4 个解决方案


It looks like System.Diagnostic.Process.Start calls CreateProcess with the bInheritHandles argument set to true.


You could try setting UseShellExecute to true in ProcessStartInfo, or directly P/Invoke to CreateProcess.

您可以尝试在ProcessStartInfo中将UseShellExecute设置为true,或者直接将P / Invoke设置为CreateProcess。


It is possible to force a file handle closed without closing the process is using the handle, though this might cause the application to crash. In other words, doing what you wannt to do may cause 'B' to crash. That said, what you are asking for is definitely possible, since the application, Process Explorer can do this. I you search the messageboard in that link, you might find it informative, though even the act of finding which application is using a handle is an exercise in frustration, never mind actually closing the handle.

可以强制关闭文件句柄而不关闭进程正在使用句柄,但这可能会导致应用程序崩溃。换句话说,做你想做的事可能会导致'B'崩溃。也就是说,你要求的绝对是可能的,因为Process Explorer可以做到这一点。我在那个链接中搜索留言板,你可能会发现它提供了丰富的信息,尽管即使是找到哪个应用程序正在使用句柄的行为也是一种挫败的练习,更不用说实际关闭句柄了。


I don't know of a guaranteed way to delete a file with open handles, but if you can wait until a system restart for the file to be deleted, you can use the same technique as the MoveFile utility from Sysinternals.


This program adds registry values to the HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\PendingFileRenameOperations key which Windows checks on boot, and this will guarantee the file gets deleted, albeit not immediately.

此程序将注册表值添加到Windows检查引导的HKLM \ System \ CurrentControlSet \ Control \ Session Manager \ PendingFileRenameOperations项,这将保证文件被删除,尽管不是立即删除。


I had come across a similar problem when I was trying to read a file that was exclusively locked.


I was trying to do it using :


FileStream exclusiveWriter = new FileStream(@"C:\Temp\FileLockTest1.txt", FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None);  

The complete discussion is available at :


File exclusively locked by another process - MSDN Forum disucssion

文件由另一个进程独占锁定 - MSDN论坛的disucssion

Hope this helps.


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