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I would like to stream only sound from youtube. I need this for IOS but others can be ok. I have searched on stackoverflow but I couldn't find. Because I don't want to use another software, I want to directly stream only sound of youtube video by code. Also It should work on background.


7 个解决方案



Flashgot (for Firefox) has a way to download only the audio of a Youtube video. It exposes links to the audio that looks like this:



OK, so that is a very big link. This is the same link dissected into pieces:


&mime=audio/mp4 #Here's where audio only is specified.
&ip= #Oh, look. My IP address.

Very interesting. This enables Flashgot to download only the audio and skip the video, thus saving bandwidth. I'm missing details, like how Flashgot created this link, but if Flashgot has a way to do it, it stands to reason that other HTTP clients could do it too.




According to the Youtube API blog post, the only options you have of playing youtube on iOS is to link to the video (and have the internal YouTube app play the video), or link from a UIWebView and play from there. Audio-only playback is not supported.

根据Youtube API博客文章,您在iOS上播放youtube的唯一选项是链接到视频(并让内部YouTube应用播放视频),或者从UIWebView链接并从那里播放。不支持纯音频播放。



You can't. The data stream that you receive from youtube includes both video/audio streams.


What you do with the data, it's up to you. This thread has interesting info on the subject.




I would use a MPMoviePlayerController and hide it's view.




Using Audacity software, you could record the audio played on your computer from any source. Since Audacity is open source and you can find open source browsers, you could combine them and get the audio from youtube. Of course its a lot of work, but I am only saying it could be possible unlike others.




In Linux:

  • mps-youtube a CLI solution. More details here.


  • VLC can do that too if started without video - more here.

    如果在没有视频的情况下启动,VLC也可以这样做 - 更多信息。

  • mplayer can be used with the command mplayer -novideo URL

    mplayer可以与命令mplayer -novideo URL一起使用

  • mpv can be used with the command mpv --no-video URL

    mpv可以与命令mpv --no-video URL一起使用

  • Youtube Viewer, a CLI video player can be also used as indicated here.

    还可以使用Youtube Viewer,一个CLI视频播放器,如下所示。

A cross-platform solution:

As indicated in another answer the Flashgot addon for Firefox can identify in order to download an audio of a Youtube video. It will display a list of available streams for each video.


The idea is to start the youtube stream in an external player, but to be able to select only the audio stream with the Flashgot addon in Firefox by adding the external player as Flashgot "downloader" (like here) and then, after starting the youtube video in Firefox, using Flashgot to play only the audio stream by going to 'Available formats/DASH (separate audio and video tracks)'

我的想法是在外部播放器中启动youtube流,但是通过将外部播放器添加为Flashgot“downloader”(如此处),然后在启动youtube之后,能够通过Firefox中的Flashgot插件选择音频流Firefox中的视频,使用Flashgot通过转到'可用格式/ DASH(单独的音频和视频轨道)来播放音频流

[enter image description here

and select the specific audio track.


[enter image description here

Multimedia players can be assigned in Flashgot instead of a downloader, like VLC or SMPlayer, as most video players seem able to do the job (in Linux; for Windows, see below update); or even audio players like Clementine, although some audio players may not work.


It will start after a few seconds, some players after more than others. The fastest in Linux seems to be SMPlayer .

它将在几秒钟后开始,一些玩家比其他玩家更多。 Linux中最快的似乎是SMPlayer。


  • Flashgot has to be up to date.


  • In Windows, Flashgot seems to display some audio streams in a different location than in the above image, that is already on the first list (before the DASH list). SMPlayer works the best AFAICT. VLC works, but not with all the audio streams listed by Flashgot. Clementine, Foobar2000 and XMPlay failed. It may be an overall-Windows codecs problem. MPC-HC starts but doesn't buffer correctly and stops long before it should.

    在Windows中,Flashgot似乎在与上图不同的位置显示一些音频流,这已经在第一个列表中(在DASH列表之前)。 SMPlayer是最好的AFAICT。 VLC可以工作,但不适用于Flashgot列出的所有音频流。 Clementine,Foobar2000和XMPlay失败了。它可能是整体Windows编解码器问题。 MPC-HC启动但没有正确缓冲并在应该停止之前很久就停止了。



There are separate streams for audio and video. This is by default in mp4 to flash conversion.


You can get the combined stream in flash format or separate in mp4 form.


Exemple: [Headphones Stereo Test (HD)][youtube.com/watch?v=ZjAQylVPU3I]

例如:[耳机立体声测试(HD)] [youtube.com/watch?v=ZjAQylVPU3I]


[the flash stream][youtube.com/v/ZjAQylVPU3I]

[flash stream] [youtube.com/v/ZjAQylVPU3I]

containing the combination of audio stream and video stream in mp4 format.


*I'm sorry but the links will not work because they are customized based on ip , expire data , and other things.


To get these links i used uBlock origin for chrome because it has the logger function showing all connections made to server. search for : mime=video and you can see all links then remove the range to get full length. Same with mime=audio and also you can use that for stream in other flash players but it is against the Terms of Service.

为了获得这些链接,我使用uBlock origin作为chrome,因为它具有记录器功能,显示了对服务器的所有连接。搜索:mime = video,你可以看到所有链接,然后删除范围以获得全长。与mime = audio相同,您也可以将其用于其他Flash播放器中的流,但这违反了服务条款。

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