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I was thinking a bit and came up with an interesting problem, suppose we have a configuration (input) file with:


x -> x + 1
x -> x * 2
x -> x * x
x -> -x

And furthermore we have a list of Integers:


List list = new ArrayList<>();
list.addAll(Arrays.toList(1, 2, 3, 4, 5));

Is there a way to convert the Strings (x -> x + 1, etc.) to Objects that represent a lambda expression? Which could then be used as:

有没有办法将字符串(x - > x + 1等)转换为表示lambda表达式的对象?然后可以用作:

Object lambda = getLambdaFromString("x -> x + 1");
if (lambda.getClass().equals(IntFunction.class) {
        .mapToInt(x -> x)
        .map(x -> ((IntFunction)lambda).applyAsInt(x))

How would I write such a method getLambdaFromString?


  • Is there something I could reuse from the JDK/JRE?
  • 我可以从JDK / JRE中重用一些东西吗?

  • Would I need to write it all by myself?
  • 我需要自己写这些吗?

  • Is it possible to narrow down the Object lambda to something else that only captures lambdas?
  • 是否有可能将Object lambda缩小到仅捕获lambda的其他东西?

2 个解决方案



Marko's comment on the question is correct. You can't read a bare Java lambda expression out of a file, since such an expression isn't defined without a target type provided by the context. For example, consider the following method declarations:

Marko对这个问题的评论是正确的。您无法从文件中读取裸Java lambda表达式,因为如果没有上下文提供的目标类型,则不会定义此类表达式。例如,请考虑以下方法声明:

void method1(BiFunction f) { ... }
void method2(BiFunction f) { ... }

Then in the following code,


method1((x, y) -> x + y);
method2((x, y) -> x + y);

the two lambda expressions (x, y) -> x + y mean completely different things. For method1, the + operator is string concatenation, but for method2, it means integer addition.

两个lambda表达式(x,y) - > x + y表示完全不同的东西。对于method1,+运算符是字符串连接,但对于method2,它表示整数加法。

This is wandering a bit far afield from your question, but you can read and evaluate a lambda or function expression using a dynamic language. In Java 8 there is the Nashorn Javascript engine. So instead of attempting to read an evaluate a Java lambda expression, you could read and evaluate a Javascript function using Nashorn, called from Java.

这在你的问题上有点偏远,但你可以使用动态语言阅读和评估lambda或函数表达式。在Java 8中有Nashorn Javascript引擎。因此,您可以使用从Java调用的Nashorn来读取和评估Javascript函数,而不是尝试读取评估Java lambda表达式。

The following code takes a function in arg[0] and applies it to each subsequent, printing the results:

以下代码采用arg [0]中的函数并将其应用于每个后续函数,打印结果:

import java.util.function.Function;
import javax.script.*;

public class ScriptFunction {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        ScriptEngine engine = new ScriptEngineManager().getEngineByName("nashorn");

Still, you might find this technique useful if you have a need to evaluate expressions or functions read from a file.




I believe that using Nashorn Javascript engine mentioned in Stuart's answer is the best choice in most cases. However if, for some reason, it's desired to stay within the Java world I have recently created the LambdaFromString library that converts a String code to lambda at runtime.

我相信在大多数情况下,使用Stuart答案中提到的Nashorn Javascript引擎是最佳选择。但是,如果由于某种原因,我希望保持在Java世界中,我最近创建了LambdaFromString库,它在运行时将String代码转换为lambda。

When using that library the code doing what is specified in the question looks like this:


    List list = new ArrayList<>();
    list.addAll(Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3, 4, 5));

    LambdaFactory lambdaFactory = LambdaFactory.get();
    Function lambda = lambdaFactory
            .createLambda("x -> x + 1", new TypeReference>() {});
    list.stream().map(lambda).forEach(System.out::println); //prints 2 to 6

The only thing that differs is that the type of lambda has to be known and passed to the library so that the compiler knows what "+" means in this context.


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