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I have a structure:


struct pkt_
  double x;
  double y;
  double alfa;
  double r_kw;

typedef struct pkt_ pkt;

A table of these structures:


pkt *tab_pkt;

tab_pkt = malloc(ilosc_pkt * sizeof(pkt));

What I want to do is to sort tab_pkt by tab_pkt.alfa and tab_pkt.r:


qsort(tab_pkt, ilosc_pkt, sizeof(pkt), porownaj);

Where porownaj is a compare function, but how to write it? Here is my "sketch" of it:


int porownaj(const void *pkt_a, const void *pkt_b)
  if (pkt_a.alfa > pkt_b.alfa && pkt_a.r_kw > pkt_b.r_kw) return 1;
  if (pkt_a.alfa == pkt_b.alfa && pkt_a.r_kw == pkt_b.r_kw) return 0;
  if (pkt_a.alfa 

3 个解决方案



Something like this should work:


int porownaj(const void *p_a, const void *p_b)
  /* Need to store arguments in appropriate type before using */
  const pkt *pkt_a = p_a;
  const pkt *pkt_b = p_b;

  /* Return 1 or -1 if alfa members are not equal */
  if (pkt_a->alfa > pkt_b->alfa) return 1;
  if (pkt_a->alfa alfa) return -1;

  /* If alfa members are equal return 1 or -1 if r_kw members not equal */
  if (pkt_a->r_kw > pkt_b->r_kw) return 1;
  if (pkt_a->r_kw r_kw) return -1;

  /* Return 0 if both members are equal in both structures */
  return 0;

Stay away from silly tricks like:


return pkt_a->r_kw - pkt_b->r_kw;

which return un-normalized values, are confusing to read, won't work properly for floating point numbers, and sometimes have tricky corner cases that don't work properly even for integer values.




There are two parts to the problem - how to write the code, and how to compare the packet types. You must ensure you always return a value. Your code should also always be such that:

该问题分为两部分 - 如何编写代码,以及如何比较数据包类型。您必须确保始终返回值。您的代码也应始终如此:

porownaj(&pkt_a, &pkt_b) == -porownaj(&pkt_b, &pkt_a)

Your outline comparison does not handle cases such as:


pkt_a->alfa >  pkt_b->alfa && pkt_a->r_kw <= pkt_b->r_kw
pkt_a->alfa alfa && pkt_a->r_kw >= pkt_b->r_kw
pkt_a->alfa == pkt_b->alfa && pkt_a->r_kw != pkt_b->r_kw

There is one more problem - is it appropriate to compare floating point values for exact equality? That will depend on your application.

还有一个问题 - 比较浮点值是否适合精确相等?这取决于您的申请。

Mechanically, you have to convert the const void pointers to const structure pointers. I use the explicit cast - C++ requires it, and I try to make my code acceptable to a C++ compiler even when it is really C code.

在机械上,您必须将const void指针转换为const结构指针。我使用显式强制转换--C ++需要它,我尝试使我的代码可以接受C ++编译器,即使它真的是C代码。

int porownaj(const void *vp1, const void *vp2)
     const pkt *pkt_a = (const pkt *)vp1;
     const pkt *pkt_b = (const pkt *)vp2;

     if (pkt_a->alfa >  pkt_b->alfa && pkt_a->r_kw >  pkt_b->r_kw) return 1;
     if (pkt_a->alfa == pkt_b->alfa && pkt_a->r_kw == pkt_b->r_kw) return 0;
     if (pkt_a->alfa alfa && pkt_a->r_kw r_kw) return -1;
     return 0;

This does not deal with the bits that I cannot resolve since I am not party to the necessary information. Note that, in general, multi-dimensional objects (such as complex numbers, or (x,y) or (x,y,z) coordinates) cannot simply be compared for greater than or less than or equal to.




Yes, I am sorting by alfa and r_kw decides if pkt is first (first value will have the biggest (or smallest) alfa and r_kw I think). That's how I understand the problem, I am not 100% sure.


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