作者:符小萧_103 | 来源:互联网 | 2023-07-10 16:17
I am working on the phonegap project. I uses codova version 3.5.0 jquery mobile version 1.2.1
我正在研究phonegap项目。我使用codova版本3.5.0 jquery移动版本1.2.1
I have made dialog box with back and ok button using data-role = dialog. It is working fine when content is small. But the dialog box is not scrolling when the content is long. I have attached images of my problem.
我使用data-role = dialog创建了带有back和ok按钮的对话框。内容很小时工作正常。但是当内容很长时,对话框不会滚动。我附上了我的问题的图像。
I have set "DisallowOverscroll" to "true" in my config.xml file.
1 个解决方案