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package com.yong.util;

import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;

import java.io.File;

import java.io.FileInputStream;

import java.io.IOException;

import java.io.InputStream;

import java.util.ArrayList;

import java.util.HashMap;

import org.json.JSONObject;

import com.baidu.aip.face.AipFace;

import com.baidu.aip.face.FaceVerifyRequest;

import com.baidu.aip.face.MatchRequest;

import com.baidu.aip.util.Base64Util;

//import Decoder.BASE64Decoder;

public class FaceSpot {

//private static final BASE64Decoder decoder = new BASE64Decoder();


private static final String AppID = “1799—”;

private static final String APIKey = “E1lQ78z----”;

private static final String SecretKey = “mTAZ-----”;

static AipFace client = null;
static {
client = new AipFace(AppID, APIKey, SecretKey);
// 可选:设置网络连接参数
//String file1 = "F:/3.png";
//String file2 = "F:/2.png";
//byte[] img1 = FileToByte(new File(file1));
//byte[] img2 = FileToByte(new File(file1));
//matchFace(img1, img2);
//获得此用户所有面部Facial ID
//searchFace(img2, "EasyBuy","22");
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
//BASE64Decoder decoder = new BASE64Decoder();
String file1 = "E:/login.jpg";
byte[] img2 = FileToByte(new File(file1));

// String file1 = "E:/IMG.jpg";
//byte[] img2 = FileToByte(new File(file1));
// System.out.println(searchFace(img2,"user_face","1"));

* 人脸检测
* @return
* @throws IOException
public static String detectFace(File file, String max_face_num) {
try {
return detectFace(FileToByte(file), max_face_num);
} catch (IOException e) {
return null;
* 人脸检测
* @return
* @throws IOException
public static String detectFace(byte[] arg0, String max_face_num) {
try {
HashMap optiOns= new HashMap();
options.put("max_face_num", "2");
options.put("face_type", "LIVE");
// 图片数据
String imgStr = Base64Util.encode(arg0);
String imageType = "BASE64";
JSONObject res = client.detect(imgStr, imageType, options);
// System.out.println(res.toString(2));
return res.toString();
} catch (Exception e) {
return null;
* 人脸比对
* @param file1
* @param file2
* @return
public static String matchFace(File file1, File file2) {
try {
return matchFace(FileToByte(file1), FileToByte(file2));
} catch (IOException e) {
return null;
* 人脸比对
* @param arg0
* 人脸1
* @param arg1
* 人脸2
* @return
public static String matchFace(byte[] arg0, byte[] arg1) {
String imgStr1 = Base64Util.encode(arg0);
String imgStr2 = Base64Util.encode(arg1);
MatchRequest req1 = new MatchRequest(imgStr1, "BASE64");
MatchRequest req2 = new MatchRequest(imgStr2, "BASE64");
ArrayList requests = new ArrayList();
JSONObject res = client.match(requests);
return res.toString();
* 人脸搜索
* @param file
* @param groupIdList
* @param userId
* @return
public static String searchFace(File file, String groupIdList, String userId) {
try {
return searchFace(FileToByte(file), groupIdList, userId);
} catch (IOException e) {

return null;
* 人脸搜索
* @param arg0
* @param groupIdList
* @return
public static String searchFace(byte[] arg0, String groupIdList,
String userId) {
String imgStr = Base64Util.encode(arg0);
String imageType = "BASE64";
HashMap optiOns= new HashMap();
options.put("quality_control", "NORMAL");
options.put("liveness_control", "LOW");
if (userId != null) {
options.put("user_id", userId);
options.put("max_user_num", "1");
JSONObject res = client.search(imgStr, imageType, groupIdList, options);
return res.toString(2);
public static JSONObject searchFace(String imgStr, String groupIdList,
String userId) {
String imageType = "BASE64";
HashMap optiOns= new HashMap();
options.put("quality_control", "NORMAL");
options.put("liveness_control", "LOW");
* if (userId != null) { options.put("user_id", userId); }
options.put("max_user_num", "1");
JSONObject res = client.search(imgStr, imageType, groupIdList, options);
return res;
* 增加用户
* @param file
* @param userInfo
* @param userId
* @param groupId
* @return
public static String addUser(File file, String userInfo, String userId,
String groupId) {
try {
return addUser(FileToByte(file), userInfo, userId, groupId);
} catch (IOException e) {

return null;
* 增加用户
* @param arg0
* @param userInfo
* @param userId
* @param groupId
* @return
public static String addUser(byte[] arg0, String userInfo, String userId,String groupId) {
String imgStr = Base64Util.encode(arg0);
String imageType = "BASE64";
HashMap optiOns= new HashMap();
options.put("user_info", userInfo);
options.put("quality_control", "NORMAL");
options.put("liveness_control", "LOW");
JSONObject res = client.addUser(imgStr, imageType, groupId, userId,options);
return res.toString(2);
public static String updateUser(File file, String userInfo, String userId,
String groupId) {
try {
return updateUser(FileToByte(file), userInfo, userId, groupId);
} catch (IOException e) {
return null;
* 更新用户
* @param arg0
* @param userInfo
* @param userId
* @param groupId
* @return
public static String updateUser(byte[] arg0, String userInfo,
String userId, String groupId) {
String imgStr = Base64Util.encode(arg0);
String imageType = "BASE64";
HashMap optiOns= new HashMap();
if (userInfo != null) {
options.put("user_info", userInfo);
options.put("quality_control", "NORMAL");
options.put("liveness_control", "LOW");
JSONObject res = client.updateUser(imgStr, imageType, groupId, userId,
return res.toString(2);
* 删除用户人脸信息
* @param userId
* @param groupId
* @param faceToken
* @return
public static String deleteUserFace(String userId, String groupId,
String faceToken) {
HashMap optiOns= new HashMap();
// 人脸删除
JSONObject res = client.faceDelete(userId, groupId, faceToken, options);
return res.toString();
* 查询用户信息
* @param userId
* @param groupId
* @return
public static String searchUserInfo(String userId, String groupId) {
HashMap optiOns= new HashMap();
// 用户信息查询
JSONObject res = client.getUser(userId, groupId, options);
return res.toString(2);
* 获取用户人脸列表
* @param userId
* @param groupId
* @return
public static String getUserFaceList(String userId, String groupId) {
HashMap optiOns= new HashMap();
// 获取用户人脸列表
JSONObject res = client.faceGetlist(userId, groupId, options);
return res.toString(2);
* 获取一组用户
* @param groupId
* @param returnNum
* @return
public static String getGroupUsers(String groupId, String returnNum) {
HashMap optiOns= new HashMap();
options.put("start", "0");
if (returnNum != null) {
options.put("length", returnNum);
// 获取用户列表
JSONObject res = client.getGroupUsers(groupId, options);
return res.toString(2);
* 组用户复制
* @param userId
* @param srcGroupId
* @param dstGroupId
* @return
public static String userCopy(String userId, String srcGroupId,
String dstGroupId) {
HashMap optiOns= new HashMap();
options.put("src_group_id", srcGroupId);
options.put("dst_group_id", dstGroupId);
// 复制用户
JSONObject res = client.userCopy(userId, options);
return res.toString(2);
* 删除用户
* @param userId
* @param groupId
* @return
public static String deleteUser(String userId, String groupId) {
HashMap optiOns= new HashMap();
// 人脸删除
JSONObject res = client.deleteUser(groupId, userId, options);
return res.toString();
* 增加组信息
* @param groupId
* @return
public static String addGroup(String groupId) {
HashMap optiOns= new HashMap();
// 创建用户组
JSONObject res = client.groupAdd(groupId, options);
return res.toString();
* 删除
* @param groupId
* @return
public static String deleteGroup(String groupId) {
HashMap optiOns= new HashMap();
// 创建用户组
JSONObject res = client.groupDelete(groupId, options);
return res.toString();
* 获取组列表
* @param length
* @return
public static String getGroupList(String length) {
HashMap optiOns= new HashMap();
options.put("start", "0");
options.put("length", length);
// 组列表查询
JSONObject res = client.getGroupList(options);
return res.toString();
* 活体检测
* @param arg0
* @return
public static String faceverify(byte[] arg0) {
String imgStr = Base64Util.encode(arg0);
String imageType = "BASE64";
FaceVerifyRequest req = new FaceVerifyRequest(imgStr, imageType);
ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
JSONObject res = client.faceverify(list);
return res.toString();
public static byte[] FileToByte(File file) throws IOException {
// 将数据转为流
InputStream cOntent= new FileInputStream(file);
ByteArrayOutputStream swapStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
byte[] buff = new byte[100];
int rc = 0;
while ((rc = content.read(buff, 0, 100)) > 0) {
swapStream.write(buff, 0, rc);
// 获得二进制数组
return swapStream.toByteArray();


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